圣哲曼系列 03《“我是”开示 》THE“I AM” DISCOURSES (part 16)

                          DISCOURSE XV

INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, Conquering Presence, the Majesty of "I AM" everywhere! We give praise and thanks for Thy Mighty Presence every- where. Thy All-Pervading Energy and Power ever stands at the door of our consciousness for use that We may consciously direct It to manifest Thy Wondrous Perfection. Forever we give praise and thanks to Thee for Thy Mighty Presence.


I bring you Greetings from the Great Ascended Host, always giving Their Assistance, that you may manifest Perfection.


                                     THE DISCOURSE

Out of the glorious fullness of God's Omnipresent Light and Substance comes the fullness of all things. The student who is strong enough-firm enough-to stand alone with his or her "Mighty I AM Presence," never dividing for a single hour the Presence and Power of God, will find himself or herself steadily rising into that Mighty Perfection, forever free from all sense or recognition of any limitation.


The student is fortunate indeed who can hold himself or herself within this Mighty Presence undivided. For the benefit of some of the students who are so sincere, and yet are unknowingly allowing their attention to be withheld from that Undivided Presence, I wish to state certain facts with no intent to intrude upon the free will of the individual.


These records which I shall quote, We have within Our Possession, and they cover the past one hundred years. That of which I wish to speak today is the delusion of astrology.

我要引用的这些记录是我们所拥有的,它们涵盖了过去的一百年。 我今天要讲的是占星学的错觉。

No one living can give his attention to astrology and enter into the "Presence of the I AM" and remain there. Underlying the present use of astrology is the human desire and opportunity to justify and gratify the outer desires. Here let Me state an appalling fact which is within the records We have: there is no one thing or pliase of study which lias caused more fai1ure or more indirect murder than the present delusion of astrology.


In your city of Chicago, within very recent years, was a splendid student of metaphysics who, consciously accepting the delusion of his horoscope, was driven to commit suicide.


The one thing humanity needs most, and students above all else, is the firm rock and Consciousness of the "Mighty I AM Presence" upon which to stand safely and free from the pitfalls of outer concoctions. It is not the negative statements of prospective death and the so-called ill-fated star force to be overcome that students need to know, but the "Unconquerable, All-pervading 'I AM Presence' "that is the only and all Life of their Beings to which their attention needs to be drawn-and held there with a firm grasp.

人类最需要的一件事,尤其是学生们,就是坚如磐石的“伟大我是临在”的意识,让人能够保持安全和不踏入外在杂念/幻象的陷阱。学生需要知道的不是关于未来死亡的负面信息和需要克服的命运多舛,而是“战无不胜的、无所不在的‘我是临在’”— 这是他们存在的唯一与全部生命,他们的注意力需要被吸引到这点上,并牢牢把握住。

In the "I AM Presence" there is no height the student may not reach; but by allowing his attention to be held by astrology, numerology, and the many isms of today, there is no depth he may not reach.


The present use of astrology has no semblance of the use to which it was put centuries ago. Then it conveyed no negative statements of any kind. The great harm of the attention fixed upon it is that students accept the negative statements far more than they are willing to admit. The sinister negative force generated by mankind in the world always takes advantage of such things as this to get and hold the attention, especially of the student who is progressing, and thus keep it upon that which will pull him down instead of raising him up.


Where there is a horoscope that indicates the death of someone, various minds become fixed upon that idea, and actual indirect murder is committed-so subtle that individuals would be shocked to be reminded that they had any part in it; but I assure you, it is none the less the Truth, for all of their surprise.


Could the students of astrology see for one day from the Great Inner Standpoint the destructive force generated and used through the present use of astrology, they would tum from it as from a poisonous serpent waiting to strike death into their veins.


I say to you beloved students, in the name of your Light and progress, and of all progress, stand within your own "Mighty I AM Presence" and let not your attention be held or divided by any outer thing if you wish to avoid the wheel of birth and rebirth indefinitely.


From the Great Love of My Heart-seeing and knowing from the Inner Standpoint as you do not and cannot possibly as yet-I urge you to avoid everything that savors of a negative expression or condition. Then you shall rise on the Wings of your "Mighty I AM Presence" into that Everlasting Freedom and Blessing of the Perfect, Eternal, Limitless Light.

从我内心的伟大的爱中,从内在的角度来看和了解,你还没有也不可能做到。 我敦促你避免一切带有消极的表达或状况的事物。 接着,你将乘着“强大的我是临在”的翅膀,进入那永恒的自由和完美、永恒、无限之光的祝福。

As I said, I do not wish in any manner to intrude upon your free will, but the Gates of Eternal Freedom are open before you, if you will but believe the Truth I have uttered, which will enable you to enter within these Gates and receive the Eternal Blessing of the Light waiting there to enfold you.


If there are conditions in your Life, home or environment that you wish to be rid of, command through the "I AM Presence" that they be dissolved and consumed before Its Mighty Light and Power.


