圣哲曼系列 03《“我是”开示 》THE“I AM” DISCOURSES (part 9)
INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, All-Pervading Presence! Thou All-Pervading “I AM”! We give praise and thanks for the happiness pervading those under this Radiation. We give praise and thanks that the Simple Key to Perfect Happiness may be given to bless and to anchor these Children of God into their own firm Dominion. We give praise for the harmony maintained within each student, and that they feel the necessity to continue it. We give praise that “I AM” everywhere present, controlling every outer activity and bringing it into Perfection.
I bring Greetings to you always.
That which everyone seeks is happiness, sometimes called bliss, and yet many who have sought so earnestly have unknowingly continued to pass by the key to this happiness.
The simple key to Perfect Happiness and its inherent sustaining power is Self-control and Self-correction. This is so easy to accomplish when one has learned he is the “I AM Presence” and Intelligence controlling and commanding all things.
Surrounding each individual is a thought-world created by him or her. Within this thought-world is the seed, the “Divine Presence,” the “I AM,” which is the only acting Presence there is in the Universe, and which directs all energy. This energy can be intensified beyond any limit through the conscious activity of the individual.
The “Divine Presence” within is likened unto the pit or seed of a peach; the thought-world around It unto the pulp of the peach. The pulp represents not only the thought-world created by the individual, but also the Universal Electronic Substance, ever present, waiting to be acted upon by the conscious determination of the individual—to be precipitated into his visible use as the form of whatsoever he may desire.
内在“神圣的临在”可以被比作桃核或桃子的种子,果肉可以比作环绕着临在的思想形态。果肉不仅代表了个体所创造的思想形态,也代表了一直存在的宇宙电子材质,它们处于待命的状态,等待着个体有意识的去下定决心 — 从而以他想要的各种形态沉降至他能看到的使用之中。
The sure pathway to the understanding and use of this conscious power comes through Self-control. What do I mean by Self-control? First, the recognition of the “I AM Intelligence” as the only Acting Presence. Second, that knowing this, we know there is no limit to the power of Its use. Third, that individuals, having been given free will and choice, do create in the world about them whatsoever their thought, through their attention, is held firmly upon.
The time has arrived when all must understand that thought and feeling are the only and Mightiest Creative Power in Life or in the Universe. Thus the only way to the definite use of the full power of one’s thought and feeling, which is God in Action, is through Self-control—Self-correction—by which one may quickly reach the attainment, the understanding whereby he may direct and use this Creative Thought power without any limit whatsoever.
时间已经到来,所有人必须要理解,想法和情感是生命或宇宙中唯一最强大的创造力。因此,去明确使用一个人思想和情感全然力量,也就是运作中的神之力量的唯一方法,就是通过自我控制 — 自我纠正 — 这样一个人就会快速地取得成就,达成理解,从而可以没有任何限制地去引导和使用这种创造性的思想力量。
When sufficient Self-control is attained, it enables individuals to hold the thought steady upon a given desire, likened unto the flame of an acetylene torch held immovable. Thus thought and feeling held upon a given desire unwaveringly, with the consciousness that it is the “I AM Presence and Intelligence” thinking—that it is God in Action—then will they understand that they may bring into visibility, precipitate into visibility, whatsoever they desire.
当获得足够的自我控制时,它就可以让个人在某个意愿的想法上保持坚定,就好像是举着一把燃烧着的乙炔火炬,一动不动地。就这样,让想法和情感在一个确切的愿望上保持稳固,意识到,这是“我是临在和智能”在思考 — 那是行动中的神 — 然后他们就会理解他们会把他们想要的,不论那是什么,带入到可见领域,沉降至可见领域。
It has been proved in a thousand ways that the effect of a thing cannot bring happiness. Only by the understanding of the cause operating may the individual become Master of his world. Each individual, knowing that he is the Creator of his own world and what he wishes to have manifest in it, will understand that he has at no time any right to create anything discordant in another’s world. Thus is each individual left free to meet the effect of his own creative cause.
I rejoice exceedingly to see the success with which each student under this Radiation is coming into the Mastery and control of the outer self. Here I must say to them: Beloved Students! could you but understand and see the Magnificent Splendor of achievement before you through asserting Self-control over the outer activity, you would bend every effort, every moment to attaining Control and Mastery over all outer expression.
