圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 3)
As his discourse ended, I began to realize that he must be one of the Ascended Masters for he had not only given me proof of his Dominion over the elements by precipitation but had instructed and explained as he did it. I sat wondering how it was that he knew me.
随着他的讲话终结,我开始意识到他一定是某一位扬升大师 因为他不仅仅通过沉降展示给我看他对元素的控制 当他这么做的时候 还对我加以指导和解释。我坐着思考这是怎么一回事儿 他认识我。
“My Son,” he said, answering my thought at once, “I have known you for æons. In raising your thought by your own conscious effort it made my coming to you possible at this time. While I have always been in touch with you, when we were both in our finer bodies your conscious effort of reaching out to some one of the Ascended Masters opened the way for me to come to you in a much more tangible way that is tangible to your physical senses.
“我的孩子,”他即刻回答了我的疑惑,“我认识你很久了。通过你自己有意识的努力 你提升了自己的思想 这让我在这个时候找到你成为可能。虽然我总是跟你保持着连接,当我们都处于更加精微的身体之中时 你想要接触某个扬升大师所付出的有意识的努力 为我可以用一种更切实的方式来到你身边开辟了道路 也就是说 你物质层面的感官可以感受到的方式。”
“I see you do not quite recognize me in your outer consciousness. I was present during your birth, at your mother’s passing, and was instrumental in bringing you and Lotus together at the right time that your attainment might not be delayed. Again I assisted in bringing you and your son into association in this embodiment. However, be patient:
“我看到你并没有完全地认出我来 在你外在的意识之中。你出生的时候,我在你身边;你母亲去世的时候,我也在;在恰当的时机 我指引你和洛特丝走到了一起 这样你取得成就才不会延迟到来。再一次 我帮助 你和你的儿子连结起来 在这一世的转世中。不过,请耐心些:
“Sit still a few moments watch me closely and I will reveal my identity to you.” I did as he requested and in perhaps a full minute, I saw his face body and clothing become the living breathing tangible ”Presence” of the Master, Saint Germain, smiling at my astonishment and enjoying my surprise.
“静坐片刻 仔细地观察我 我会向你透露我的身份。”我按照他的要求做了 也许过了整整一分钟,我看到了他的脸 身体 还有衣服 变成了活生生的 有着呼吸的 可以触碰到的 “临在” 圣哲曼大师,他微笑着回应我的惊讶,享受着我的惊喜。
He stood there before me a Magnificent Godlike figure in a white jeweled robe a Light and Love sparkling in his eyes that revealed and proved the Dominion and Majesty that is his.
他站在我的面前 一位像神那般宏伟的人物 他身着镶嵌着白色宝石的长袍 眼中闪烁着光与爱 展露并证明了 他的统领和威严。
“This,” he explained, “is the body in which I work a great deal of the time when occupied with the welfare of mankind—unless the work I am doing at the moment requires closer contact with the outer world of affairs, and in that case I make my body take on the characteristics and dress of the nation with which I am working at the moment.
他解释说,“大部分时间,我处于这具身体之中 是我忙碌于人类福祉之时 除非我现在需要做的工作 需要与外部的世界进行更密切的接触,在那种情况下 我会让自己的身体呈现出 适合我目前工作所在国家的外表和穿着。”
“Oh!” I exclaimed, “now, I know you for I have seen you many times like that at the Inner levels of consciousness.”
我惊呼道:“哦!现在我知道你了 我见过你很多次 在内在意识之中。”
“My Son,” he explained, “do you not see what Real Mastery actually is? We in the Ascended State can control the atomic structure of our world as a potter controls his clay. Every electron and atom in the universe is obedient to our desire and command because of the God Power by which we control it and of which we have earned the right to be the Directors.
“我的孩子,”他解释道,“你理解 真正的掌控 实际上是什么吗?我们 处于扬升的状态 可以控制我们所在世界的原子结构 就像一位陶工掌控他的粘土那样。宇宙中的每一个电子和原子 服从于 我们的意愿和命令,因为我们通过神的力量来控制它们 我们已经获得了命令它们的权力。”
“Mankind in the unascended state marvel at these things but I tell you it is no more effort for us to change the appearance and activity of our bodies than it is for the ordinary human being to change his clothes. The unfortunate condition in human consciousness that keeps individuals in their self-created limitations is their attitude of mind which either fears or ridicules what it does not understand or what is still worse in its ignorance says ’That is impossible.’ A thing may not be probable under certain human conditions but the God-Self which is the Great ‘Light’ can change all human conditions so nothing is impossible.
