圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 5)
“For hundreds of years,” Saint Germain continued, “this Perfection was maintained without army or navy of any kind. The control of the people was vested in the care of fourteen Ascended Masters of Light two working on each of the Seven Rays. They thus formed points of focus for the Mighty God Activity to be made visible. Under these fourteen Luminous Beings were fourteen lesser Masters who formed the heads of seven departments, controlling the activities of science, industry and art. Each of the department heads guided the work under his care by conscious and direct contact with the God in himself. Hence, direct from their Source did all direction and instruction come for those under them. Thus Divine Perfection was constantly flowing through without any interference from the human.
圣哲曼继续说,“这个完美一直延续了数百年的光阴没有任何形式的军队,不论是陆军还是海军。人们的统治交给了十四位光之扬升大师七道圣光中,每一道都由两位大师护持。因此,他们让伟大的神之活动的能量聚焦点变得可见。在这十四位光明的存有 指导之下,是位阶较低的十四位大师 他们形成了七个部门的首领,控制着科学、工业和艺术领域的活动。每个部门的负责人都通过有意识地与自己内在的神之自我进行直接地接触,来指引他的工作。因此,来自他们源头的指引引导着他们进行自己领域内的工作。所以神圣的圆满不断地在人间流淌不受任何干扰。”
“This form of government was most remarkable, successful, and satisfactory in every way. There has never been anything on earth since that time which has even approached such heights. In the ancient records, that have come down to the present day, this former civilization is always referred to as the Golden Age and so it was in every activity of Life.
“In your beloved America in the not so far distant future will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self and this her people will express in high attainment. She is a Land of Light and Her Light shall blaze forth brilliant as the sun at noonday among the nations of the earth. She was a Land of Great Light ages ago and will again come into her spiritual heritage for nothing can prevent it. She is strong within her own mind and body stronger than you think and that strength she will exert to rise out of and throw off from border to border all that weighs heavily upon her at the present time.
“在你热爱的美国在不远的将来会出现一种相似的对真正内在自我的认知她的子民会以极高的成就表达出来。她是光之领域 她的圣光将会像正午的太阳一样灿烂 照耀在地球上所有国家之中。很久之前 她是伟大圣光的领土她会再次来到她的灵性传承之中 没有什么会阻止这一点的到来。她的心智和身体要比你想象中强大她将使用这种力量从边缘中升起并抛开这些当前所有沉重地压在她身上的一切。”
“America has a destiny of great import to the other nations of the earth and Those who have watched over her for centuries still watch. Through Their protection and love she shall fulfill that destiny. America! We the Ascended Host of Light love and guard you. America! We love you.
“A similar form of perfect government will come at a later period, when you have cast off certain activities within that hang like fungi and sap your strength as a vampire. Beloved ones in America be not discouraged when the seeming dark clouds hang low. Everyone of them shall show you its golden lining. Back of the cloud that seems to threaten, is the ’Crystal Pure Light of God and His Messengers, the Ascended Masters of Love and Perfection’ watching over America, the government, and her people. Again I say, ‘America we love you.’
“一种相似的完美政府形式将会出现,当你摆脱掉内在的某些活动时那些活动就像真菌一样悬挂着像吸血鬼一样吸食你的力量。美国的可爱众生当表面上看似乌云低垂时 不要气馁。他们中的每个人会向你展示他们灵性的一面。看似威胁的乌云背后,是 ‘神的纯粹水晶之光,是扬升大师和神之使者的爱与圆满’ 他们在守护着美国、那里的政府和人民。我再说一次,‘美国 我们爱你’。”
“One by one, great awakened souls are coming forth who will become clearly conscious of their own Mighty, Inherent God-Power and such as these will be placed in all official positions of the government. They will be more interested in the welfare of America than in their own personal ambitions and—private fortunes. Thus will another Golden Age reign upon earth, and be maintained for an aeon.
