圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 15)
As I was shown these tremendous activities, I wondered why a civilization could be brought forth so wonderful, beautiful, and perfect in every way, and then go down through the terrible destructive activities of a cataclysm. Saint Germain saw the question in my mind and volunteered the following explanation:
“You see,” he said, “when a group of mankind is fortunate enough to come under the instruction and Radiation of a Great Master of Light such as this Great Cosmic Being is they are given an opportunity of seeing what the Plan of Life is for humanity, and the Perfection they are intended to bring forth and live in by their own conscious effort. However, unfortunately, and it has been so many times down the centuries the people will not try to understand Life but let themselves drop into a state of lethargy. They do not exert the necessary effort required to accomplish these things by the power of God within the individual. They begin to lean on the One giving the Radiation. The sustaining power is only withdrawn, when the individual ceases to make conscious effort to understand Life and willingly work in harmonious co-operation with it.
“They rarely realize most of their blessings are the result of the sustaining power from the One giving the Radiation. If a certain group of souls have been taught the Way of Mastery and reminded lifetime after lifetime of their Divine Birthright the hour arrives when no more assistance is permitted. It is then the Radiation of the Ascended Masters is withdrawn and those souls are compelled to come face to face with the fact the sustaining and accomplishing power was not due to their own effort.
“These must understand they can only receive that for which an effort is made. In such activity, the experiences passed through compel them to make the necessary self-conscious application and when that is accomplished expansion and God-Dominion begin to express.
“这些人必须理解 他们只能接收自己为之付出努力的部分。在这样的活动中,体验过的经历会强迫他们做出必要自我意识的使用 当它完成时 拓展和神之领域就开始表达。”
“There is no failure for anyone who continues to make self-conscious effort to express Dominion of the Divine over the human because failure only comes when self-conscious effort ceases. All experience through which the individual passes exists for one purpose only, and that is to make him aware of his ‘Source.’ He must learn who he is, recognize himself as a Creator and as such Master of what he creates.
“Everywhere throughout the Universe whenever the power to create is given to a Being the responsibility of creating is always co-existent with the power. All creation is by Self-conscious effort, and if the individual upon whom this Great Gift of Life has been bestowed refuses to take his responsibility and do his duty, his experiences in Life will prod him with misery until he does, for mankind never was created in a condition of limitation and it can have no rest until the Perfection with which it was endowed in the beginning is Fully expressed. Perfection Dominion Harmonious use and Control of All Substance and Force is the ‘Way of Life,’ the Original Divine Blue Print for humanity.
“在这个宇宙的任何地方每当创造的力量被赋予某个存有时创造的责任也伴随着力量到来。所有的创造都是自我意识的努力,如果一个人被赋予了这份生命的伟大礼物,但是却拒绝承担它的责任,履行自己的职责,他在生命中的体验将会以痛苦的方式刺激他直至他承担起责任,因为人类从不是在受限的情况下被创造出来的,直至达成完美,也就是把它在最初时被赋予的完全表达出来之前,都不会停歇。完美主宰和谐地使用和控制所有的物质和能量是‘生命之道’ 即人类最初的神圣蓝图。”
“God Within the individual is that Perfection and Dominion. It is that ‘Presence’ within the heart of everyone which is the Source of Life the Giver of every good and perfect thing. When the individual looks to and recognizes his Source as the Outpouring of All Good, he that moment automatically starts the flow of All Good things unto him and his world because his attention to his ‘Source’ is the Golden Key that opens every good thing unto him.
“The Life in every person is God and only by the Self-conscious effort to understand Life, and express the Fulness of good through himself can the discord in the outer experience cease. Life the Individual and The Law are ‘One’ and so it is unto Eternity.
“Come,” he continued, “we will go to a buried city near the Jurua River.”
We traveled west, and soon came to a slight elevation. Saint Germain extended his hand, and again vivified the Etheric Records of those people. The place we observed was the second city of importance in the empire. The one from which we had just come was the focus of spiritual power and activity, while the second, we were now to see, was the seat of commercial and governmental operations concerned with the physical welfare of the population. Here, was located the national treasury, mint, governmental, experimental, and inventive activities.
Not far distant from this city, rose the Mighty Andes, the source of the immense mineral wealth of the empire. I noticed one thing among these people that seemed most remarkable. All were so completely at peace and thoroughly contented. They expressed quiet and exquisite rhythm as they moved about. The pictures came to an end, and we proceeded to the only rocky spot visible.
Saint Germain touched one of the rocks. It moved aside, and we saw a flight of twenty metal steps leading down. These we descended and came to a metal door. We passed through, went down twenty steps more, and found ourselves before a massive sealed bronze door. He reached to the right, and unsealed a square opening in which were metal stops like those of an organ. He pressed two of these, the great mass slowly opened, and we stood in an immense room with everything just as it had been in that far off time. It had been used as a display room for inventions et cetera to which the public had access. All the fixtures were made of metal combined with what looked like opalescent glass.
圣哲曼碰了碰其中一块石头。它移向一边,我们看到了一排二十阶通向下方的金属台阶。我们沿着台阶向下,到达一扇金属门前。我们穿越大门,又下降了二十阶,来到一扇巨大的密封青铜门前。他把手伸向右边,打开了一个方形的开口里面就像是管风琴的金属挡块。他按下其中的两个,这个庞然大物慢慢打开,我们站在了一个巨大的房间里所有一切都跟那个遥远的时代一样。它曾经被用作发明创造的展览室 公众可以进入。所有的固定装置都是由金属制成的与看起来像乳白色玻璃的东西粘合在一起。
“This,” said Saint Germain, “was made by a fusing process combining certain metals with glass in such a way as to make the metal strong as steel and Imperishable. One man in the present age came very near the discovery of the same process for he had all but one element, and that would have made it imperishable.”