“未扬升的人类惊奇于这类事情 但是我告诉你 对我们来说改变我们身体的外貌和活动 并没有比普通人 更换他们穿着的衣服 更费力。人类意识中的不幸状况 让个体处于自我创造的局限之中 这是他们心智的特点 要么恐惧要么嘲笑 心智不能理解的东西 或者更糟糕 陷入无知状态,去说 ‘那根本不可能。’就特定的人类状况而言 某件事情或许是不可能的 但是神之自我 也就是伟大的‘圣光’ 可以改变所有的人类状况 因此没有什么是不可能的。”
“Every individual has the Divine Flame of Life Within him, and That God part of him has Dominion wherever he moves in the universe. If he because of his own mental inertia will not exert the necessary effort to reorder his age old habits of mind and body he goes on bound by the chains of his own forging but if he chooses to know the God Within himself and dares to give that God Self all control of his outer activities he will receive the knowledge once more of his Dominion over all substance which has been his from the beginning.
“每个人内在都拥有着生命的神圣火焰,而且 他内在那部分神之自我 都拥有掌控权 不论他在宇宙的什么地方。如果他 出于自己心智上的惰性 不去付出必要的努力 矫正他 身体和心智的那些旧习惯 那么他就会继续被自己锻造的锁链束缚着 但是如果他选择去认识自己内在的神之自我 并且勇于 给予神之自我 对他所有外在活动的控制权 他会再次获得超越所有物质的掌控权 这一切从最初起就是他的。 ”
“The time has arrived, when many of humanity are rapidly awakening, and they must in some way be made to understand that they have lived again and again in hundreds sometimes thousands of lives each time in a new physical body.
“时间已经到来,很多的人类正迅速地觉醒,他们必须 以某种方式去理解 他们已经一次又一次地 有的时候是成百上千次的转世了 每一次他们都在一具新的物质身体中生活。”
“The Law of re-embodiment is the activity in human growth that gives the individual an opportunity to reestablish a balance in conditions that he has consciously caused to be thrown out of balance. It is but one activity of the law of compensation cause and effect or what might be called an Automatic Balancing process governing all forces everywhere in the universe. The right understanding of this Law gives one the explanation of many conditions in human experience which otherwise seem wholly unjust. It is the only logical explanation for the infinite complexities and experiences of human creation, and reveals the operation and the Law upon which all manifestation rests. It makes one know that there is no such thing as chance or accident. All is under direct, exact, and Perfect Law. Every experience of consciousness has a former cause, and everything at the same instant is the cause of a future effect.
“重新转世法则是人类成长中的活动 它给予个体重新建立平衡的机会曾经在一些状况之中,他有意识地 让自己陷入失衡。这只是补偿法则的一种表达或者可以称之为因果法则一种自动平衡的过程掌管着 这个宇宙所有的力量。对这个法则正确的理解可以解释人类经历的 很多状况否则的话是无法给出合理解释的。它是对人类创造的无限的复杂性和经历的唯一合理解释,并揭示出所有外在显化所依赖的运作和法则。它让人知道没有所谓的偶然或者意外。所有的一切都是在这个法则的直接、准确且完美的掌控之中。意识的每一种体验都有一个前因,而同时所有的一切又是将来产生结果的起因。”
“If a man has injured a woman in one life, he is certain to be reincarnated in a feminine form and pass through a similar experience until he realizes and experiences that which he has caused another to endure. The same thing is true if a woman be unjust or injures a man. This is the only way by which one is compelled or rather compels himself to experience both the cause and effect of everything which he generates in his world. The individual can create and experience whatsoever he will in his own world but if he chooses to do that which causes others to experience discord, then he compels himself to go through a similar condition until he understands what the effect of his own creation is upon the rest of the Life of the universe.
“如果在一次转世中,一个男人伤害了一个女人,他一定会转世到一具女性身体之中,经历类似的体验直至他意识到并体验到 他曾经让他人承受的伤害。同样地如果一个女人不公正地对待一个男人或者伤害了他,她也会经历这样类似的体验。这是一个人被迫或者说自己强迫自己来体验他在自己世界创造的所有事物之间因果关系的唯一方式。一个人可以创造并体验他在自己的世界中想要做的一切但是如果他选择去做的事情导致让其他人体验到了不和谐,那么他就会强迫自己体验类似的状况直至他理解了他自己的创造给宇宙其他的生命带来了哪些影响。”
“Come with me, and we will review the physical life in which you used a feminine form in France wherein you were a singer of splendid accomplishment with a voice of rare beauty and power.”