Beloved Students who have come under this Radiation, with you We shall not touch upon this subject again. May the "I AM Presence" within you enable you to see the Light and Truth of which I have spoken. I have seen within you the Glorious Light that can be quickened into a Dazzling Radiance, enabling you to express Perfection. Hence, of My own volition have I offered My humble Assistance; but if the personality persists in allowing the attention to be held on anything but the "Mighty I AM Presence" -which I know is the Mightiest and Only Raising Presence and Solver of all problems-then My humble efforts must necessarily be in vain.


I assure you, Dear Ones, you have reached a point where you must go up or down. With your determined attention and acknowledgment constantly held on the "Mighty I AM Presence," there is no condition, force or presence in earth or heaven that can prevent your wondrous, glorious attainment into Everlasting Freedom and Perfection.

我向你们保证,亲爱的,你们已经到了必须提升或下滑的地步。 当你始终坚定地专注并承认“强大的我是临在”时,在地球或天堂中没有任何条件、力量或存在可以阻止你实现永恒自由和完美的奇妙、光荣的成就。

If you have not That within you which causes you to feel and tells you of the Great Divine Love that enables Me to voice this Truth to you for your protection, then We must but wait such time as the Truth of It does appear within you.


When students and individuals have once learned of and acknowledged the "Mighty I AM Presence" and then allow their attention to longer be held by or upon outer things, whether it be consciously or unconsciously makes little difference; for they are deliberately turning their backs to the "Presence," which is the Source of their Being and the Life within them that enables them to move their bodies about. I declare with all the Love of My Being that: "I AM the Presence" enabling you to see and feel this Truth and stand by and within It-for the sake of your own wondrous progress.


Those who will hold steadfast enough to that Mighty Presence will find abundant proof coming into their experience of Its Limitless Power and Intelligence.


Beloved Students! Many Hands of the Ascended Host are extended to you to give Their Assistance when you can hold your undivided attention on the Active Presence of God in you, and stand there unyielding to the pull of all outer appearance.


"Truth is Mighty and does prevail." May you feel Its Majestic Presence at all times. It is a mistake on the part of the student to feel disappointment because a certain thing he has worked on does not manifest instantly, when as yet, he has not generated great enough power and activity to produce it that quickly. The attention must always be on the "I AM" only.


Suppose I were to declare: " 'I AM' the Mighty 'I AM Presence' in Action," and then an hour later I allowed my attention to be fixed on a star in a so- called adverse aspect to Me, or an outer condition that indicates disaster of some kind. Do you not see how that would annul the Statement I had made which would liberate the Power of Freedom?


Jesus said: "Ye cannot serve two masters." This means that you cannot divide the attention -for you must stop, look, and listen. I tell you, you cannot make steady progress if you give power to anything but your "Mighty I AM Presence." The unfortunate thing with so many students is that they do not hold long and steadily enough to the Mighty Truth of their Being to gain momentum and strength enough to stand against the pull of suggestion and outer appearance.


The strange thing to Me is that when the students' attention has been once drawn to the All-Power of the "I AM Presence" -which is the Only Active Principle of Life they have, God in Action within and about them -they cannot or do not see that they are dividing the power when the attention is fixed on outer things, and but delaying the magnificent activity and accomplishment which the "I AM Presence" would otherwise bring forth. However, having gone through the mill, so to speak, We have Infinite Patience to wait until the beloved student can grasp his Scepter of Dominion of this "Mighty I AM Presence" and hold it.


I could bring you records of the most appalling things done through the suggestion of astrology. Crimes are committed every week of the year by the suggestions given out through it. The suggestion given sets the Law into action to accomplish it. When your attention is on a thing, the power within yourself goes instantly into it.


If the astrologers do not stop holding the thought of death against ....... she will pass out. It is criminal! ....... is a child of God and is entitled to live here as long as is decreed. I shall do what I am permitted to protect ........ There are crimes so much worse than physical murder that there is no comparison- because they are committed deliberately by people who know better than to do them. There is one certain, unfailing Action of the Law, and that is that those who do these things must pay the penalty of a like experience.

如果占星家们不停止持有死亡的念头,她将会死去。这是犯罪行为!......是神的孩子,有权在此居住多长时间就是命定的。我将做我被允许保护的事情......有些罪行比人身谋杀更为严重,无法相提并论— 因为它们是有意为之的,这些人知道不应该这样做。有一种确定、可靠的行动法则,那些做这些事情的人必须付出同样经历的惩罚。

To negative suggestions from others say: " 'I AM' the Presence,' annulling all this, so it cannot affect me, my home or world." It is the easiest thing in the world to consciously ipate something that is voiced in your presence. Simply say: " 'I AM' the only Presence acting here.''


To anything you do not wish to continue say: "Through the Presence that 'I AM,' this thing shall cease, now and forever." Go after it like you were going to knock over a wall. When you really feel and mean a thing, you loose the power that does the thing. Try to realize the Limitless Power at your command.


In the feeling is both sight and hearing, because we can both hear and see without using the faculties of sight and hearing.


When one becomes instantly angry, he punctures other spheres of that quality and the accumulation rides in. Jealousy is the wide-open channel upon which every other destructive activity rides in. When things are done consciously, they have much more power. When the energy is released, it acts, because the individual has set it into motion- and it makes no difference whether he be king or chimney sweep.


