圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 13)
A SHORT time later, I was working intently one evening, when I heard Saint Germain’s voice distinctly.
“Be ready,” he said, “tonight at nine o’clock, and I will come for you.”
I was alert in an instant, hurried through my work, bathed, and was preparing for an early dinner.
“I will bring you the proper nourishment,” he explained, so I waited and entered into the deepest meditation of which I could be aware, recognizing only God’s Perfect Manifestation.
Promptly at nine o’clock, he appeared in my room wearing garments of Glistening Metallic-like Substance that looked, as if made of burnished steel but felt like a combination of very soft silk and rubber extremely light in weight. I touched the beautiful, wonderful fabric and was so fascinated that I stepped forth from my physical body, and was unaware of it, until I turned and saw it lying in bed. Stepping forward to a large mirror in the door, I saw my garments were exactly like those of Saint Germain. I wondered at this, and did not understand why they were different from the ones in which we had gone forth before. He saw that question in my mind and answered it.
“Try to realize, my son, that in the Ascended Condition of Life we are always free to use the Pure, Universal Substance for whatever purpose we choose, and give it any specific quality we desire for the requirement at hand.
“我的孩子,试着去了解,在生命的扬升状态中为了达成我们选择承担的任务,我们总是自由地使用纯粹的宇宙材质,并根据我们希望的来赋予它任何特定的特质 满足完成任务所需。”
“If we wish to use material that is imperishable we impose that quality upon the Pure, Universal Substance, and It responds accordingly. If we wish a form to be manifest only a definite length of time, we give the Substance, of which it is composed that quality or command and the form manifests accordingly. In the present instance, we are going to pass through water and the Radiation from the material in your garment so surrounds your finer body as to insulate you from the natural qualities and activities of the water element.
“Try to think upon this Power, which is within you. Call into use the great sea of Universal Substance from which you may draw without limit. It obeys without exception the direction of thought, and records any quality imposed upon it, through the activity of the feeling nature in mankind.
“Universal Substance is obedient to your conscious will at all times. It is constantly responding to humanity’s thought and feeling whether they realize it or not. There is no instant at which human beings are not giving This Substance one quality or another, and it is only through the knowledge that the individual has conscious control and manipulation of a limitless sea of It that he begins to understand the possibilities of his own Creative Powers, and the responsibilities resting upon him in the use of his thought and feeling.
“Mankind through the centuries has qualified the Universal Substance with perishability and limitation and the bodies it uses today are expressing those characteristics. The entire human race has storms of hate, anger, revenge et cetera within its feelings and the four elements which have recorded those qualities return them to man through the world of nature as storms. The people of earth have cataclysms of thought and feeling as resentment against each other, against injustice, against places and things knowingly and unknowingly sending out the feeling of revenge. The great sea of Universal Substance upon which these qualities have been recorded and imposed expresses them back to their source the individual by means of the four elements as cataclysms in Nature.
“Such activities are but Nature’s ways of purifying and shaking herself free from the contamination of human discordant thought and feeling, and returning to her Pristine Condition of God’s Purity.
“Every moment, each individual is receiving into his mind and body the Pure and Perfect Life of God. Each moment, he is also giving quality of some kind to the Pure Universal Substance of God. This quality he alone creates and generates and he must receive it back into his mind and body for all things in the Universe move in circles, and thus, return unto their source.
“The Ascended Masters have learned the ’Law of the Circle’, ’The Law of the One.’ Hence, we impose upon the Pure Universal Substance only the quality we wish to use, for the special work in hand. If we desire a manifestation to express a certain length of time we set the time give the command and the Substance of which that special manifestation is composed responds accordingly.
“扬升大师们已经掌握了‘循环法则’. ‘合一法则’。因此,我们只会把我们希望使用的特质加到纯粹的宇宙材质中,用于手头的特殊工作。如果我们希望一种形态只出现一段特定的时间,我们就会设定时间并给出命令然后由这种特质构成的相应形态就会显化出来。”
“In the case of the records at the Royal Teton and certain retreats throughout the world it is necessary for our work that certain things be made imperishable, in order to be maintained during the centuries. We decree that quality into them, and they record exactly our decree, for Nature never lies. She is a Truthful recorder of the qualities playing upon Her. She obeys us, and also obeys man, but there is a certain activity within Her that mankind is either in ignorance of or else stubbornly refuses to acknowledge. For this ignorance and stubbornness it pays and pays and pays continually, until the individual personal self learns and does acknowledge this Fundamental Eternal Truth: It is ’The Law of the One’ .’The Law of Love’ .’The Law of Harmony’ .’The Law of the Circle’ .’The Law of Perfection.’
“就那些在提顿王室以及世界各地隐蔽之处的记录而言,对我们的工作来说 有必要让某些东西不腐败,从而在之后时代中保存下来。我们向材质发出拥有这种特质的指令,它们就准确地记录下我们的命令,因为自然从不说谎。她是在她身上发挥着作用特质的真实记录者。她服从于我们,也服从于人类,不过在她内在有一种特殊的活动 人们要么是无知要么就是顽固地拒绝承认。对于这种无知和顽固,人类不断地付出代价 付出代价付出代价,直至个人自我学习并认可这一基本永恒真理:它是‘合一法则’.‘爱之法则’.‘和谐法则’.‘循环法则’.‘完美法则’。”
“When humanity really does learn that ‘Fact’ and obeys Its Everlasting Decree the discords of earth and the destructive activities of the four elements will cease.
