圣哲曼系列 02《神奇的临在》THE MAGIC PRESENCE (part 15)
VII. The Mysterious Message 神秘信息
“I will be with you two weeks longer,” said Saint Germain as soon as we had returned to our hotel. “With your permission I will devote a part of each day to individual Instruction, which I can see with the Inner Unlimited Sight you are going to need.
“Our interference with the plans of the sinister force and the imprisonment of their tools that took place in Washington recently has drawn the attention of certain forces to you especially to Gaylord and this Brother,” indicating me. “You both have certain faculties developed in former lives which can be used in many remarkable ways. It is because of this the sinister force will try to strike at you.
“我们对邪恶力量计划的干预,以及最近在华盛顿逮捕他们的工具人这些行动,已经引起了某些势力对你们的注意 尤其是盖洛德和这位兄弟,”他向我示意。“你们二人在前世都已经发展了某些特定的能力,可以以非比寻常地方式运用。正因为如此,邪恶力量会试图攻击你们。”
“However, you will be protected in every way and kept perfectly safe so long as you keep poised and free from anger, hate or fear. This is why I wish to give you certain definite Training along the line of Self-Protection.
“The most important and imperative thing for you to remember always is to fully accept and realize the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is ‘The Magic Presence’ and that It is focused in, through, and around you at all times. You have seen your Glorious God Self of Dazzling Light the very Life of your own Being—while you were at the ranch, so there is no excuse for not accepting It completely.
“对你们来说,最重要和必要的,就是始终完全接受并认可‘伟大的我是临在’是‘神奇的临在’,要把注意力放在这里,让它始终穿过你、环绕着你。当你在牧场时,你已经看到了你那闪耀着圣光的荣耀神之临在 那是你自己存在的生命,因此没有理由不去完全接受它。”
“The outer activity of your mind is the bucking bronco. This you must bring under subjection and make it perfectly obedient to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ in every way. For those who have not been privileged to see the God Self, there might be some excuse, although It is speaking constantly through the Heart to every human being that ever was born into this world; but after an individual has once seen his ‘Perfect Self,’ the Blazing God Light, there is no reason for ignoring that ‘Presence’ afterwards.
“When Its Form and Light have once been recorded in the outer activity of the mind through the sight, the individual can at any instant recall that Picture consciously and at will, and again release that Power into all earthly problems.
“The sincere student can draw the Full Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ into any condition, and so charge all things with Perfection. Thus he can live once again in the Father’s House in the Glorious Freedom that was originally designed for him. This is the only predestination there is.
“真诚的学生可以把‘伟大我是临在’的全部力量带入到任何一种状况中,从而让万物变得完美。这样他就可以再次生活在圣父的殿堂 生活在最初为他设计的荣耀自由中。这是生命唯一的注定。”
“Having once seen your ‘Mighty I AM Presence, ‘ your own vision is one of the most powerful faculties you have for bringing invisible activity into visible, physical form. The architects of your business world are doing this constantly. They receive an idea, which is an invisible activity; they then draw a picture of it. It is but a very short time until the substance is drawn together and the invisible idea has become a visible, tangible building.
“The individual’s ability to use this Law is absolutely unlimited; but it is only when the student consciously sets to work to control his faculty of sight so that he closes it to the picturing of negative conditions, that he begins to have Freedom and puts his world in order.
“The average person’s thoughts and feeling are nothing but a mass of chaotic pictures and negative suggestions which he has accepted from the world about him, and keeps repeating and feeding them by his own energy through his attention. Order is Heaven’s First Law Harmony and Peace, the Cohesive Power of the Universe. These come from One Source only, and that is the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ of the Universe, your God Self.
“普通人的想法和情感不过是一团混乱的画面和负面的暗示,他从自己周围的环境中接收到这些混乱画面和负面暗示,并通过他的注意力,用自己的能量不断喂食它们。秩序是天堂的第一法则 和谐与和平,是宇宙的凝聚力。这些仅仅来自一个源头,那就是宇宙的‘伟大我是临在’,你们的神之自我。”
“Limitless Substance and Invincible Power are forever about you. You must understand how to raise or lower the atomic vibratory action by the Power of the ‘I AM’ to produce whatsoever you can possibly desire. There is no one to say what shall come into your experience and world but yourself.