Immediately without the least effort on my part I stood outside my physical body seeing it clearly as it reposed upon the ground. I wondered, if it would be safe there on the mountainside, and in answer to my thought, Saint Germain replied:
随即我毫不费力地 站在了我的肉身之外清楚地看到它躺在了地上。我在想,这具身体放在半山腰的位置是否安全,圣哲曼回应了我的想法,他回答说:
“Do not be disturbed. Not a thing in the world can harm your body while we are away. Observe!”
Instantly, I saw it surrounded by a White Flame forming a circle about fifty feet in diameter.
刹那间,我看到它被一团白色的火焰包围着 形成一个直径约五十英尺的圆圈。
He placed his right arm around me, and I saw we were rising rapidly from the ground but I soon became adjusted to his vibratory action. There was no definite feeling of motion through space, but presently we looked down upon a village in the south of France, and he continued:
他用右臂环绕着我,我看到 我们从地面快速地升起 但很快我就适应了这种频率的活动。并没有一丝在空间之中移动的感觉,只是现在 我们向下望去的时候,已经来到了法国南部的一座小镇,他继续说:
“Here, you were born as an only child the daughter of a beautiful woman, whose life was an example of Idealism far in advance of the majority in that period. Your father was a most devoted husband and companion, highly cultured, and inspired by the early Christian Spirit.
“在这里,你是一位独生女 一位美丽女人的女儿,她的生活方式是理想主义的典范,远远领先于她同时期的大多数人。你的父亲是一位忠诚的伴侣和丈夫,他很有文化,并受到早期基督精神的启发。”
“The atmospheric ether of every environment records all that has ever transpired in that locality. I will revivify these Etheric Records and you shall see living pictures giving every detail of your life.
“每个环境中的以太场域都记录了曾经发生的一切 那个区域发生的一切。我会重现 这些以太记录 然后你就会看到 真实的场景 记录着你生活的每个细节。”
“You sang at the church of this village and studied with a teacher, who persuaded your parents to let her give you training. You made rapid progress, and then received still greater advantages, when they moved to Paris. After a year of intensive study, an opportunity came to sing before the Queen of France, and through her patronage you had appearances at many of her salons. This assured you a successful musical career. France and success lavished their gifts upon you for the next five years, and you accumulated much wealth.
“Suddenly, both parents passed through the change called death, and the shock to you, was very great, followed by many weeks of serious illness. When you recovered and returned again to concert work, a new sympathetic quality had come into your voice, through the recent experience of grief.
“A man, who had guided much of your musical study, became director of your public work, and you came to depend upon him as one who seemed worthy of trust. Then followed fourteen years of brilliant success, at the end of which you became suddenly ill and passed on within a week. Your jewels and wealth were left in care of the director to be used to help others, and to fulfill certain plans for which you had worked all your life. The last rites were no sooner over, than a complete change took place within him. Greed took possession entirely. Now, I shall show you that man whom you met some years ago here in America in your present life. The incident in business, I am quite sure you remember clearly.”
Here, he showed me a business association in which I had tried to help several people while in the West some ten years previously, in connection with a representative from the Belgian government.
“That man,” he continued, “was given a chance here to right the wrong he did you in France. He was shown the condition, and knew full well the situation for we showed it to him, but he was not yet strong enough to permit the working out of the Great Cosmic Law of Justice and balance that debt. If he had done so of his own volition, it would have given him freedom in many ways and enabled him to have progressed much more rapidly in this embodiment.”
Thus, does the outer life keep the individual bound to the wheel of necessity, rebirth, continued struggle, and pain until we let the “Light of the Christ Within” illumine and purify us that we may respond only to the Plan of God Love, Peace, and Perfection for His Creation. This is the kind of lesson one never forgets because objective teaching records the experience in the vision as well as in the mind. The record in the sight is deeper and necessarily receives more attention from the outer activity of the intellect.
因此,一个人外在的生活让这个人被捆绑在必须要做的事情、转世、持续地挣扎和痛苦的滚轮中,直到我们 让“内在的基督之光” 照亮并净化我们,从而让我们只对神圣计划进行回应 那是神之爱、和平、完美的创造。这样学习到的东西 一个人永远不会遗忘 因为这种客观的教学在 视野 和心智中记录下这般体验。视野中看到这样的记录会更加深刻 因此会在外在心智活动中受到更多的关注。
The essence of that long forgotten experience certainly fixed itself in my memory permanently for I can recall every detail of it to this day, as clearly as when I observed it with him.