一个接一个地,伟大觉醒的灵魂出现了,他们会越来越清晰地认识到自己内在伟大的、与生俱来的神之力量这样的人会被安置在政府所有的官方职位上。相比自己个人的野心和财富,他们会更关心美国整体的福利。因此 另一个黄金时代将会降临到地球,并永恒地存在。
“In the period, just preceding this, which you have been experiencing, the mass of the people used great airships for transportation purposes. As the development reached a still higher point, they had little need for them, except in the outlying districts. All the official class, because they were the more spiritually advanced souls of that race, were able to go from place to place in the finer bodies and do all they desired the same as in your recent experience at Luxor. They also were able to transport the physical body at will—for the use of their power to overcome gravity was as natural as breathing is to you.
“Gold was a common commodity in this age, as in all ‘Golden Ages,’ because its natural emanation is a purifying, balancing, and vitalizing energy or force. It is placed within the earth by the ‘Lords of Creation’ those ‘Great Beings of Light and Love’ who create and direct worlds systems of worlds and the evolution of the beings upon them.
“在这个世代,黄金是一种常见的商品,就是“黄金时代”中的黄金那个词。因为它自然地散发出一种净化、平衡和充满活力的能量或力量。通过‘创造之主’ 那些‘伟大的光与爱的存有’ 它被放置在地球上也是他们创造并引导着世界众多的世界以及众生的进化。”
“The outer mind or intellectual knowledge of humanity, holds within it little very little understanding of the Real purpose for which gold exists on this planet. It grows within the earth like a plant, and through it is constantly pouring a purifying, vitalizing, and balancing current of energy into the very ground we walk upon as well as into the growth of Nature and the atmosphere we breathe.
“人类的外在头脑,或者说智力上的知识,很少能理解 黄金存在于这颗星球上的真正目的。它像植物那样在地球上成长,而且也是它不断地向我们行走的土地大自然的成长以及我们呼吸的大气倾注净化、活化和平衡的能量流。”
“Gold is placed upon this planet for a variety of uses two of its most trivial and unimportant ones being that of using gold as a means of exchange and for ornamentation. The far-greater activity and purpose of it within and upon the earth is the release of its own inherent quality and energy to purify, vitalize and balance the atomic structure of the world.
“黄金被放置在地球上用于多种用途其中两个最微不足道和最不重要的用途就是把黄金作为交易的手段和用于装饰。”它内在更伟大的活动、以及它存在于地球上的目的 是为了释放它内在的品质和能量,从而去净化、活化和平衡这个世界的分子结构。
“The scientific world today has no inkling as yet of this activity. However, it serves the same purpose to our earth that radiators do to our homes. Gold is one of the most important ways by which the energy from our sun is supplied to the interior of the earth, and a balance of activities maintained. As a conveyor of this energy it acts as a transformer to pass the sun’s force into the physical substance of our world as well as to the Life evolving upon it.
“现代的科学界对这项活动还一无所知。然而,黄金对地球的作用就像暖气对我们家的作用。黄金是把来自太阳的能量带入到地球内部并保持各种活动处于平衡之中的 重要方法之一。作为这种能量的导体它的作用就像变压器把太阳的能量传递到我们所在的物质世界以及在这个世界中进化的生命。”
The energy within gold is really the radiant, electronic force from the sun acting in a lower octave. Gold is sometimes called a precipitated sunray.
“As the energy within gold is of an extremely high vibratory rate, it can only act upon the finer and more subtle expressions of Life through absorption. In all ’Golden Ages’ this metal comes into plentiful and common use by the mass of the people and whenever such a condition occurs the spiritual development of that people reaches a very high state. In these ages the gold is never hoarded but instead, is widely distributed into the use of the mass who absorbing its purifying energy are themselves raised into greater perfection. Such is the right use of gold and when this Law is consciously understood and obeyed the individual may draw any quantity he desires to himself by the use of that Law.
“由于黄金中的能量具有极高的振动频率,它只能作用于生命中更微妙和精细的表达 通过吸收的方式。在所有的 ‘黄金时代’ 这种金属通过大众得到了丰富且广泛地使用 每当这种情况发生时人们的灵性发展就达到了一个非常高的状态。在那些年代,黄金 从来不会被囤积起来,相反地,它被广泛地派发给大众使用人们吸收它净化的能量 从而让他们自己提升到更伟大的完美之中。这就是黄金的正确使用方法,当这个法则被有意识地理解并遵守时个人就可以通过使用这个法则吸引来他需要使用的任何数量的黄金。”
“Because of the gold deposits in all mountain ranges one finds health and vigor in Life upon the mountains that he cannot find at any other place on the earth’s surface. No one ever heard of detrimental effects coming to those who constantly handle pure gold. While in its pure state, it is soft and wears away easily, still that very quality is the fulfilling of this purpose of which I have just spoken.