“The Limitless Omnipresent Substance is always about you waiting to be acted upon. You, the individual, are the channel through which the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ wishes to expand Its Perfection. It pours out ceaselessly the Limitless Light, or Energy of Life; but you are the governor of its use, the director of its destination and of the result it is to bring forth to you.
“It can and will produce anything you wish instantly if you will but keep your personality harmonized so thoughts, feelings, and words of discord do not interrupt Its ever-flowing Perfection. Life is Perfection, and It contains all Perfect Manifestation within Itself. The only duty of the personality is to be a ‘Cup’ that carries and reveals the Perfection of Life. Until one obtains obedience from the outer senses and maintains a feeling of peace within himself, he pollutes the Purity and Perfection of the Life that is flowing through.
“It is your duty to know the Wisdom of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ always directs your use of Its Power and Life. It alone knows what is Perfect for you—except an Ascended Master. He, being ONE with the All-knowing Mind of God, is ONE with your ‘I AM Presence,’ no matter whether It acts through you or through Him. Thus only your own ‘I AM Presence’ or an Ascended Master knows what is right for you at all times. Only these two Sources, which are really one, can see down your entire Life Stream and know all the forces that play upon your problems, and the cause of your experiences, past, present and future.
“The lack of discrimination in distinguishing the True from the false is the thing which makes mankind fail everywhere in the outer world. The one who determines to attain Perfection must train the outer activity of his mind to listen to no voice but that of his ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ He must accept only Its Wisdom and obey only Its Direction. He must hear the Light see the Light feel the Light and BE the Light of the ‘Infinite I AM Presence.’
“缺乏辨别真假的能力,是人类在外部世界中处处失败的原因。决心获得完美的人必须训练他心智的外在活动,除了他‘伟大我是临在’的声音之外,不要听信其他任何声音。他必须只去接受临在的智慧,只服从它的指引。他必须听到光 看到光 感受到光 并成为‘无限我是临在’的光。”
“While there is a different Individualization or Flame of God governing each human body, yet these Individualizations are, have, and use the One Universal Mind, Substance, Wisdom and Power. This is how there is but One Mind, One God, One Substance and One Power ever waiting to be consciously acted upon and directed by the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ through the conscious mind or outer activity of the individual.
“If the feeling and thought of the personality is kept harmonious, then the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ expands Its Perfection through the outer activity of the individual. If they be discordant, the personality becomes like a steam engine without a governor and destroys itself. The latter is the condition the larger part of humanity is expressing today. Everyone is constantly using this wonderful, limitless Energy the Greatest Force in the Universe.
“如果人格的感觉和想法保持在和谐的状态,那么‘伟大的我是临在’就会通过个人的外在活动来表达它的完美。如果处于不和谐的状态,人格就会成为没有调速器的蒸汽机,带来自我毁灭。后者是大多数人类所表达的状况。每个人都在持续地使用这种美妙、无限的能量 宇宙中最伟大的力量。”
“The responsibility for its use rests entirely upon the individual, for he is a Creator. If this tremendous Energy be used with the Conscious Understanding of the Love, Wisdom and Power of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the individual can only express Freedom, Perfection and Mastery.
“We all know there are thousands who desire this Instruction that is true; but no individual in Heaven or on Earth can fail to attain It if the desire for the ‘Light’ be earnest enough, determined enough, and strong enough to hold the attention of the intellect upon that Light. This must be the Paramount Idea of Life upon which to focus all one’s energy. To the one who has this great determination, undreamed-of ways will open to bring about the fulfillment of that desire.