这段被遗忘已久体验的本质无疑是在我们的记忆之中 永久性地存在 因为直至今天我仍然可以回忆起每个细节,就像是我跟他一起观看时那么清晰。
“Now,” he went on, “we will recall another of your embodiments one that you had in Egypt.”
We rose from the earth, and moved rapidly forward. I was very conscious of the Mediterranean, as we passed over its beautiful waters. We went on to Karnak and Luxor then again came into contact with the earth.
“Watch closely,” he said. “This record is of a very ancient temple in Luxor not among those whose ruins the archæologists are exploring today but one antedating any that have been discovered so far. If they knew where to look they would find magnificent temples in a state of almost perfect preservation.”
他说,“仔细观看。这里记录了位于卢克索的一座非常古老神庙不是现代考古学家正在探索的那些遗迹,它比迄今为止发现的任何古迹都要早。如果人们知道要去哪里寻找的话 他们会发现保存完好的宏伟庙宇。”
Indicating a certain spot filled with ruins which is all that travellers can see today the scene became replaced by the activity in the ether, as it had originally been in all its beauty and splendor far more magnificent than anything of which the present generation has any concept.
一个遍地废墟的地方 这是现代旅行者看到的真实的场景则被以太层的活动取代,就像它最初的模样 呈现出全然的美丽和辉煌远比现代人们脑中的任何事物都要壮美。
The gardens and pools were surrounded by great pillars of white marble and rose granite. The entire locality became Living Real Vibrant and just as tangible as any physical city on earth today. It was so perfectly natural and normal that I asked how he made these experiences so vivid?
花园和水池周围环绕着巨大的白色大理石和玫瑰色花岗岩石柱。整个地区都富有活力 真实 生动就像今天地球上任何一座拥有物质形态的城市那样。这一切呈现出完美的自然和正常状态,我禁不住问 他怎样让这些体验变得如此生动?
“Man and his creations,” he replied, “as well as Nature, have an etheric counterpart a pattern which makes its eternal impression upon the atmosphere about him wherever he goes. The pattern of the individual’s activity and life experience is within his own aura all the time. A similar record exists in the aura of every locality. An Ascended Master may if he chooses revivify or reclothe the individual’s record of former activities wherever that person happens to be for the pattern upon which the Master coalesces the atomic structure is always in the aura of that individual. When the Master reclothes the record of a locality he must do it in the same specific place for such a record, when reclothed becomes the same living form and structure that it was when first built in physical substance.
他回答:“人和他的创造,以及大自然,都在以太层拥有着一个对应的存在一种模板 不论这个人走到哪里都会在他周围的环境中留下永久性的印象。一个人的活动和生命体验 总是存在他自己的气场之中。相似的记录也存在每个地区的能量场中。扬升大师 可以选择复活或者重现个人能量场中曾经的活动体验 不论那个人在哪里 因为扬升大师根据原子结构聚集起来的模式 总是在那个人的能量场中。当大师重现 某个地区的记录时 他必须要在同一个地方进行因为这样的记录,当重现发生时会成为 与最初在物质层面存在时 相同的形式和结构。”
“In this way it is possible to coalesce again the physical structure of entire buildings and their surroundings when the Ascended Master so desires for the accomplishment of some good purpose. When one has attained this God Given Dominion he can and does reclothe and reanimate any Etheric Record he desires to make visible for the instruction and benefit of students and others.
“通过这种方式,可以重新聚合起整座建筑的物质架构以及它们周围的环境 如果扬升大师想要这么做的话以实现某种良善的目标。当一个人获得了这种神赐予的统治力量时 他也可以 为了学生和其他人的成长与指导 去披上外衣和复活 任何他想要重现的事物。”
“When he does this it is as Real as Reality Itself and the reclothed objects can be photographed, handled and made physically tangible to the physical senses of the one observing them.
“当他这样做的时候 它会像实相一样真实存在重新披上外衣的事物可以被录影、可以进行处理,可以触碰到 对于那些使用物质感官观察它的人来说。”
“Notice!” he reminded me, “you are experiencing these activities in your finer body but they are none the less Real because of that for your physical body is only a garment which you the Self Conscious thinking and experiencing individual, wear.