“There is a Self-generating and Self-purifying Force within Nature that rises, and throws off all that disagrees with the ’Law of the One.’ This force or Energy is a Pushing Activity from within out, and is the One Power expanding. If discord is imposed upon Pure Universal Substance, the electronic energy becomes temporarily damned up within it. When such accumulated energy reaches a certain pressure expansion takes place shattering the discord and limitation. Thus, ‘The Great Life of the One.’ .’The Ever-Expanding Luminous Essence of Creation’ .’God in Action’ overpowers whatever seeks to oppose It, and goes on Its appointed Way the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. The Ascended Masters of Light know this and are ‘One’ with that knowledge.
“自然界中存在着自我产生和自我净化的力量,它会升起,并抛掉所有不与‘合一法则’校准的一切。这种力量或者能量是一种由内向外推动的活动,是一直拓展的合一力量。如果不和谐的特质被施加到纯粹的宇宙材质上,其中的电子能量会暂时性地被破坏。当这种积累的能量达到一定压力时就会发生扩张打破所有的不和谐和限制。因此,‘合一的伟大生命’.‘永恒拓展的创造光之精华’.‘行动中的神’会超越一切试图反对它的东西,并继续根据宇宙的至高统治者指定的道路前进。光之扬升大师知道这一点 并与这种知识是‘合一’的。”
“Mankind may know it, and be at ‘One’ also if they only will. It is within the capabilities and possibilities of every individual for It is the Innate Eternal Principle Within Self-Conscious Life. All human beings are Self-Conscious Life. This Principle plays no favorites, and all can express Its fulness if they really so desire.
“Within the Life of every human being is the Power by which he can express all that the Ascended Masters express every moment if he but chooses to do so. All Life contains Will but only Self-Conscious Life is free to determine upon its own course of expression. Hence, the individual has free choice to express either in the human, limited body or the Super-Human, Divine Body. He is the chooser of his own field of expression. He is the Self-determining Creator. He has willed and chosen to live as Self-Conscious Life.
“When one individualizes within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life he chooses of his own free will to become an intensified individual focus of Self-Conscious Intelligence. He is the conscious director of his future activities. Thus, having once made his choice he is the only one who can fulfill that destiny which is not inflexible circumstance but a definitely designed plan of Perfection. It is a blue print which he elects to express in the realm of form and action. So you see, my son, a human being may at any time determine to rise out of his human qualities or limitations and if he will give all of his Life, his Energy, to that determination he will succeed. Those of us who have raised the body accomplished the ’Ascension’ by giving all unto the God-Self Within and hence, It expresses through us Its Perfect Qualities ’The Divine Plan of Life.’ Come, let us go.”
“当一个个体在绝对、无所不在的生命中达成个体化时,通过自己的自由意志,他选择成为拥有自我意识的智能 强化的个体聚焦点。他是自己未来活动的有意识的指导者。因此,一旦做出了他的选择他是唯一可以实现他使命的人这不是一成不变的状况 而是一个明确的设计好的完美计划。这是一个蓝图,他选择在形态和行动的领域中进行表达。所以你看,我的孩子,一个人可以在任何时候下决心超越他的人格特性或局限 如果他愿意把他全部的生命、能量投入到那个决心之中,他就会成功。我们中的这些已经提升身体达成 ‘扬升’的人通过把所有一切交给内在的神之自我,因此它通过我们表达出了它完美的特质 ‘生命的神圣计划’。来,我们走。”
As we started on our journey, I was conscious of going south and east. We passed over Salt Lake City, New Orleans, the Gulf of Mexico, The Bahama Islands, and then came to a silver ribbon which I knew to be a river. This we followed to its mouth. As we proceeded the God-Voice Within me said:
“It is the Amazon.”
“Now, be conscious,” instructed Saint Germain, “that the God in you is always directing and Master of every situation.”
Just at that moment, we began to descend, and in an instant touched the surface of the water. It seemed firm as solid earth under our feet, and I experienced a feeling of surprise at the contact. He explained further that we could go under water quite as well as to remain on top for the garments we wore radiated a protective aura for a considerable distance around our bodies and contained the conditions we needed which enabled us to explore the subterranean stratas of earth and things under water.
就在这时,我们开始下沉,我们瞬间就碰到了水面。我们的脚下似乎很坚固就像坚实的大地一样,接触到的一瞬间我感到很惊讶。他进一步解释说 我们既可以潜入水下,也可以留在水面上因为我们穿着的衣服散发出一种保护性的光环可以围绕着我们的身体延伸出相当长的距离同时包含我们需要的条件让我们可以探索地球地表之下和水下的区域。
“This,” he continued, “is due to what the scientific world would call an ‘electrical force-field’ around our bodies but the electronic force with which these garments are charged is of a higher, finer electricity than that known in your-physical world. Some day, even your men of science will stumble upon it and realize it has always existed in the atmosphere but they have not known how to direct and control it for the service of mankind.
