圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 17)

“‘If man knew he never ceases creating even for an instant he would realize, through the “Presence” of God within himself he could purify his miscreations and thus be free from his own limitations.


“‘He spins a cocoon of human discord around himself and goes to sleep within it forgetting at least for a time, that if he can build it, he can also break through. By using the Wings of his Soul Adoration and Determination he can break through his self-created darkness. Then, he lives once more at the Center of his Being in the “Light” and Freedom of his “God-Self.”

“‘他围绕着自己编织了一个不和谐的人造茧然后在里面睡着了,他忘记了即便是想起一次也好,如果他能建造它,那么他就可以打破它。通过使用他灵魂的双翼尊崇和下定决心 他就可以突破自己创造的黑暗。然后,他可以再次生活在他存在的中心他自己‘神之自我’的圣光和自由中。’”

“‘However, in the activity of you and your beloved family, or shall I say my beloved family, the cloud that has seemed to hold so much of sorrow is now turned inside out and reveals its glorious golden lining. You have now come within the Radiant Splendor of the “Light” from which you will never again recede.


“‘In most cases, if human beings knew the wonderful things that are sometimes planned for them, they would unknowingly prevent the approach of this greater good. You have been invited here, not only to join your loved ones, but to receive definite instruction concerning the existence, use, and direction of the Mighty God-Power latent within you. When you understand how to release and control It, anything will be possible for you.


“‘Your loved ones used the Light and Sound Rays in communicating with you. This knowledge with its power will be explained, and you too shall be enabled to operate them—consciously and at will. You feel deeply, and when that characteristic is consciously governed, there will come an Awareness of the Mighty God-Power that stands ready to be released at any instant.

“‘你的爱人使用圣光和声音射线与你交流。这种知识以及其力量会解释给你,这样你也可以有意识地随意操控它。你会深刻地感受到,当这种特性被有意识地掌控时,就会出现一种对伟大的神之力量的觉知 这种力量随时准备好被释放。’”

“‘You are to remain here for six weeks of training. and then return to the outer world to use the understanding you have received. Come again, at any time for you are now one of us.’


“I can never put in words what those six weeks meant to me. To become aware of my own ability to use the instruction and application of such wisdom astonished me. Soon, I began to gain a confidence in myself that made everything much easier. What seems so mysterious and unusual to the human I found natural and normal to this Stupendous ‘Inner-Presence.’

“‘我永远无法用语言表达那六个星期对我来说意味着什么。意识到我自己有能力运用这些教导,并对这些智慧加以应用,真的让我感到惊讶。很快,我开始对自己充满信心这让一切变得更加容易。对人类来说如此神秘和不同寻常的事情 我发现对这位惊人的‘内在临在’来说自然而然而且很正常。’”

“I had to realize that I was Truly the Son of God. As a Son of the Source of all Good the Limitless Wisdom-Energy obeyed my conscious direction, and when I directed it as does a Master produced results instantly. As I gained confidence in my own ability to use the ‘Great Law,’ the fulfillment naturally became more and more rapid. I marvel yet at the Ever-pouring Fountain of Love and Wisdom that streamed forth from this Great Master. We love him with a deep devotion greater than any love that could ever exist between parent and child for the Love Tie formed by the giving of Spiritual Understanding is Eternal, and far deeper than any love generated through human experience no matter how beautiful and strong it may be. He often said to us:

“我真正地意识到,我真的是神之子。作为万善之源的儿子无限智慧的能量服从我有意识的引导,当我引导它时就像一位上师那么做 就会产生即刻的结果。随着我对自己使用‘伟大法则’能力的信心增加时,结果自然变得越来越快。我还惊讶于这位伟大导师源源不断地涌出的爱与智慧的源泉。我们深深地爱着他要比父母和孩子之间可能存在的爱更伟大因为通过给予灵性理解而形成的爱之纽带是永恒的,比任何人类体验所产生的爱更加深刻不论人类体验的爱有多么美丽和强大。他常对我们说:”

“‘If you will make yourselves an Eternal Fountain of Divine Love pouring it forth into every place your thought goes, you will become such a Magnet for All Good that you will have to call for help to dispense it. Peace and Calmness of Soul release a power which compels obedience of the outer mind. This must be claimed with authority. Our home here in this Secret Valley has been used for over four thousand years.’