“因为山脉中存在着金矿所以人们看到山上散发着健康和生命的活力这是人们在地球表面其他地方找不到的。从来没有听说过负面的影响会来到那些经常与纯金打交道的人身上。当黄金处于纯净 状态之中时,它是柔软的,而且很容易磨损,不过它所拥有的那种特质让我刚刚提到的那个目的得以实现。”
“The more advanced of these people produced much gold by precipitation direct from the Universal. The domes of many buildings were covered with sheets of pure gold and the interiors decorated with brilliant jewels in curious yet marvelous designs. These jewels were also precipitated direct from the One Eternal Substance.
“那些人中更加进化的人直接从宇宙中通过沉降产生了更多的黄金。很多建筑物的圆顶上覆盖着纯金片,内部装饰着精美的珠宝,设计美妙而独特。这些珠宝也是沉降产生 直接来自合一的永恒物质。”
“As in all ages past, there was a portion of the people who became more interested in the temporary pleasures of the senses than in the larger creative plan of the Great God Self. This caused them to lose consciousness of the God Power throughout the land until it remained active in little more than the city itself. The capital was called the ’City of the Sun.’
“与所有过去时代一样,有一部分人他们对感官产生的短暂性快乐更有兴趣而不是对更伟大的伟大神之自我的创造计划更有兴趣。这导致他们失去了这片土地上神之力量的意识最终这种意识只在一个城市中保持着活跃。那座城市被称为 ‘太阳之城’。”
“Those governing realized they must withdraw and let the people learn through hard experience that all their happiness and good came from the adoration to the God Within and they must come back into the ‘Light’ if they were to be happy.”
The king-emperor through the Inner Wisdom seeing that the people were becoming still more deeply enmeshed in the sense gratification, realized that it was no longer the Divine Plan to further sustain the kingdom. He was instructed by those of greater spiritual authority than himself to give a banquet announcing his decision to withdraw, and thus bid his subjects farewell.
He called the councilors together, and gave directions for the banquet, ordering it held in the most magnificent place of the empire, known as the Jeweled Room in the king’s palace. This was lighted by self-luminous globes that emitted a brilliant, white radiance. They were suspended from the ceiling by chains of crystal. While the light within was intense and brilliant yet it had an extremely soothing effect upon the body giving those in its radiance a sense of great ease and calm. The light from the central globe set the jewels ablaze in the sunburst design that formed the great medallion in the middle of the ceiling.
他召集了众议员,下令摆宴,在这个帝国最宏伟的地方王宫中的玉室进行。这里被 自发光的球体照亮,发出明亮白色的光芒。它们由水晶链条悬挂在天花板上。虽然光的内部强烈而明亮但是它对身体却有着极其舒缓的效果给沐浴在光芒中的人一种轻松和平和之感。来自中央球体的光芒让这些珠宝闪烁着旭日纹的图案成为了天花板中央巨大的装饰。
The large banquet hall was elaborately decorated and set with twenty-four white onyx tables, each seating twenty-four guests. This was the first occasion upon which all the king’s councilors and their staffs were to be his guests at the same time. The announcement of the banquet caused ‘much comment among the people who discussed it thoroughly each with his neighbor—but to all it was a mystery for none was able to discern its purpose.
宴会厅装饰精美,摆设二十四张白缟玛瑙桌子,每张桌子可以坐下二十四位宾客。这是国王的大臣和他们的幕僚们第一次同时成为国王的客人。这场宴会的宣告引起了众多人们的讨论 —— 每个人都与相邻的人议论着但是对所有的人来说,这仍然是一个谜没有人能看出这场宴会举办的真正目的。
The evening of the event came at last. No one suspected the sorrow within the heart of the noble ruler nor did they dream of the change so soon to come upon them. The hour arrived, the guests assembled, and everyone breathed mystery.
