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South Africa

Polished Natural Gem Lepidolite Free Forms L

Polished Natural Gem Lepidolite Free Forms L

Regular price $75.60
Regular price Sale price $75.60
Sale Sold out
Size 340/470/500/690 g

Lepidolite, with its soothing lavender tones, is renowned for the belief of its calming influence on the mind and emotions. A very stunning range of hand made free forms from South Afica capture the essence of Lepidolite, making them a valuable tool for reducing stress, promoting emotional healing, and encouraging a sense of inner peace. Embrace the gentle vibrations of Lepidolite as it aids in releasing anxiety, promoting restful sleep, and balancing the heart and crown chakras.

This stone contains lithium, which has been used in modern medicine to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Lepidolite helps to release blockages, addictions, toxic patterns and negative habits. It emits a gentle and healing energy that balances your mood, feelings and emotions. This gemstone is ideal in times of transition; it creates gentle changes to move toward in life. It encourages you to let go of fear, resentment, sadness, pain, and grief. Lepidolite promotes self love, inner peace, tranquility, and calmness. This stone stimulates your psychic abilities, clairvoyance, intuition and extrasensory perception (ESP), also known as your sixth sense. It amplifies your connection with the universe which attracts more synchronicities into your life. It enhances your focus, concentration and mental sharpness.


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