Thus will you be enabled to maintain the needed harmony through which the Inner Mighty Power of the “I AM Presence” is liberated into your conscious and visible use. Let us disabuse the minds of these beloved students of the sense of time, distance and space.
The Key which opens the entrance to all higher spheres above you lies in the simplicity and firmness of this Self-control. All students should dwell earnestly upon the Great Truth that: “Where your consciousness is, there you are, for ‘I AM’ everywhere. “
Long dwelling in consciousness that there was space, great distance, or that there is time, is all but the outer creation of man. Therefore, to step through this gossamer veil that separates your outer consciousness from its Full Inner Power and Activity is but a state of thought and feeling.
Those who are reaching to the “Light” so earnestly, desiring to live in and be “Children of the Light,” are dwelling constantly in these Higher Spheres. The beauty of these spheres surpasses the fondest imagination of the outer consciousness. When you enter them consciously and at will you will find all creation there just as tangible as your physical buildings are here.
To take your firm stand:” ‘I AM’ the Power of my complete Self-control, forever sustained” will make it easier for you to gain this Mastery. Students must be conscious that when they recognize the “I AM Presence” acting, it is impossible for It to be interrupted. or interfered with in any way. Know there is no time nor space; then the knowing of the vastness of Eternity is within your grasp. To enter a Higher Sphere than your physical world in full consciousness is but an adjusting or changing of your consciousness. How do we do this?
Answer: By knowing we are consciously there.
Affirm often: “Through the Power of the Electronic Circle which I have created, ‘I AM’ no longer touched by any doubts or fears. I joyously grasp the Scepter which ‘I AM’ and step boldly forth into any of these Higher Spheres that I wish, retaining perfectly clear conscious memory of my activity there.”
In this way one may quickly find himself enjoying Limitless Freedom and the Perfect Happiness of being active in any sphere he chooses.
To be aware of what is a thousand years in advance is as easily and readily attained, in fact more so, as going to your library in search of a book.
The great delusion the outer consciousness of mankind has built up, creating time and space in its belief, has been the great stumbling block to humanity’s Freedom.
Those who have reached the great disillusionment, that wealth, or the outer effect of things, cannot bring happiness, will understand with great blessing that within their own Creative thought, power and feeling are held Perfect Happiness, Perfect Freedom, and Perfect Dominion.
When the student once understands that whatsoever he connects himself with through his attention he becomes a part of to the degree of the intensity with which his attention is fixed, he will see the importance of keeping his attention off the seeming destructive angles of human experience, no matter what they are.
To discuss the seeming inability, shortcomings, or faults of your friends and associates but builds that element upon which your discussion rests within your own consciousness, and also adds to the appearance which seems to be in the other individual.
Because there are black magicians in the world, certain of God’s Children who are misdirecting and contaminating the Pure Electronic Energy of the “I AM Presence” is no reason why we should let our attention rest upon that fact, just because we are aware of it. Our business is to hold the attention free to rest within our own Self-control, compelling it by the conscious action to rest on whatsoever we choose.
Few understand that when their attention is called to some destructive thing, how much and how often they allow the attention to go back to it; or if another has displeased them in some way, how much and how often the attention returns to that incident—when they have the full power to control their attention and make it obey their command.
很少有人能明白,当他们的注意力被放在某些破坏性的事物上面时,他们会在多大程度上,又会有多频繁,允许自己的注意力重新回到那上面;或者,如果一个人让另一个人不高兴了,会在多大程度上,又会有多么频繁,让注意力重新回到不开心的事情上 — 而他们完全有能力控制自己的注意力,让它服从他们的命令。
Few, even among earnest students, yet understand what a mighty power their faculty of attention becomes under their controlled use.
I wish so much to impress upon the students how foolish it is to be affected, displeased or disturbed by the imaginary activities of the ignorance of the outer self. When they once know: “‘I AM’ the only All Powerful acting Presence in my mind, my body and my world”. they cannot possibly be affected or disturbed by any of their associations in the outer world. They must know then that they are entirely immune from hurt or disturbance of the outer mind of other individuals, no matter what they try to do.