The great bronze doors to the banquet hall swung majestically open, and a burst of transcendent music, as if played by a gigantic symphony in the invisible came forth, surprising even those who knew the tremendous power of their adored monarch. He was looked upon almost like a God by the people, so great was their love and admiration for the wisdom and help he constantly poured out to them.
宴会厅的青铜巨门在庄严之中打开,伴随着超脱的音乐声,仿佛一首巨大的交响乐 在无形中响起,就连他们最尊重的君主熟悉那伟大力量的人也感到惊讶。人们仰望着他 就像一位神,人们对他一直以来为他们所倾注的智慧和帮助流露出强大的爱与敬意。
As the triumphal music ceased the king entered accompanied by his children. The girl was a vision of loveliness. She wore a gown of soft golden fabric unlike any material of our modern world. The over-drape appeared as if covered with diamonds for with every movement of her body points of light flashed forth. The golden hair falling over her shoulders was caught with two emerald clasps. On her forehead was a single band of white metal, set with diamonds. In the center was what appeared to be a large diamond but was really a powerful condensation of “Light” focused and maintained there by her father.
随着欢迎的音乐结束 国王走了进来在他孩子的陪伴下。一位少女透露着可爱。她身着一件柔软的金色丝织长袍不同于我们现代世界的任何材料。身披之物仿佛点缀满了钻石,伴随着她的每个动作,闪烁着光点。垂在肩膀上的金色长发被两个祖母绿的发夹夹住。她的前额环绕着一条白色的金属带,上面镶嵌着钻石。中央的位置看上去像是一颗更巨大的钻石,但是实际上 那是一道“圣光”的凝聚由他父亲凝聚并保持在那里。
The king was the only one in the whole empire who was entrusted with the use of such Transcendent Power. The royal family had never used these Jewels of “Light” in their contact with the outer world until that night. Such use of this power was only permitted in their private worship of the Great God Self of whose “Supreme” Presence they were keenly and constantly aware.
国王是整个帝国中唯一被赋予使用这种力量的人他可以使用这种超凡之力。这个皇室家族与外界的人接触时从来没有使用过这些 “圣光”宝石直至那天晚上。这种力量的使用只有在他们个人对伟大的神之自我的尊崇之中才被允许,他们一直敏锐地知晓并觉察到他们自己的“至高无上的临在”。
The ruler and his two sons wore form-fitting garments of the same soft golden fabric as the daughter. These were as pliable as leather but made of metallic gold with breast plates like a great sun of jewels. They wore sandals of the same material, also set with precious stones, and the wonderful Jewel of “Light” rested upon the forehead of each.
The king gave a signal, and the assembled guests were seated. In a voice majestic and powerful, he poured out an invocation from the depths of his heart to that—”Infinite Supreme One.”
国王给了个手势,众宾客就坐。他以威严而有力的声音,从他的心底向那 “无上至尊”发出祈请。
“O Thou Mighty Omnipresent Source, Thou who dost govern the Universe, The Flame in each human heart! we give love, praise and gratitude unto Thee for Thine own Life, Light, and Love in all things. We adore Thee, and look only unto Thee, the ‘Presence’ in all things visible and invisible, evolved and unevolved, Thou ceaselessly flowing stream of Life, Who dost forever pour Thyself into all creation, the One Self in All.
“My heart calls unto Thee as never before to arouse these, my people, to their danger, for of late indifference to Thee is creeping over them like a poisonous breath, producing a soul-sleep and drawing a veil before them that shuts out ‘Thy Shining Presence.’
“If they must have the experience that consumes and burns away the dross and clouds of the outer self, then do Thou sustain and at last bring them forth in Thy Eternal Perfection. I call unto Thee, Thou Creator of the Universe Thou Supreme Omnipotent God.”
“如果他们一定要进行这样的体验,来消耗并烧毁外在自我产生的无用之物和乌云,那么请你维持他们,并把他们最终带入到你永恒的圆满之中。我呼唤你,宇宙的创造者 至高无上的全能神者。”
The king took his seat and all waited in silent expectation. In a few moments the service for each individual appeared before him. Course after course was served as if by unseen hands the food coming in marvelous crystal and jeweled containers then disappearing as soon as the course was finished followed immediately by the succeeding one. Finally, the most elaborate banquet the empire had ever known came to an end. All was silence again, as if in breathless expectancy anticipating some most unusual occurrence.
