The Cintamani Stone
The Cintamani Stone (or Chintamani Stone) is a legendary artifact of Buddhist and Hindu mythology, a “wish-fulfilling gem of extraordinary power.
The History of the Original Cintamani
The Cintamani stones are a rare type of meteor that was once a planet in the Sirius star system according to Cobra. This planet existed in the higher dimension and the Light Forces attempted to lower it into the physical plane. This attempt failed and the planet exploded. The pieces we have come here naturally and are only found in one general location only that can be confirmed at this time Beware many people are selling Meteorites, Tektites, and Mannites which ARE NOT CINTAMANI.
Buddhist Understanding of Cintamani Stones
Tibetan iconographical sources list seventy-five forms of Mahakala, a wrathful deity who guards the Buddhist path of wisdom and compassion. Some emanations of Mahakala appear with the heads of yaks or ravens; some ride on the backs of tigers or black horses.
In this thangka, Mahakala manifests with a ferocious smile as the guardian of wealth and prosperity, holding at his breast a flaming Cintamani, or ‘wish-fulfilling jewel.” In Buddhist mythology, the Cintamani refers less to the fulfillment of worldly hopes than to the jewel of enlightened consciousness that exists within all beings. In the gallery of liberated vision, the white form of Mahakala arises in a nimbus of fire and rainbow light, impelling us beyond petty notions of accumulation to a recognition of an all-pervading bounty.
Cintamani Mahakala tramples on icons of worldly wealth in the form of the elephant-headed Ganapati and his attendant rat. This rat is often depicted regurgitating jewels, suggesting that whatever we seek to acquire is ultimately lost. These celestial forms dramatize inner processes, as well as the means of transforming them.
As a symbol of self-existing abundance, Cintamani Mahakala reveals the secrets of Buddhist alchemy: that genuine wealth is achieved through the generosity and that compassionate vision frees us from impoverishing attachments. Giving away all that we achieve – mentally, spiritually, and materially – we are born anew in the Buddha-field of vast abundance, free of avarice and fear.
Dressed in flowing silken garments and eschewing his customary tiger-skin wrap, Mahakala holds in his lower left hand a skull bowl bearing the golden vase (kalasha) of Kubera, another wealth-bestowing deity. In his upper right hand, he holds a curved Kartika, which servers the roots of attachment. In his upper left hand, he holds a ritual trident in place of his iconographical a noose which is a further symbol of material entrapment.
Whatever riches we accumulate materially are abandoned at the moment of death. Only the wealth that we accrue spiritually will benefit us in the interim world of celestial visions. The emanations of the mind’s deepest dimensions may at first seem horrific but recognized as reflections of unexplored regions of the psyche; they offer complete liberation from our slavery to emotional and material attachments.
Like the awakened heart of the Buddha’s, the universe selflessly gives of itself. If we surrender to its implacable compassion, we are ourselves unwitting inheritors of the world’s abundance. The secret lies in letting go…
The Cintamani Science
Energy is transmitted by “God”, The Alpha and Omega, El Elyon, The Divine Mind, The Creator, “All that is” the name is unimportant. This divine spark is constantly moving always within the heart of creation and then down through to the physical plane of time and space. This energy comes through the living portals we call Suns. From our Sun the life force enlivens all livestreams and certainly at least keeps the earth and other planets rotating and moving in their orbits.
These supra luminal ultra-dimensional energies which we observe at the high etheric level, have functions relationships and inter-dimensional interactions we can only guess at. To us 3D earthlings barely penetrating 5th dimensional or Astral Plane the true understanding of the science of interdimensional physics and the various influences of these cosmic energies are only understood via inference of Quantum fields. It seems the truth always requires more investigation and is hard to penetrate.!
These Quantum field influences (quarks, mesons, hadrons, muons, neutrinos, bradeon, leptons, etc.,) are part of the holographic field that seems to influence and interface our realities in ways that are largely unknown at this time. We know that the observer of your mind your being is creating your reality but the details of this interaction are not fully understood at this time. Empirical declarations about how this cosmic energy works to create grids or ley lines and distribute life force throughout the world’s etheric mantle would be arrogant and presumptuous.
We can say that there is one aspect that is noted and that in certain locations when two or more of these plasma lines of force come together, they create connections and vortexes. These Vortals can influence timelines. In certain locations of energetic confluence, even dimensional Meta dimensional realities seem to present themselves.
This is the subjective and quantum experience, which is individual and is unique to one’s views and perceptions. Other real physical properties are quantifiable as well that makes these portal locations or ley lines unique locations in nature.
Sacred Sites Background Teaching To Understand The Importance of Cintamani
Some people have described these grids or energy vortices as portals where they have experienced an out-of-body type experience. Some claim dimensional contact with various beings of multiple types and intentions! Others have had miracle healing to physical ailments. Certainly, there are reports where individuals felt some inner type of attunement and healing of their psyche.
How To Care For The Cintamani
The Cintamani is a special stone and should be treated with respect however it is not to be worshipped or have an undue attachment to the stone or its effects.
The Cintamani stone is actually like a crystal in a sense and some specimens of the highest grade are somewhat translucent. Since they are like crystals it is best to not let them get damaged or scratched. Because these are not as easily scratched as crystals when in their natural unfaceted state so, they are not that delicate which is a good thing.
Keep Them Close –You may keep them on your person as much as long as you are comfortable. I will probably have some special-grade stones made into Pendants or Rings for those who are interested please let me know! To clean these stones, I will suggest sea salt and water with a soft not too abrasive cloth and possibly organic non-sulfate soap like Dr. Bronner’s if you feel it is getting too dirty. Dirt or body oils will not adversely affect the stone’s energy field.
I have also been using the stones with Lasers to activate the stones and they are really extremely powerful when used this way. You may also do this with Tachyonized quartz stones as well and this too is very powerful!