“注意!”他提醒我,“你正在自己更精细的身体中体验这些活动 但是它们仍然是真实的 因为你的物质身体仅仅是你 自我意识思考 和体验的个体所穿着的外衣。”
“It is the same as though you wore a heavy overcoat in the cold winter atmosphere and only a light suit of clothes on a very warm summer day. Experiences in your light suit of clothes would surely be no less Real than those you lived through in your heavy overcoat. I call this to your attention, that you may understand the fuller and less limited activities of Life.” We examined the grounds, the surrounding country, and architecture.
“就好像在寒冷的冬天,你穿着了一件厚重的大衣;在非常温暖的夏日,你只穿着轻便的衣服。你穿着轻便衣服时获得的体验 肯定不会 比你穿着厚重大衣时的经历更真实。我想请你注意这一点,这样你会更加了解更充实限制更少的生命活动。”我们检查了那个地方、它周围的乡镇和建筑物。
“Come, let us enter,” he said, and as he spoke, stepped forward and passed through the main entrance into the temple itself. We then became living actors and at the same time observers—of the following experience. We passed into the main part of the temple, and proceeded toward the Inner Sanctuary. The High Priest came directly up to us, and seemed to know me.
“来,我们进去吧。”他边说边走上前,穿过了正门进入神殿。然后我们就成为了演员 同时也成为 以下体验的观察者。我们进入了神殿的主体部分,然后继续向内殿前进。大祭司直接走到我们面前,他看起来似乎认识我。
“This priest of ancient days,” Saint Germain explained, “is now your son.” A lesser priest appeared whom I immediately felt I knew, and he remarked:
“The assisting priest was yourself.” We entered the Inner Sanctuary and saw the vestal virgin guarding the Sacred Fire. She whom I now beheld was Lotus my beloved Twin Ray whom I met and married some years ago and who is the mother of our son.
“这位辅佐祭司是你自己。”我们进入了内殿,看到了守护 圣火的贞洁圣女。她 现在我知道她是洛特丝 我挚爱的双生光我在几年前遇到她并跟她结婚了 她是我们儿子的母亲。
The scene changed and we saw a visiting prince from a distant province plan to seize the vestal virgin for his bride. All seemed to go well, until the High Priest was shown a vision of what was about to take place. It disturbed him but he kept his own counsel.
场景发生了变化 我们看到一位来自遥远省份前来拜访的王子 他计划着掳走这位贞洁圣女,让她成为自己的新娘。一切看上去都很顺利,直至大祭司看到了一个异象 即将发生的事情。这让他感觉不安 但是他没有对外人说。
Standing guard as the slaves of the prince entered he watched them approach the Sanctuary. As they came nearer he stepped forward and spoke but one word, that meant
当这位王子的奴隶进入时 大祭司充满警惕性地站着他看到他们接近圣殿。当他们越来越接近时,他走上前只说了一个词,意思是“停下!”
One slave bolder than the rest came on. The High Priest warned him back but still he came nearer. When he reached a certain Sacred Circle of force which emanated from the Altar the priest no longer hesitated. He stepped to the outer edge of that Protecting Radiance raised his right hand and pointed directly at the slave.
其中一位 比其他更大胆的奴隶 继续前进。大祭司警告他后退 但是他仍然前行。当他走到一个 从祭坛散发出的神圣圆环能量之地时 祭司不再迟疑。他走到那保护性的光芒外缘 抬起右手 直指奴隶。
A flash of Flame shot forth like lightning and the slave fell lifeless to the floor. The prince, who was watching, came forward in an insane rage.
一道闪电般的光芒射出奴隶倒在地上,毫无生气。一旁观看的王子怒不可遏 走上前去。
“Stop!” commanded the priest again in a voice like a clap of thunder. The prince hesitated for a moment stunned by the very power of the word and the priest continued:
“停下来!”祭司再次命令道 他的声音如雷鸣。王子犹豫了片刻 被这个词震慑住了 祭司继续说:
“Listen to me! You shall not desecrate the highest of God’s Gifts to the Temple of Life. Begone! before you follow the example of your too brazen and misdirected slave.”
“你听我的!你不能 亵渎神赐予生命神殿的 最高礼物。走开!不要效仿你那 厚颜无耻的、听从错误命令的奴隶。”
The High Priest was fully conscious of the power he could wield and as he stood watching the prince he was the very embodiment of self control of Illimitable force consciously held in obedience to his will. He was Majesty crowned with Eternal Power.