The king arose and stood a few moments calmly waiting. Soon a crystal goblet appeared at the right hand of each guest. These were filled with a condensation of Pure Electronic Essence and for all who drank it, no matter how far down the ages his life-stream extended or how varied his experiences he never could completely forget the ”God-Self Within.” This soul protection was granted to those at the banquet, as a reward for their faith and loyalty to the God in themselves the king and the empire. The councilors and those present had served sincerely and continuously for the good of the empire and for that service soul protection through the centuries was given to them.
Each lifted his goblet and drank to the “God in himself” to his own “Flame of the Most High Living One.” The proceedings of the banquet were broadcast to everyone in the empire through a radio similar to that which we use today. It was no larger than a dinner plate yet powerful enough to receive what was happening at any point on the earth’s surface.
After the salutation to the Divine Self in each all became very still the atmosphere itself seeming perfectly motionless. In a few moments a Wondrous “Presence” slowly became visible in front of the king.
当每个人向内在的神性自我致敬之后 一切变得非常安静空气似乎完全静止下来。片刻之后,一位特别的“临在” 慢慢地出现在国王的面前。
That “Presence” was a “Cosmic Master” from out the ”Great Silence.” A murmur of awe and surprise passed over the assembled guests at his appearance as they recognized in amazement one of whom they had heard for many centuries yet whose visible ”Presence” none had ever seen. Raising his right hand, he addressed those present and all dwelling within the empire.
这位“临在”是来自“伟大寂静”之中的“宇宙大师”。当他出现时,在场的宾客们发出了敬畏和赞叹的低语他们在惊讶之中认识到这位“临在”是他们几个世纪以来一直听到过的其中一位可是他的肉眼可见的“临在” 从来没有人见过。他举起右手,对在场的所有人、以及整个帝国的居民说:
“O Children of Earth, I bring you a warning of serious import, at a time of great crisis. Arouse yourselves from the snare of the senses that is engulfing you! Awake from your lethargy, before it is too late! This, my ‘Brother of Light’ must withdraw and leave you to the experience that you have chosen, and which is slowly enticing you into its many pitfalls.
You have opened yourselves to the uncontrolled ignorance and emotions of the outer self.
“You give little attention and still less adoration to your ‘Source’ the Supreme, the Mighty, the Radiant, the Majestic, the Infinite Cause of all that is the Creator and Sustainer of all worlds. You give no gratitude to the ‘Great Glorious Presence’ the ‘Lord of Love’ for the very Life by which you exist.
“你们对自己的‘源头’至高无上的、全能的、闪耀的、威严的、无限万有之源泉所有世界的创造者和维持者给予的关注和尊敬甚少。你们对赋予你们生命的‘伟大荣耀的临在’ ‘大爱之主’没有感激之心。”
“Oh! why are you not even grateful, for the blessings Nature pours out so lavishly, for the abundance that comes to you through this fair land, and from your own wise and unselfish ruler? You thank each other for favors the things of the senses and form that are so ephemeral that pass from one to another and then are no more but why, Oh why! do you forget the ’Source’ of all Life, all Love, all Intelligence, all Power?
“People! O People! where is your gratitude to Life for Love, for the magnificence of experience that you enjoy every moment, every hour, every day, year after year? All this you call your own, but it has always belonged, does now, and always will belong to the One Great Source of Life, Light, Love and All Good GOD the Supreme the Adorable the All-Pervading One.
“When by your own misuse of the energy of Life which this All-Pervading One showers upon you constantly, pure, perfect, and uncontaminated you have created conditions so destructive and painful that they can no longer be endured you turn in either desperation, agony, or rebellion and call upon God for relief from your misery. This is your offering to the ’Giver of all Good’ in return for that Ceaseless Perfection which he continually bestows in Supreme Love. The only condition, upon which the ’One Great Self’ gives all, is its right use that it may bless the rest of creation with infinite joy, harmony and activity.