“It is much more easily directed by the mind than by physical apparatus of any kind, yet it can be drawn and controlled through mechanical means. That which the outer world knows as electricity is but a crude form of the Great Spiritual Energy of Life. It exists throughout Creation. As man raises and keeps his consciousness in contact with his Inner God-Self, he will become aware of the gigantic possibilities in the use of this higher power and force. Its service to him is nfinite in the creative work that he can do in all phases of activity.”
We then entered the water, passing through it with no resistance at all. I was slightly startled at the novelty of the experience but remembered instantly the admonition to be conscious only of the God Within me as the Master of every condition. Presently, we came near the shore and passed over many crocodiles who saw us but were undisturbed by our presence. Proceeding inland, we came to what looked like the top of a monument.
“This is the top of a sixty foot obelisk,” explained Saint Germain. “There is only about ten feet above ground. It marked the highest point in a city of importance that was buried during the last cataclysm when Atlantis was submerged. The obelisk is made of Imperishable metal and covered with hieroglyphics of that period. Notice, they are very clear and will remain so because of the Indestructibility of the metal. The city was originally built ten miles from the edge of the river but at the time it was submerged the mouth of the river was widened many miles.”
“这是一座六十英尺的方尖碑顶部,”圣哲曼解释说。“这里距离地面只有大约十英尺的距离。它标志着上一次大灾难也就是亚特兰蒂斯沉没时,一座被掩埋的重要城市的最高点。方尖碑由不会腐烂的金属制成,上面覆盖的是那个时期的象形文字。注意,它们非常清晰,并且会这样保持下去 因为那些金属经久不衰。这座城市最初建立在离河边十英里的地方但是当它被淹没时河口被拓宽了很多英里。”
We raised above the earth, and passed forward, following the Amazon to a point fifty-six degrees west longitude. There, we took observations, and then proceeded to a point seventy degrees west. Saint Germain explained here was the locality for further observation and research. The section he indicated covered the Amazon between these two points, and also two of its principle tributaries, the Jurua and Madeira rivers.
“This civilization,” said Saint Germain, “was built during the period between twelve and fourteen thousand years ago. The portion of the country we are concerned with is that section reaching from where the Madeira River empties into the Amazon to a point west where the Amazon touches Columbia and Peru.
“Thirteen thousand years ago, the Amazon—was held within great dykes of stone. The entire country around it lay at an altitude of at least five thousand feet, and instead of the tropical climate it has today, a semi-tropical temperature existed the year round.
“For a great distance in this locality, the country formed a table land or plateau. Near the mouth of the Amazon were wide beautiful falls. The city, in which the obelisk stood, was built between the falls and the sea coast about ten miles south of the river. There were great reptiles and vicious animals to be found in the Orinoco River to the north.” We came to a place near the Madeira River, and Saint Germain continued:
“这个国家在这个位置建立了一个巨大的台地或是平地。在亚马逊河口处是宽大美丽的瀑布。方尖碑所在城市,位于瀑布和海岸之间 大约是河流南部数十英里的距离。那时从奥里诺科河一直向北,可以看到大量爬行动物和凶猛的动物。” 我们来到靠近马德拉河的地方,圣哲曼继续说道:
“This is the site of an ancient city the capital of the empire and most important place in the civilization of that period.” Here, he raised his hand, and it became as clearly visible, as any physical city is today.
“Notice,” he explained, “how it was built in a series of circles and the business streets go out from its center, like the spokes from the hub of a wheel. The outer circles were pleasure drives built every third mile. There were seven of these making the city forty-six miles in diameter including the central circle. Thus, the business activities did not interfere with the beauty and convenience of the drives.
“The inmost circle was four miles in diameter, and within it were placed the executive buildings of the whole empire. The streets were all beautifully paved, and constructed eighteen inches to two feet below the surrounding buildings and grounds. They were flooded every morning, and washed thoroughly clean before the activities of the day began.
“Observe, the unusual magnificence of the pleasure drives, and how gorgeously beautiful were the plants and flowers forming the banks on both sides. One very predominant feature of their architectural design was that on the top floor of almost all the buildings, especially residences, were built adjustable domes. These could be opened or closed at will as they were constructed in four sections and arranged so as to serve for either sleeping or entertaining purposes. The days were never uncomfortably warm, and at evening the wonderful cool air from the mountains came as regularly as day appeared.”
“仔细观察,这些休闲车道异常壮观,车道旁的植物和花卉是多么美丽。他们建筑设计的一个非常显著的特点是,几乎所有建筑物的顶层,尤其是住宅,建造了可调节的圆顶。这些圆顶可以根据意愿打开或者关闭 —— 因为它们由四个部分构建而成,如此安排是为了用于睡眠或者娱乐休闲。白天从来不会温暖得让人不舒服,夜晚的时候美妙凉爽的空气从群山中吹来,有如日出般那么规律。”