“我们都知道,有成千上万的人渴望这一教导 这是真的,但是,如果一个人对‘圣光’的渴望足够真诚、足够坚定、足够强大,把注意力全部都放在圣光上,那么不论是在天堂还是地球,没有谁不会实现。这是一个人必须要把他所有的精力放在圣光上的生命至高理念。对于拥有这种伟大决心的人来说,将会为实现这一愿望敞开意想不到的大门。”
“If human beings seek the Light with one eye and the pleasure of the senses with the other, they will not receive much Light. The Great Ascended Masters have become Perfect and All-Powerful by dwelling or thinking upon Perfection and obeying the One Law of Life Love. They are That upon which They have meditated. Today mankind is that upon which it has meditated, or focused its attention in the past. Human beings would not live to be over twelve years of age if it were not for the continual Help of these Great Luminous Beings of Transcendent Attainment and Love. They give the same wonderful care to the inhabitants of Earth that loving, unselfish parents give to their children, and help all individuals who have a sincere desire to live constructively. To such persons an opportunity is always open so they may attune to and contact the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within themselves, anchor to Perfection, and thus come into the Ascended State also, if they be determined enough.
“如果人类用一只眼睛寻求圣光,另一只眼睛寻求感官享乐,那么他们不会得到太多圣光。伟大的扬升大师通过对完美的专注和思考,并服从生命的唯一法则 爱,已经达成了完美和全能。他们成为了他们意识沉思之所在。今天人们的状况是他们一直以来注意力所在的结果。若是没有这些获得超然成就和爱的伟大光明存有给予的帮助,人类不可能活过十二岁。他们给予地球上居民的美好关怀,跟那些有爱的、无私的父母给予他们孩子的是一样的,他们帮助所有那些怀着真诚的意愿,去成就建设性的生活的人。对于这些人来说,机会总是向他们敞开,这样他们就可以校准,并连结自己内在的‘伟大我是临在’,来锚定完美,从而进入扬升状态,如果他们足够坚定的话。”
“The Ascended Masters always work in perfect cooperation with the Cosmic Law of Love. Students often ask, ‘Why, if these Masters are All-wise and All-powerful, do They not correct the discord upon Earth and make humanity’s suffering cease?’ They do help the individual who wishes to serve the Light to harmonize his thought and feeling, and bring the body into obedience to the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ They protect him thousands of times from destructive currents of force and activities of which he has no knowledge; but They cannot and do not fulfill his Plan of Life for him.
“Each individual knows a thing only when he attains the consciousness of it by the expenditure of his own energy, for then he feels it. An Ascended Master never, never intrudes upon the Eternal, Sacred Prerogative of the individual’s Free Will. Whenever a destructive force of any kind gathers a certain momentum or accumulates pressure, whether it be done by an individual, a group of individuals, a nation, or in Nature, the Great Cosmic Law allows it to spend its force in order to annihilate the focus, balance the pressure, and release the misqualified energy back into the Universal Reservoir. There it becomes purified by the Great Flame of Life and can be used again.
“The personality, if it be obedient, can, by the Conscious Command of the ‘I AM Presence,’ release the Consuming Flame of Divine Love and willingly purify its own miscreation. Thus the individual avoids the necessity for compulsory balancing and purification by the Action of Cosmic Law.
“The willingness to right a wrong, correct a mistake, balance and purify any miscreation, will always open the way for an Ascended Master to give Assistance and bring permanent attainment. This willingness can come in a group, a nation, or an entire humanity just as well as it can in the individual; for the Infinite only acts and controls the Universe through Its own Individualization through the Being who says ‘I AM.’ Creation could never have taken place if the Infinite had not acknowledged Its own Being through the ‘Individual I AM.’
“自愿去纠正错误、改正错误、平衡和净化任何错误的创造,总是会为扬升大师给予帮助并取得永久性的成就开辟道路。这种意愿可以来自一个团体、一个国家、甚至整个人类,这些集体可以像个体一样表达出这种意愿;因为那无限的存在只能通过它自己的个体化表达来行动和控制整个宇宙 也就是通过说出‘我是’的存有。若是无限没有通过‘个体化的我是’来承认其自身的存在,创造永远不会发生。”
“When the individual determines to express the Perfection of Life, he must be loyal enough to his own ‘I AM Presence’ to stand back of his own Decree in the face of all outer experience. He can then give the ‘Great Command,’ and Life yields to him the fullness of every good thing so long as the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ is acknowledged as the Owner and Doer of all that is good.