“生命能量是无所不在的合一能量,它不断地冲刷着你,它纯净、完美、不受任何的污染当你滥用生命能量时你创造了具有破坏性和痛苦的状况,这些状况让你不能忍受 你要么绝望、要么痛苦、要么反抗,并呼请神让你从痛苦中解脱出来。这就是你对 ‘所有美好给予者’的供奉以换取他不断赐予的在至高之爱中的永无止境的完美。给予一切的‘合一伟大自我’唯一要求的条件是正确地使用它它可以为其他的创造带来无尽的欢乐、和谐与活动。”
“When in the depths of misery you turn again to your Source, for relief from your misdeeds you either cry in the agony of despair or, if rebellious, blame Life and the Source of All Good for allowing, what you call injustice and wrong conditions to exist in you and your world.
“It is you, the little personal self who are unjust to Life you who are unfair you who create the misery of earth, for only humanity because it has free will to create as it chooses each individual through his own thought and feeling only humanity who dares to bring into existence the discord, misery, and deformity that express upon earth. This is a blight upon Creation and the Perfection that forever swings in the Great Cosmic Melody of Eternal Song.
“是你自己,微小的个人自我不公平地对待生命是不公正的你创造了地球上的苦难,因为人类拥有自由意志去创造他所选择的每个人通过他自己的想法和情感进行创造 只有人类敢于把不和谐、痛苦和畸形的存在带入地球上表达出来。永恒之歌的伟大宇宙旋律荡漾着创造与完美,而这是人类施加在其上的枯萎。”
“Only mankind is guilty of making a discord in the music of the spheres, for all else lives and acts in accordance with the ’Law of Love, of Life, of Harmony, and of Light.’ All else blends into the harmonious whole the ‘Body of the Infinite, All-Loving One.’
“只有人类可以犯下在这宇宙韵律之中制造不和谐的过错,因为所有其他的生命和行为都与 ‘爱、生命、和谐、和圣光法则’ 相一致。所有的一切都融合进入这个和谐的整体 即‘无限充满爱之合一的身体’。”
“All other realms of ’Life and Light’move and create according to the fundamental principle upon which all Perfection rests. That principle is Love. If it were not for the ’Great Selfless Ones’ like your ruler the Great Host of Ascended Masters whose very keynote of existence is Love humanity would long ago have destroyed itself and the very planet upon which it exists.
“The transcendent and magnificent activities of Love and Light are the Natural Conditions in which God created and expected His human children to manifest obeying His command ’to Love.’ There is no such thing as a supernatural condition anywhere in the universe. All that is Transcendent, Beautiful and Perfect is Natural and according to the ‘Law of Love.’ Anything other than that is sub-natural. The daily experience of the Host of Ascended Masters is the Perfection God’s children were meant to live in always. Earth’s children did express this Perfection once in a former cycle, which was ’One Golden Age.’
“That former civilization that Ancient Perfection is older than you dream older than you believe the planet to be. All mankind at that period lived in a similar transcendent state, as the Ascended Masters, and the condition of misery, that has followed since that time down through the ages, came about because they chose to look away from their ‘Source’ Love as the plan by which to live Life.
“那个之前的文明那个远古时代的完美要比你想象的还要古老比你所想的地球还要古老。那个时期所有的人类都生活在像扬升大师那般超然的状态中,之后才是世代沿袭下来的痛苦状况,悲惨状况的发生是因为人们不再把注意力放在他们的‘源头‘ 爱之上,而他们本应该如此进行生活。”
“When the children of earth look away from Love they are deliberately and consciously choosing the experience of chaos. Whoever seeks to exist without Love cannot survive long anywhere in creation. Such efforts are bound to bring failure, misery, and dissolution. By its very condition it must return to chaos the unformed so it may be used over again in combination with Love, and thus produce a new form.
“当地球上孩子们的注意力远离了爱他们就是在故意地、有意识地选择混乱的体验。那些想要在没有爱的情况下活着的人无法长久地存在不论他在何处。所有这样的努力注定带来失败、痛苦和瓦解。就其本身的状况而言它一定会重归混沌那未成形的状态 因此它可以再次与爱结合,从而产生一种新的形态。”
“This is the ‘Law of Universal as well as individual Life.’ It is Immutable, Irrevocable, Eternal, yet Beneficent, for creation in form exists that God may have something upon which to pour out Love and so express in action. This is the ‘Law of the Mighty One’ from which all else proceeds. It is the ‘Mandate of Eternity’ and the Vastness and Brilliance of that Perfection cannot be described in words.