大祭司完全意识到他可以运用怎样的力量 当他站着看向王子时 他体现出了运用无限力量的 自制力 他有意识地服从自己的意志。他散发出威严的姿态 永恒的力量为之加冕。
The will of the prince was powerful also but he had no control over himself and as another wave of blind rage swept over him when he found himself again opposed and giving full vent to lust he rushed forward.
王子的意志也很强大但是他无法控制自己当一股盲目的愤怒席卷他时当他发现自己再次遭到反对时 他充分地发泄了自己的欲望 冲向前。
The priest quick as a flash raised his hand. The Flame flashed out a second time and the prince followed the fate of his former slave.
大祭司 如同闪电般迅速 举起了他的手。再次射出一道光芒 王子追随了他奴隶的命运。
Saint Germain turned to me, and explained the experience still farther.
“You see,” he began, “that is the way the quality within every force reacts upon the one who sends it out. The prince and his slave came with the qualities of hate, selfishness, and depravity within their feelings and when the priest directed the force of which he was the master toward them it took on their qualities the moment it touched their auras. He merely turned their own feelings and selfishness back upon themselves. The priest in his unselfish effort to protect another was himself also protected.”
“你看,”他开始说,“这就是每一种力量之中的特质 会反映在发送力量的人身上。王子和他的奴隶在他们的情感中携着仇恨、自私和堕落的特质,当祭司引导他所掌控的力量指向他们时 在接触到他们气场的瞬间这力量就会带上他们的特质。他仅仅是把他们自己的情感和自私 转回至他们自己身上。祭司在保护他人的无私行动中也保护了自己。”
That incident closed, the scene of splendor vanished, and again we stood amidst the temple ruins. Saint Germain revealed still more to me, which may not be recorded here.
“There is only one way,” he went on, “to avoid the cosmic wheel of cause and effect the necessity for re-embodiment and that is through the conscious effort to comprehend the Law of Life. One must earnestly seek the God Within make permanent, conscious contact with that ‘Inner Self’ and hold firmly to it in the face of every condition in the outer life. It will be my pleasure and privilege to show you more but only for the instruction it will bring to yourself and others. Come! We must now return.” As we came near my body, he instructed again:
“只有一种方法,”他继续说,“来避免宇宙因果轮回 重新转世的必要那就是通过有意识地努力去理解生命法则。一个人必须诚恳地去寻求内在的神 并与那个‘内在自我’进行永久性的、有意识的接触 在面对外在生活中的每一种状况时紧密地跟它连结在一起。我很荣幸也很高兴地展示更多给你不过仅限于它给你和他人 带来的指引。来,我们现在必须回去了。”当我们靠近我们的身体时,他又指引说:
“Watch the circle of White Flame disappear!” I looked it vanished and a moment later I was back in my body. The sun was sinking, and I knew it would be nearly midnight by the time we arrived home.
“看那一圈白色的火焰消失了!”我看过去 它消失了过了一会儿我回到了身体之中。太阳正在落山,我知道等我们回到家的时候,会接近午夜时分。
“Place your arm about my shoulder,” said Saint Germain, “and close your eyes.” I felt my body lifted from the ground, but I was not particularly conscious of moving forward. Presently, my feet touched the floor and opening my eyes I stood in the lodge. Saint Germain was greatly amused, when I asked how it was that we could come back in this manner without attracting the attention of the people about us and he answered;
“把你的胳膊放在我肩膀上,”圣哲曼说,“闭上你的眼睛。“我感觉到身体从地面升起,但是我没有特别意识到我们是否向前移动。不一会,我的双脚着地,我睁开了眼睛 我站在一间屋子里。当我问圣哲曼 我们怎么会以这种方式回来,同时又不引起周围人的注意,他被逗乐了,回答说:
“We many times draw about our bodies the cloak of invisibility, when moving among those in physical form,” and the next second he was gone.
I had heard of the Great Ascended Masters who could take their bodies with them wherever they go, and manifest—or bring into visibility anything they desire to use direct from the Universal. However, to actually experience contact with one of them was a very different thing, and I tried to realize in full the marvel of the experience. To Saint Germain, it was evidently a most ordinary occurrence.