“当个体决定表达出生命的完美时,他必须对自己的‘我是临在’足够忠诚,在面对所有的外在状况中坚守自己的喻令。然后他可以给出‘伟大的命令’,生命就会向他提供一切美好的丰盛 只要一直去认可‘伟大的我是临在’是所有美好事物的所有者和实现者。”
“If one refuses to accept his ‘I AM Presence,’ he refuses all Good and the Source that gives it. As Life is the Great God Flame from which all proceeds, he by this attitude of thought and feeling refuses Life. Hence disintegration is the self-chosen experience which the individual permits the outer activity of his consciousness to impose upon his own Stream of Life.
“如果一个人拒绝接受他的‘我是临在’,他就拒绝了一切美好、以及给予美好的源泉。因为生命是伟大的神之火焰,所有一切从中产生,他通过否定的想法和情感的态度 来拒绝生命。因此,他自己也就选择了自我瓦解之路,个体允许他意识的外在活动施加于自己的生命之流。”
“If thoughts and feeling of anger, hate, selfishness, criticism, condemnation and doubt of the ‘I AM Presence’ are permitted to remain in the consciousness of any human being, the Door to Perfection closes, and his existence becomes but a process of sleeping and eating until the energy drawn by the outer consciousness spends itself, and the body is left to dissolution.
“Then the individual makes another effort to express the Fullness of Perfection through another body, and continues this effort for aeons, if necessary, until that Perfection is fully expressed. It is to avoid such continual re-embodiment into limitation, that it is so imperative for the individual to have Conscious Understanding of the Purpose of Life, because the Knowledge of how to release Love, Wisdom, and Power enables him to fulfill that Purpose perfectly.
“I can assist you to attain this, because by the use of the Consuming Flame of Divine Love for the purifying and blessing of humanity, you can always free yourself.
“I am delighted with Bob’s progress. It is a long time since I have contacted anyone with such determination and whose desire for attainment is so intense. His advancement is truly wonderful.
“I have tickets to the opera of Parsifal tonight,” He continued, changing the subject abruptly. “Will you be My Guests?” That evening in His wonderful Presence, Parsifal became something far more than an opera. It was the struggle of the individual through human embodiment. The Instruction He poured out to us as the drama of the soul and the Victory of the “I AM Presence” unfolded Itself in music and allegory was one of the most marvelous experiences I have ever had. As the performance began He said:
“Observe what can be done for those who are sincere and loyal to the highest ideals through their art.” The two who played the part of Parsifal and Kundry were the fortunate ones chosen for this remarkable Blessing. They had been singing a short time when Saint Germain turned on a Great Stream of Spiritual Power, and instantly one could detect the change in their voices. They became more remarkable in quality; the timbre increased so powerfully, the singers themselves were visibly delighted and amazed. One could feel the Charge of Electronic Light penetrate everything. The audience felt the change too, thrilled with delight and enthusiasm, and called them back again and again in its appreciation.
“What will be the result,” I asked at the first opportunity, “when they find their voices are not the same the next time they wish to sing?” “This added Power and Perfection will be permanent,” He replied. “Former growth permits it to be done for them at the present time. If they had not made previous effort, it would not have been permissible to use them in order to give you this Instruction. The beloved sister and brother will think that Divine Providence has come to their assistance, which is literally true; only in this case, I happen to be the Director of Providence.”
As scene after scene was presented that night, Saint Germain showed us the true meaning of what was being portrayed in a manner we can never forget. By the time it came to a close I was raised to a tremendous spiritual height, and the exaltation was so great that it lasted for hours. We returned to our hotel filled with unspeakable joy and gratitude.
The following two weeks passed rapidly while our Instruction continued. Then one morning our Beloved Master announced that He was leaving us for a time, and that He had retained His suite of rooms for the use of Nada, Pearl, Rex, and Bob over the holidays. Bidding us a loving good-by, He disappeared.