“If there were not these Actual, Real, Permanent and Perfect conditions of Life and experience, which far transcend human description existence would be but a travesty upon the stupendous activity of Life that swings forever throughout creation. There are those higher, harmonious, Transcendent Spheres realms of activity and consciousness individual and cosmic where creation goes on continually in Joy, in Love, in Freedom, and in Perfection.
“These are Real, Real, Real and much more permanent than your bodies and buildings in the physical world about you. These Realms of Life are created of Substance which is so charged with Love that they can never have a quality or activity of discord, imperfection, or disintegration imposed upon them or registered within them. Because they are based upon Love, the Perfection of such a manifestation is forever maintained, ever active, ever expanding, ever blessing with the joy of all that exists.
“You bring woe upon yourselves which propels you into embodiment again and again in the ignorance of the senses, the human appetites, and desires of the outer self. These appetites in the feeling nature of mankind are in themselves but an accumulation of energy which the individual through his thought and feeling has given a quality of one kind or another. This misqualified energy, gathers a momentum through human expression and becomes habit. Habit is but energy specifically qualified and held focused for a time upon one objective.
“The sense appetites of former lives become the driving forces and habits of the next—keeping you slaves, bound to the chariot wheels of discord, lack, and necessity whirling you through a maze of human problems and experiences of your own creation compelling you to learn and obey the ’Law of the One’ ’Love.’
“前世生活中的感官欲望会成为下一次转世生活中的驱动力和习惯 让你成为奴隶,把你捆绑在不和谐、匮乏和必然的战车车轮上 让你在人类问题的困境和自己创造的体验中旋转翻滚 强迫你学习和遵守 ‘合一法则’ 爱。”
“Your own miscreations drive you on, and on, and on, until you are willing to understand Life and obey Its One Law Love. You whirl through Life after Life, experiencing discord upon discord, until you do learn to live the ‘Law of Love.’
“This is a compelling activity which none escape and it continues until the outer self asks-the reason for its misery, and understands that its release from the experience of suffering can only come through obedience to the ‘Law of Love.’ Such obedience begins as calm, peace, and kindliness in the feelings whose center is in the heart. Its contact with the outer world must come through the ‘Inner Feeling.’
“这是一种强大的活动没有人可以逃脱它它会一直进行下去,直至外在的自我去寻找原因到底什么带来了痛苦,外在自我最终会明白,只有通过顺从 ‘爱之法则’ 一个人才会真正地从痛苦中解脱出来。这种顺从开始于情绪中的冷静、和平与善意 这种感觉集中在内心。它与外部世界的接触要通过‘内在感觉’来实现。”
“Love is not an activity of the mind, but is the ’Pure and Luminous Essence’ which creates mind. This Essence from the Great God Flame streams into substance, and constantly pours itself out, as Perfection in form and action. Love is Perfection manifest. It can only express peace, joy, and an outpouring of those feelings to all creation unconditionally. It asks nothing for Itself because It is Eternally Self-Creating being the Heartbeat of the ‘Supreme.’ Love owns All and is only concerned with setting the Plan of Perfection into action in all. Thus, It is a constant pouring out of Itself. It takes no cognizance of what has been given in the past, but receives Its joy and maintains Its balance by the continual Out-streaming of Itself. Because this Perfection is within Love forever flowing forth it is incapable of recording anything but Itself.
“爱不是心智的活动,而是创造心智的‘纯洁光明的精华’。这种精华来自伟大的神之火焰并流入到物质之中,而且不停地向外倾洒,它是形态和行动中完美的体现。爱是完美的表达。它只能表达平和、喜悦之情,并且无条件地向所有的创造倾洒这种情感。它从不为自己所求什么,因为它永远在自我创造它是‘至高无上’的心脏脉动。爱拥有 所有一切它只在乎把神圣完美计划付诸行动。因此,它不断地从自身倾洒而出。它并不理会过去存在的东西,而是通过不断地向外倾洒自己来接收喜悦并保持平衡。因为这种完美在爱之中 并随着爱一起流动除了它自己,它无法记录除此之外的任何东西。”
“‘Love’ alone is the basis of harmony and the right use of all Life energy. In human experience, this grows into a desire to give, and give, and give of all the individual’s peace and harmony unto the rest of creation.