With this understanding, or by giving willing attention to this Great Truth, they will soon find a Peace, Happiness, and Self-control operating about them to such an extent that no outer condition, disgruntled comment or disturbance of their associates could in any wise disturb them, their world or their affairs. As soon as the individual becomes aware that he really has control of his own Creative thought, power, and feeling, then he knows positively that he can precipitate into his visible use, or bring into his use from the outer where it is already created, anything whatsoever upon which he holds his Creative thought and feeling firmly.
The moment that he is truly aware of this, he will know he is forever free from the need of the wealth of the outer world, or anything that the outer world can give. Thus has he entered into the Mastery and Dominion of his own world, the only world that is ever existent to him, and which is his God-given Birthright.
I assure you, there is no such thing as a supernatural world. As we step from this sphere of activity into another higher, that one becomes just as Real as this is. It is simply a different state of consciousness we have entered into.
To the joy, glorification and blessing of the mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, I will say that within one hundred years there will be hundreds who will be able to use the Cosmic Rays to cleanse their homes and keep them so; to weave their seamless garments when they will have no desire to follow the freakish styles created by some commercialized idea.
I find so many of the students wondering how it is that Ascended Beings or Masters, with all Their Creative Power, often choose to live in humble quarters. I assure you the explanation is very easy. The far greater part of Their Life and Activity is spent in the Higher Spheres in which they are directing Mighty Rays of Light to the Blessing of humanity— from Homes and Temples of Light and Wisdom so beautiful, so transcendent as almost to stagger the imagination of the outer consciousness. Those Homes and Temples are Eternal, ever becoming more and more beautiful. So They only spend a few hours in the visible world, which causes Them to lower the density of Their Transcendent Forms, that They may become visible to those yet occupying the physical body. If the students will understand this, it will save them much questioning and confusion in the outer expression—which time they can use in the Activity of the “Mighty I AM Presence”.
我发现很多学生想知道,为什么扬升存有或者扬升大师,尽管他们拥有所有的创造力,却常常选择居住在简陋的房间里。我向你保证,原因很简单。他们的生命和活动的大部分时间都花在更高的领域,在那里他们引导伟大的圣光射线,用来祝福全人类,那些伟大的圣光射线来自光与智慧的家园和殿堂,它们是如此美丽超然,会震撼外部意识的想象力。那些家园和殿堂是永恒存在的,并且变得越来越美丽。因此,他们只会在可见的世界中度过几个小时,这会让他们从他们的超然形态中降低振动频率,从而对那些仍然使用肉身的人可见。如果学生们明白了这一点,他们就会对扬升存有的外在表达减少很多疑问和困惑 — 这些时间他们可以用在“伟大我是临在的活动”中。
This will bring them into that Transcendent State and consume the longing for the wealth of the outer world, which is but rubbish in comparison to the transcendent, Creative Power inherent in every individual. They can bring this Transcendent Power into their use through their own Self-control and Mastery. I say to you beloved students, Children of the One God, is it not worth your sincerest effort— when you know you cannot fail? Take your Scepter of the Mighty Creative Power and be forever free from all past, binding limitations which have beset mankind through the ages. I assure you that everyone who enters in to attain this Scepter and Mastery will be given every needed assistance, if each one will try with all his ability.
这会把他们带入那种超然状态中,转化对外部世界财富的渴望,因为这与每个人内在固有的超然创造力相比,外部世界的财富就像垃圾一般的存在。他们可以通过自己的自我控制和主宰,来运用这种超然的力量。我对亲爱的学生们讲,合一之神的孩子们,这难道不值得你付出最真诚的努力吗 — 当你们知道自己不会失败?带着你伟大创造力的权杖,永远摆脱掉过去困扰人类多个世代的束缚限制。我向你们保证,如果每个人都竭尽全力去尝试,获得这权杖和主宰的每个人,都会获得所需要的一切帮助。
The one having the understanding of his Creative Ability must know that he can create whatsoever he will, in whatever rate of vibration he desires to hold it, whether it be Light, or any other condensation he may choose to maintain it.
You know you have the ability to change your thought from Chicago to New York in the same instant, and you know you can change your thought from a condition of Light to one of very dense condensation, such as iron. Then one cannot help but see that this which he does every moment, consciously and at will, he can bring into a more powerful use— by consciously fixing the attention and holding it upon what he desires.