“‘如果你们让自己成为神圣之爱的永恒源泉 倾注到你们思想所至的每个地方,你就会成为一切美好的吸铁石你将不得不寻求帮助来分配它。灵魂的安静与和平会释放出一种力量迫使外在心智的服从。灵魂会以权威的方式来宣告。在这个秘密之谷的家,我们已经这么使用了四千年。’”

“One day, after giving a remarkable discourse on ‘God’s Ownership,’ he looked at me very intently, and suggested we take a walk. He led the way to the opposite side of the valley from which we had entered. Near the south wall, and running parallel with it from east to west, was a ridge beginning at the ground, rising to about seven feet in height, extending about two thousand feet in length, and then descending to the ground again. As we came closer, I saw it was a vein of white quartz. The Master Eriel stepped to where the vein came to the ground and kicked a piece loose with his foot. I saw it was immensely rich in gold. My human love for gold attempted to surge forth but the ‘Inner-Presence’ instantly checked it, and with a smile the Master remarked:


“‘That is well done. Now, I have work to do in Europe and must leave you for the present.’ He smiled, and was gone instantly. It was the first time he had shown the Full Dominion he possessed, and the things he was able to do in this manner. Immediately my son became visible in exactly the same spot where Eriel had been standing the instant before and laughed heartily at my surprise.


“‘Mother and I,’ he said, ‘can take our bodies with us wherever we choose in the same way. Do not be surprised. It is a Natural Law and only seems strange and unusual because you are not using it as yet. It really is no more extraordinary than the telephone would have been to the people of the Middle Ages. If they had known the “Law” of its construction, they could have used it then just as well as we of this century.’


“Since that visit to my family in the Secret Valley, I have been there seven times. The last time, I returned to the outer world the Master gave me your address which accounts for my asking you to come here. He extends the invitation for you to return with me.”

“自从上次到神秘之谷探访我的家庭之后,我已经去了七次。上一次,我回到了外面的世界上师把你的地址给了我 所以才叫你来到这里。他拓展了邀请 让你跟我一同回去。”

My host suddenly realized he had been talking several hours, and begged indulgence for taxing my patience. I told him the experiences were so fascinating, and I had been so intensely interested that time was non-existent, so far as I was concerned. I accepted and was deeply grateful—for the Master Eriel’s invitation to visit them, and said so frankly. A moment later, a tall young man came into the room.


“Let me present our Brother, Fun Wey,” said my host, introducing him, and in the most perfect English, he replied:


“My Brother with the Heart of Light has journeyed far. My heart leaps in ecstasy and joy. My soul feels your Serenity and Radiance.” Addressing my host directly, he continued.


“Knowing you were busy, I am here to serve you.”


“It will give us great pleasure to have you break bread with us,” said my friend turning to me, and together we passed into the dining room. Our dinner was delicious, and when finished my host again resumed his conversation relating many of his personal experiences with Eriel. They were remarkable indeed that is speaking from the human side of our consciousness only but from the standpoint of our Divinity all was and is Supremely Natural.

“你若是跟我们一起掰面包,我们会很高兴的,”我的朋友转身对我说,然后我们一起走进了餐厅。我们的晚餐很美味,吃完后,这位主人又开始了他的谈话讲述了他与埃里尔的许多个人经历。它们的确非凡这是从我们意识的人性方面来说的 但是从我们神性的视角来看所有一切 过去和现在的都非常自然。

Suddenly, a Ray of Light or rather a Tube of Light came into the room, and from the conversation I knew it was my host’s Twin Ray speaking. In a moment, the Ray was directed to me, and he said:

突然,一道光或者说一根光柱 进入了房间,从谈话中我得知那是主人在与他的双生光交谈。片刻后,光柱照向我,他说:

“Beloved, allow me to present the Brother whom our Master Eriel has requested I meet.”

I saw his Twin Ray, and heard her as clearly as if she stood in the room beside us. This way of communicating is a wonderfully happy experience, and it is possible to so condense “Light” as to form a Tube in which Sound and Vision can be conveyed. It was as Real as a search-light.


My host insisted that I make his home mine until the day of our departure into the mountains. We started before daylight the seventh day after our meeting, and it was one of the most memorable experiences of my Life up to that time. All he had told me proved to be true in the minutest detail.

这位主人坚持我把他的家当成自己的家 一直待到我们出发进山的那天。我们在会面后的第七天,天还没亮就出发了,这是我一生中最难忘的经历之一。他告诉我的一切都被证明是真的最微小的细节也是。

Our arrival at the Secret Valley was a most joyous event, and our happiness was very great. I met my host’s Twin Ray and their son, and was then shown over the ancient building where so many students had received the True Understanding of the Laws of Being—and attained their Eternal Freedom.


It was a marvelous sensation to stand where the Great God-Power had been focused for so many centuries, and the Ascended Masters had made a retreat for some of their work. I sat contemplating the blessings the students had received who were privileged to come there, when the Master Eriel addressed me.