The entire room was lined with the same peculiar metal and three massive doors led from it. Saint Germain went to a box of stops, pressed three of them, and all the doors opened at once. We entered the first one and found a passage long and narrow, more like a vault than a room. It was lined with containers filled with discs of gold about the size of a silver dollar, stamped with the head of the emperor and an inscription that read ”God’s Blessing to Man.”
Entering the second door, we found similar containers filled with uncut jewels of all kinds. In the third room, the containers were flat, and held thin sheets of gold on which were written the formulas and secret processes used in that period。
进入第二个房间,我们发现了类似的容器 装满了各种未经切割的珠宝。第三个房间里放着扁平的容器薄薄的金片上面写着那个时期使用的配方和秘密工艺。
“Among these,” said Saint Germain, “are many formulas and processes which were not used in that former time. They will be given into the use of the present age.”
He went back to the box of stops and pressed another. A fourth door opened which I had not noticed before. This led into an arched tunnel or passage-way connecting the treasury with the mint. It must have been at least a quarter of a mile long and at the far end we entered an enormous room.
It was the main part of the mint, and was filled with a maze of machinery of most wonderful construction. Among many things I saw were machines used for stamping the gold and cutting and polishing the jewels. They simply fascinated one so perfect was their operation. Here, Saint Germain showed me a specimen of malleable glass, clear as crystal.
In this room were great quantities of native gold nuggets gold-dust and gold ingots weighing eight and ten pounds each. I was speechless at such an amazing quantity of wealth in one place and Saint Germain knowing how I felt, remarked:
这个房间里有大量的本土金块金粉和金锭 金块金锭重八磅和十磅。我惊讶地说不出话,在一个地方居然有如此巨大的财富 圣哲曼知道我的感受,说道:
“It is utterly impossible for such quantities of wealth as you see before you to be released unto the mass of mankind because the selfishness within the commercial world at the present time makes it the height of folly to let humanity waste more of Nature’s gifts.
“把你看到的如此巨量的财富释放给人类是完全不可能的因为当今商业世界中的自私 让人类再去浪费更多大自然的馈赠 无疑愚蠢至极。”
“God and Nature bestow their wealth lavishly upon the earth for the use and blessing of the Souls who incarnate here but the selfishness and lust for power within the feelings of mankind make them forget the ‘Higher Way of Life,’ and cause man’s inhumanity to man.
“神和大自然将他们的财富慷慨地赐予地球为了让转世到这里的灵魂的使用和祝福 然而人类情感中的自私和对权力的渴望让他们忘记了‘生命更高等的存在方式’,并造成了人与人之间不人道的行为。”
“The few who rise to control of the mass should have the Intelligence to know that what helps the mass helps the individual most but if they refuse to recognize this ’Law’ self-destruction follows brought about by their own selfishness. Selfishness and the feeling of power to control others blind the reason and dull the perception of the outer mind to its own dangers and such individuals ride headlong to ruin in every case ruin spiritually mentally morally and physically extending many times into the third and fourth embodiment following.
“那些提升至控制大众的位置上的少数人应该拥有智能知道可以帮助大众的,就是最可以帮助到个人的但是如果他们拒绝承认这条 ‘法则’随之而来的就是自我毁灭这是他们自身的自私造成的。自私和控制他人的权力感会盲目了理智并让外在心智对其自身危险的感知变得迟钝这样的个体在每一种状况中都会一头扎入毁灭之中摧毁灵性、心智、道德和身体并会延伸进入很多次转世中 一直至接下来的第三次和第四次转世。”
“Only when mankind rises out of the mire of its own selfishness and lust in all its forms can human beings be entrusted with all that God and Nature hold ready for Right Use; but any individual, as he cleanses himself of his own selfishness and lust may have the fullest use of all these riches, when he will use them harmoniously and for the blessing of others. Individuals can make themselves ready to be custodians of these gifts for in the age that is already ushered in only those will have unlimited use of wealth who have made themselves worthy to be Trusted Keepers and Dispensers of this treasure. God and Nature provide these Gifts for man to use rightly and Right use alone is the condition on which they may be received.” Saint Germain crossed his hands upon his chest and continued:
“只有当人类摆脱自私和欲望的所有形式的泥潭时人类才能被托付以神和大自然为正确使用而准备好的一切;任何个体,当他清除自己的自私和欲望,就可能充分地利用所有的这些财富,当他可以和谐地使用它们时,就可以去造福他人。一个人可以让自己做好准备成为这些礼物的保管人因为在已经进入的时代中只有那些人才能拥有无限使用的财富,他们是那些让自己准备好成为这些宝藏值得信赖的守护者和分配者的人。神和大自然为人类提供这些礼物,是为了让他们去正确地使用,而正确地使用才是接受这些馈赠的唯一条件。” 圣日耳曼双手交叉放在胸前,继续说道:
“Mighty God enter so firmly into the hearts of Thy children that they want Only Thee, then none shall want for any of Thy Great Gifts.”
“伟大的神请坚定地进入你这些孩子的内心让他们想要的只有你,这样他们就不会想要 你那伟大的礼物了。”
He sealed everything as we had found it, and we returned to my body which I re-entered quickly.
He again gave me the crystal cup filled with Living Substance, and said:
“My beloved son, you will be a very valuable helper and may God always bless you.” With that blessing, he bowed and was gone.
“我亲爱的孩子,你会是一个非常有价值的帮手,愿神永远祝福你。” 带着那个祝福,他鞠了一躬就走了。