我听说过,伟大的扬升大师们可以随意地把身体带往他们想去的地方,并从宇宙中直接显化 或者是把任何他们想要使用的东西变成可见状态。然而,与他们中的一位进行直接的体验,则是完全不同的事情。我试图去完全理解这种体验的奇妙。而对圣哲曼来说,这是再平常不过的了。
I sat in quiet contemplation for a long time in deep, deep gratitude trying to comprehend and fully realize his explanation of—”The Law” concerning desire. He emphasized its importance and activity as a motive power in the universe, to propel forward new ideas compelling an expansion of consciousness to take place within the Life of every individual. He had explained it by saying:
我怀着深深的感激之情静坐了很久 试图去理解 充分地去理解他对 法则中 有关意愿部分的揭示。他强调了意愿作为这个宇宙驱动力的重要性和它的活动 带来新的想法 推动每个人生命意识的拓展。他解释说:
“Constructive Desire is the expanding activity within Life for it is only in this way that greater and greater ideas, activity, and accomplishment are pushed through into expression in the outer world of substance and form. Within every Right Desire is the power of its fulfillment. Man is the Son of God. He is commanded by the Father to choose how he shall direct the Life energy and what quality he wishes his fulfilled desire to express. This he must do for free will is his birthright.
“建设性的意愿是生命中不断拓展的活动因为只有这样那些伟大的想法、活动和成就会被推动在物质层面和外部世界中进行表达。在每一个正确的意愿之中 存在着实现它的力量。人类是神之子。他在 父神的命令之中 去选择他会如何引导生命能量以及他希望赋予这种达成的心愿什么特质。他一定要这样做,因为自由意志是他与生俱来的权利。
“It is the function of the outer activity of the intellect to guide all expansion into constructive channels. This is the purpose and duty of the outer self. To allow the Great Life, or God Energy, to be used only for the gratification of the sense desires the habit of the mass of mankind is its destructive use and is always without any exception followed by inharmony, weakness, failure, and destruction.
“智力外在活动的功能 指引所有一切 拓展至建设性的渠道之中。这是外在自我的 使命和职责。更伟大的生命,或者说,神的能量,仅仅被用于满足五感的欲望这是人类大众的习惯 这是破坏性地使用这些能量,而且总是会 毫无例外地 伴随着不和谐、弱点、失败和破坏。
“The constructive use of desire is the conscious direction of this limitless God Energy by Wisdom. All desire directed by Wisdom carries some kind of blessing to the rest of creation. All desire directed by the God Within goes forth with the feeling of Love and blesses always.” The next few days, I spent writing this record of my experiences. Then one morning on awakening I found a golden card lying on the table near my couch. It looked like a piece of metallic gold and on it in beautiful shaded script of a lovely violet color was just one short sentence:
“对意愿的建设性使用 是通过智慧有意识地引导 这种无限的神之能量。所有经由智慧引导的意愿 都为它之后的创造携带着某种祝福。所有的意愿 由内在的神之自我引导 总是会带来爱与祝福的情感。”在接下来的几天,我把自己的经历写了下来。然后一天早上醒来,我发现沙发旁边的书桌上放置着一张金色的卡片。它看起来是由黄金制成,上面是美丽的紫罗兰色阴影字体 写着一句话:
“Be at our trysting place on the mountain at seven in the morning,” signed, “Saint Germain.”
I put this card away carefully, and could scarcely wait the intervening time so great was my expectancy. Early the next morning, while preparing a lunch, there came a distinct impulse not to take anything with me. I obeyed, and decided to trust that my needs would be supplied directly from the Universal.
我小心翼翼地收起这张卡片,等不及要见他 我的期待是如此强烈。第二天一早,我起来准备午餐,突然间有一种冲动 让我不要携带任何东西。我遵循了,并决定 相信 我的需要会直接从宇宙中得到满足。
Light of heart, I was soon on my way, determined not to miss any opportunity to ask questions if permitted. As I approached the appointed place my body became lighter and lighter until by the time I was within a quarter of a mile my feet scarcely touched the ground. There was no one in sight, so I sat down on a log to wait for Saint Germain feeling no fatigue whatsoever although my hike had been about ten miles.
怀着轻松的心情,我上路了,决心不要错过任何提问的机会如果允许的话。当我接近指定的地方时 我的身体变得越来越轻 当我距离那个地方只有四分之一英里(约400米)时,我的双脚几乎离开了地面。我没有看到任何人,于是坐在一棵木桩上等待圣哲曼到来 我一点也不觉得累 尽管我徒步旅行的距离大约有十英里。
As I contemplated the wonderful privilege and blessing that had come to me, I heard a twig crack and looked around expecting to see him. Imagine my surprise, when not fifty feet away, I saw a panther slowly approaching. My hair must have stood on end. I wanted to run to scream anything so frantic was the feeling of fear within me. It would have been useless to move for one spring from the panther would have been fatal to me.