“People! O People! forever throughout the ages! only enough Love can bring you back to the Heaven you once knew and abided in. Here, you will once again embrace the fulness of the ‘Great Light’ that gives all through Love.
“A visiting prince approaches your borders. He will enter this city seeking the daughter of your king. You will come under the rule of this prince but the recognition of your mistake will be futile. Nothing can avail, for the royal family will be drawn into the protection and care of those whose power and authority are of God and against whom no human desire can ever prevail. These are the Great Ascended Masters of Light from the Golden Etheric City over this land. Here your ruler and his beloved children will abide for a cycle of time.” Turning to the king he addressed him, saying:
“I bless you my noble, patient Brother! Loving and selfless has been the service to your people. Deep and eternal is your devotion to the Supreme One the Source of All Creation. The Golden Etheric City awaits and joyously welcomes you and your children.
“Within Its radiance you shall live serving through the Rays of Light which are forever streaming out from those who dwell therein, until these your people shall redeem themselves by obedience to the ‘Law of Love.’
“圣光永远向外流淌至居住在它之中的人,在它的照耀之中,你们将进行服务生活,直至你的子民通过服从‘爱之法则’ 得到自我救赎。”
“This ‘Empire of Light’ exists over the land you have loved so well. It is composed of self-luminous, etheric substance and rests above the physical city which is your capital. It is Real, very Real and much more permanent than any earthly city, for ’Light’ is indestructible and the Golden City is made of ’Light.’ Into It, no inharmonious thought or disturbing condition of any kind can ever enter.
“这个‘光之帝国’一直位于你们深深热爱的土地上方。它是由自发光的以太物质构成,位于你们首都,也就是这座物质层面城市的上空。它是真实存在的,它非常真实,比地球上的任何城市都要恒久,因为 ‘圣光’ 是坚不可摧的,黄金之城就是由 ‘圣光’构成的。在这座城市,任何不和谐的思想和不安的情感都不能进入它。”
“I will return in seven days to take you and your children into the ’City of Light’ where we shall watch the progress of humanity, and draw into the ’Light’ all who will discipline and make themselves ready. Encircling the City is an invincible belt of electronic force through which it is impossible for anything uninvited to pass.”
“七日后我会回来,把你和你的子民带到‘圣光之城’ 在那里我们会观察人类的进步,并把所有自律、且让自己准备好的人带入‘圣光’。包围这座城市的 是一道不可逾越的电子之力任何没有受到邀请的事物都不能通过。”
When he had finished speaking, he blessed the royal family, the guests and the empire and, in the moments of silence that followed His Light and the outline of His Body within it grew fainter and fainter until it disappeared entirely.
他说完这些,便祝福了整个王室、在座的宾客和整个帝国。在随后的寂静之中他的光芒以及光芒中他身体的轮廓 变得越来越微弱,最后完全消失。
A murmur passed through the great banquet hall, and as all looked toward the king, his head was bowed in reverent silence. Then he slowly rose and bid his guests good-night.
On the seventh day, the ”Brother from out the Silence” returned and enfolding the king and his children within his own blazing aura, withdrew into the ”Golden Etheric City of Light.”
在第七天,那位‘来自伟大寂静中的兄弟’归来,把国王和他的孩子包裹在自己闪耀的能量场中,退回到那 “黄金以太之城”。
The visiting prince arrived the next day, discovered the condition of the empire, and the consternation that still held sway over its people. He at once subtly planned to become its ruler. This he accomplished without opposition. Two thousand years later—most of that empire had become barren land, the streams dried up, and desolation stretched everywhere all the result of the discord and selfishness of mankind and the blight it becomes upon the growth of plant life in nature. This kingdom had extended the entire width of Africa on east until it reached the Himalayan Mountains.
There followed a great cataclysm submerging all the land. Through that change, an inland sea was formed where the Sahara Desert now lies. Another earth change, which took place about twelve thousand years ago drained this sea and a part of it later became the present Sahara Desert. The River Nile, as it is today, most nearly resembles the beautiful streams of that long forgotten period.