这真是一种美妙的感觉站在几个世纪以来伟大神之力量的集中之处,扬升大师们为了他们的一些工作准备了这个隐蔽之处。当埃里尔大师对我讲话时,我坐了下来沉思那些学生接收到的祝福 他们真的是有幸来到这里。

“My Son,” he began, “you are nearing wonderful liberation. Hold close to the continuous acceptance of your own indwelling ‘Master-Presence,’ and you will have just cause for great rejoicing.” He extended his right hand, and the veil between the visible and invisible was drawn aside.


“I want you to see,” he continued, “as we who have Ascended The Sublime and Majestic Activity of Our World. Here, we continually bear witness, as Sons of God, because there is no longer doubt, fear, or imperfection within us.” I shall always remember the joy and privilege that was mine during the days I spent with those wonderful people.


“Every day,” said Eriel, “you shall witness the use of the Light and Sound Rays that annihilate time and space, and which mankind is destined to use in the near future as naturally as they now use the telephone. This is one of the most Stupendous Activities the individual may learn how to direct. A Light Ray can be drawn and controlled so it may be used as a pencil to write upon metal or in the sky, and the writing remain visible as long as the one directing desires.

“每一天,” 埃里尔说,“你都会见证圣光和声音射线 的使用,它们可以超越时间和空间,人类注定在不久的将来就会使用它们就像他们现在使用电话一样自然。这是一个人可以学会去引导的最了不起的活动之一。光线可以被绘制和控制它可以像铅笔一样使用 可以在金属上或者天空中书写,并且让书写保持可见 只要引导者愿意。”

“When the student is strong enough to stand against the opinions of the world of ignorance then he or she is ready to bear witness to the Marvels of the Individual Activities of God manifested by the Ascended Masters.

“当学生足够强大可以抗拒世界上无知的观点时 他就准备好去见证由扬升大师们展示的神之活动在个人表达中的奇迹。”

“Until he can do this the power in suggestion and the radiation of doubt from others will disturb him intermittently to such an extent that he many times gives up the quest for Truth. Interruption to the steady flow of instruction is discord. Discord is the wedge and subtle way by which the sinister force on this earth enters the outer activity of a student who has determined to face ’The Light.’

“在他可以做到这一点之前来自他人建议的力量和怀疑的辐射会间歇性地扰乱他 达到这样的程度以至于让他多次放弃对真理的追求。干扰指引稳定流动的是 不和谐。不和谐是楔子  也是一种微妙的方式 地球上的邪恶力量通过它进入已经下定决心面对 ‘圣光’的学生的外在活动中”

“Such activity is very subtle because it is a feeling, and creeps in upon one before he is really aware of its existence. It is persistent beyond belief and the growth is so insidious that one does not realize what has been done until the momentum is already under way.

“这种活动是非常微妙的 因为它是一种感觉,在一个人还没真正意识到它的存在之前 它就悄悄地潜入。它的持久令人难以置信 而且增长也非常阴险以至于一个人还没有意识到发生了什么之前那势头已经就开始了。”

“This feeling begins as a slight doubt. A doubt need only be felt two or three times, until it becomes distrust. Distrust whirls a time or two in the emotional body and becomes suspicion and suspicion is self-destruction.

“这种感觉一开始是轻微的怀疑。怀疑只需要感觉到 两三次,它就变成 不信任。 不信任在情绪体中盘旋一两次就变成怀疑怀疑就是自我毁灭。”

“Remember this my son, as you return again to the outer world, and you will find it a safeguard that will carry you through every experience in Life keeping you untouched by discord. If one sends out suspicion, he will be suspected, for every one has in his world just exactly that which he puts into it, and this ‘Eternal Irrevocable Decree’ exists throughout the Universe. All impulses of consciousness travel back to the central point that sent them out not even an atom escapes.

“记住这一点,我的孩子,当你再次回到外面的世界时,你会发现它是一种保障伴随你度过生命中的每一次经历让你免受不和谐的影响。如果一个人发出怀疑 他就会陷入怀疑中,因为每个人在他自己的世界中拥有的正是他自己放入的东西,而这个‘永恒的不可撤销的法令’存在于整个宇宙中。所有意识的冲动 都会回归到发出它们的中心点 甚至一个原子都不例外。”

“The Real student of ‘Light’ faces ‘The Light’ sends it before him sees its Enfolding Radiance everywhere he moves, and adores ‘It’ constantly. From the doubts, fears, suspicion, and ignorance of the human mind, he turns away, and knows only ‘The Light.’ This is His Source His True-Self.”

“‘圣光’的真正学生面对送到他面前的‘圣光’看到圣光的光辉  环绕着他去的每个地方,并持续的尊崇‘它’。面对来自人类心智的怀疑、恐惧、质疑和无知,他转过身子,知道只有‘圣光’。这就是他的源头他真正的自我。”

With these parting words, Eriel bade me farewell, and I returned to the daily routine of my outer life.