你知道你有能力在一瞬间把你的思想从芝加哥切换到纽约,并且你知道你可以把自己的思想从圣光的状态转变为非常稠密的凝结状态,比如铁。然后一个人就会自然而然地发现,他在每时每刻,都可以有意识地,根据自己的意愿,把自己要做的事发挥出更强大的效用 — 通过有意识地把注意力牢牢集中在他想要的事物上。
The attention is the channel by which God’s Mighty Energy, through thought and feeling, flows to its directed accomplishment. Because one has not yet precipitated something from the invisible, there is that lurking doubt, until some simple manifestation has occurred. Then his courage and confidence leap into dominion, and in the future he has no trouble in precipitating whatsoever he desires.
The precipitation of gold or jewel from the invisible to the visible is as simple as breathing, when once that foolish questioning doubt accumulated by the outer is consumed or pushed aside.
Mankind, through the centuries, has built up these walls of limitation. Now they must be broken up, shattered and consumed in any way that we can do it. At first it does take determination to do it, but when you know it is the “I AM Power” acting, you know It cannot fail. The outer only has to hold the attention fixed on the object to be made visible. Dwell on this, and all of a sudden you will find yourself into the activity, and you will be amazed that you dwelt so long without using it.
The length of the Ray from a precipitated substance or condensation of “Light” is controlled by the consciousness of the wearer. If the wearer’s consciousness is raised very high, the scintillation is very great.
The “Jewel of Light” is yet in its Transcendent State of Perfection. The jewel in a condensed substance such as a diamond, emerald, or ruby, naturally will take on the condition of its wearer. If the rate of thought vibration in the person wearing it be low, the jewel will become lusterless, while if the thought be transcendent, it will become very luminous.
When one has become a sincere student reaching to the Light, he must qualify everything in his environment with the Quality of the “I AM Presence” no matter what the appearance seems to be. You see, there cannot be a quality or an appearance in your world except what you give to it.
If fear causes you to believe in a disturbing presence, you are responsible for it, because if there were to be a disturbing presence and you qualitied it by the “I AM Presence, ” you see how impossible it would be for it to disturb you. There is only one energy acting, and the moment you acknowledge the “I AM Presence”, you have requalified that activity with Perfection.
Expectation is a very powerful qualifying consciousness to maintain. Intense expectation is a splendid thing. It manifests always. The individual, through the centuries, has created a veil through which he has shut out these Transcendent Spheres. If he has created it, which he has, then common sense and reason will tell one that he can uncreate it.
A Powerful Radiation has gone forth to yourselves and students with a powerful conviction that will be sustained—until they have this Work which is given today. To convey the simplicity, the ease and certainty with which the idea, through Creative thought and feeling, can be brought into visibility, is a thing the students should dwell upon. This will dissolve that feeling of “Can I?” and in its place put “I can” and “I know”.
一道强大的照耀已经向你们和学生们发送出,带着强大的信念,它会维系下去 — 直至他们也学习到今天给出的这部分内容。创造性的思想和情感可以被带入到物质领域显化出来,这个真理简单、轻松而且确切。学生们要认真思考这件事情。这会消除“我可以吗?”这种疑惑的感觉,取而代之的是“我可以”和“我知道”。
If the students will keep themselves harmonious, from time to time they will have flashes that will give them all needed confidence. Add to all commands on going out of the body that you retain the conscious memory of whatever you experience. Stick right to a thing from the start and know that whatever knowledge you need will be forthcoming instantly.
When you allow the attention to become fixed upon a thing, you that moment give it power to act in your world.
BENEDICTION: Thou Great Happiness—the Mighty Presence and Power which “I AM”! I qualify Thee to go forth in the hearts of mankind, anchoring there and filling their minds, bodies and homes, filling them with Thy Great Happiness.
祝福:你那伟大的幸福 — “我是”伟大的临在和力量!我让你进入人类的内心,锚定在那里,充满他们的心智、身体和家庭,让他们充满你伟大的幸福。
Open the door of their consciousness so that the Mighty Power which “I AM” can come forth in Full Perfection. O Mighty Presence! Hold the Children of Light, the Individualities of God, hold them close in Thy Embrace, letting Thy Quality flow forth in their command, filling them with Thy Great Peace. O Mighty Presence of Justice! Enter in and reign in all official places. Let the destructive intent of mankind be revealed, that it may be cast out and be consumed. Let the Fullness and Power of Thy Radiant Light enfold all, and Thy Glorious Transcendent Light fill all places.