When the feelings are excited, they are accepting that instant. You can sit and listen to destructive conversation unaffected, so long as you control the feeling at the solar plexus. There cannot a thing enter your world-unless it be invited.


No good ever came of gambling. ....... at one time had a most wonderful power and influence about her. She began to play the market, and not only lost the power, but her money as well. Is it not better to stand with your "I AM Presence" than with a gambling channel? Anything that gets your attention is a subtle activity of the outer to pull you away from your Freedom.


For financial Freedom: " 'I AM' the riches of God flowing into my hands and use that nothing can stop." Say often: "The 'Presence I AM' governs every existing channel in manifestation. It governs all."


A student's experience: The student had heard and seen an explosion of Light while the physical body was asleep. If she had consciously said when she heard the explosion: "I draw into my mind and body the Strength of the Light Explosion," she would have received its benefit. The Light was the liberating of certain Powers for her use. In such experiences, the important thing for the student to do is to be alert, and in every manifestation, be conscious of the indrawing of Its Power. Rejoice that it is the Mighty Power of the "I AM Presence" acting, giving Its Strength and Power to you.

一位学生的经历:学生的物质身体睡觉时听到并看到了一次光的爆炸。如果她在听到爆炸声时有意识地说:“我将光爆炸的力量吸入我的心智和身体中”,她就会得到它的好处。 圣光释放了某些力量供她使用。在这样的经历中,学生要做的重要事情是保持警惕,并且在每一次显化中意识到它的力量的吸引。庆幸的是,强大的“我是临在”的行动,将他的力量和能量赋予你。

Command the outer memory to retain and bring into the outer consciousness everything you desire to know. When you use the "I AM Presence," you have set the Law into action, and It cannot fail.


God does not act except through the consciousness of individuals, else He would not have them here. God can only act in the physical world through His Individualizations, and even all nature is governed by Individual Intelligence-the ground, the plants, and all.


There is omnipresent all the force and energy needed for a given purpose when loosed by the "I AM Presence." Thus, through the use of the "I AM Presence," you can release Power of which as yet you have no conception.

“我是临在”为目的所释出的所需的所有力量和能量是无所不在的。 因此,通过使用“我是存在”,你可以释放你尚未领悟的力量。

During the war when Foch said: "They shall not pass," he loosed the Power by which that Decree was fulfilled. He had been in prayer for more than an hour, and when he came out he was so charged with God's Energy that as he uttered the command, it became the Governing Presence in the atmospheric condition about him, and God acted. The words "They shall not pass" form a Decree. It is dynamic, powerful, real, and looses tremendous power. There is only One Power that acts. Give It full Freedom.

在战争期间,当福煦将军说:“他们不会通过”时,他就释放了使这一法令得以实现的力量。他释放了使这祈祷得以实现的力量。他祈祷了一小时多,当他出来时,他充满了神的能量,以至于当他说出命令时,祂就成为他周围大气条件中的统治临在,此时神就采取了行动。“他们不得通过”这句话构成了一项法令。 祂是动态的、强大的、真实的,并且释放出巨大的力量。 只有一种力量在行动。 给予祂充分的自由。

Stand with IT and let IT act. Stand in IT and by IT. There is no other power to act. This makes steady progress, like a glacier coming down the mountain. You are steadily moving forward and gaining a momentum against which nothing else can stand. It is an Infallible Momentum, Power, and Means of achievement of all good things. There is no permanent dominion except in this way.

与祂 (IT)站在一起,让祂采取行动。 立足于祂并依靠祂。 没有其他力量可以采取行动。 这样做可以稳定提升,就像冰川从山上缓缓而下。你正在稳步前进,并获得了其他任何东西都无法抵挡的动力。 它是实现一切美好事物的可靠动力、力量和手段。 除此以外,没有永久的统治。

For cleanliness, use frequently: " 'I AM the Presence' here, keeping my clothes and home perfectly spotless." After a time the force becomes so powerful that it instantly consumes or repels anything not wanted. The more you consciously act upon a thing, the more concentrated it becomes.


When you say: "The Presence that 'I AM,' charge this ....... with ......., " you can charge the water so powerfully that it boils with the power of the energy there. Do not let anything question in your mind as to whether your command worked or not.


Whenever commanding, say: "I know it is acting with Full Power."


Know-what the "I AM" means! Know-what It is to you!

Know-what It can do!

Get this and hold fast with unyielding determination.

Within these students there is the strength and power to do this, and if they will stand with this "Mighty I AM Presence," great Assistance can and will be given.


BENEDICTION: Mighty All-Pervading Intelligence! We invoke Thy Mighty Wisdom, governing our every activity. We invoke Thy Mighty Light illumining each one in the fullness of Its Dazzling Presence. We invoke Thy Mighty Love to enfold all in Its Mantle of Peace. We invoke Thy Mighty Power, that Love, Wisdom, and Power may act in Perfect Unity, that It perfects all things upon which our attention has become fixed.