当我思考发生在我身上的奇妙体验和祝福时,我听到了树枝断裂的声音,我环顾四周,希望可以见到圣哲曼。想象一下我的惊讶,在不到五十英尺(约15米)的地方,我看到一头豹子 正慢慢地靠近。我的毛发一定树立起来。我想逃跑尖叫或者其他什么 我内在的恐惧如此疯狂。对于这样一头可以让我致命的豹子来说,弹跳一步的距离是没有什么用的。
My brain whirled so great was my fear but one idea came through clearly and held my attention steady. I realized that I had the Mighty “Presence of God” right within me and that this “Presence” was all Love. This beautiful animal was a part of God’s Life also, and I made myself look at it directly in the eyes. Then came the thought that one part of God could not harm another part and I was conscious of this fact only.
我的大脑在恐惧之中旋转得很快但是一个清晰的想法出现了这个想法稳稳地抓住了我的注意力。我意识到 我内在拥有着强大的“神之临在” 这个“临在”就是爱。这个美丽的动物也是神之生命的一部分,我让自己看着它直接看着它的双眼。然后想到 神的一部分不可能去伤害另一部分我意识之中只有这个事实。
A feeling of Love swept over me, and went out like a Ray of Light directly to the panther and with it went my fear. The stealthy tread ceased and I moved slowly toward it feeling that God’s Love filled us both. The vicious glare in the eyes softened the animal straightened up and came slowly to me, rubbing its shoulder against my leg. I reached down and stroked the soft head. It looked up into my eyes for a moment and then, laid down and rolled over like a playful kitten. The fur was a beautiful, dark, reddish brown, the body long, supple and of great strength. I continued to play with it and when I suddenly looked up, Saint Germain stood beside me.
一种爱的感觉席卷了我,然后发散出就像一道光芒直接射向了豹子与此同时我的恐惧消失了。我不再偷偷摸摸地向后倒退 我慢慢地走向它感觉神之爱充满了我们俩。它眼中邪恶的目光开始变得柔软 这只动物直起身来 慢慢地走向我,用它的肩膀磨蹭我的腿。我伸手去抚摸它柔软的头。它朝着我的眼睛看了一会,然后像一只顽皮的小猫一样躺了下来翻了个身。它的皮毛是美丽的红褐色,身形长而柔软,充满着力量。我继续跟它玩耍,然后我突然抬起头看,圣哲曼就站在我旁边。
“My Son,” he said, “I saw the great strength within you or I would not have permitted so great a test. You have conquered fear. My congratulations! Had you not conquered the outer self, I would not have allowed the panther to harm you but our association would have ceased for a time.
“我的孩子,”他说,我看到你内在强大的力量 否则我不会允许你进行这么大的考验。你已经战胜 恐惧。祝贺你!如果你没有战胜外在的自我,我也不会允许豹子伤害到你 但是我们之间的来往会停止一段时间。
“I did not have anything to do with the panther being there. It was part of the Inner operation of the Great Law as you will see before the association with your new found friend ceases. Now, that you have passed the test of courage, it is possible for me to give much greater assistance. Each day you will become stronger, happier, and express much, greater freedom.”
“我与豹子之间没有任何关系。这是伟大的法则 内在运作的一部分将来你与你的这位新朋友停止联络之前也会看到这法则的运作。现在,你已经通过了勇气的考验,我可以给予你 更大的帮助。每一天,你都会变得更强大、更快乐,并表达出更多、更大的自由。”
He held out his hand, and in a moment there appeared four little cakes of a beautiful golden brown each about two inches square. He offered these and I ate them at his direction. They were most delicious. Immediately I felt a quickening, tingling sensation through my entire body a new sense of health and clearness of mind. Saint Germain seated himself beside me and my instruction began.
他伸出手,瞬间出现了四个漂亮的金褐色小蛋糕每个大概两英寸见方。他递给我,在他的指示下我吃完了。它们非常美味,即刻 我的整个身体都感觉到一种快速的、刺刺的感觉 我感觉到身体更健康,心智更清晰。圣哲曼坐在我旁边,开始对我的指导。