圣哲曼系列 02《神奇的临在》THE MAGIC PRESENCE (part 24)

XI. The True Messenger of Divine Service 神圣服务的真正使者

LATE one afternoon we were returning with Electra from a drive along the shore of the .J Mediterranean and had just entered the door of Her home when a Sealed Letter dropped at Rex’s feet. He picked it up, and opening it, read:


My Beloved Children:


Leave tomorrow morning for India. All is in readiness, and we are happy to welcome you.

Saint Germain



Our Host of the yacht had not been with us during our sight-seeing trip in Alexandria; but when we arrived at the pier, He greeted us joyously with the news that we had been assured of a calm, delightful voyage. We again passed through the Red Sea as we sped swiftly on our way to one of the Greatest Centers of Spiritual Light and Power on this planet.


Leto continued Her Instruction during the entire trip at Saint Germain’s Request, that Bob and Rex might reach the point where they could come and go from the physical body consciously and at will. By the fifth day of our journey they had become quite proficient, and like most young people, wanted to experiment often in using their newly-evolved Powers. This Leto would not permit.


“There must be a very great sense of Spiritual Honor and Integrity,” She explained, “in regard to the use of these Mighty Powers of the ‘I AM Presence’; for the Great Law of Being does not permit them to be brought into our outer use except where it is for the accomplishment of permanent good. We must be aware at all times that whenever we use the Life, Substance and Power of this Universe for the mere gratification or pleasure of the senses, only misery and destruction can be the result.


“The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ works ceaselessly to build, release, express, and constantly expand Perfection in all Its Creative Activity, and permanently maintain Love, Peace, and constant Service to all. If the sensations of the body and the outer activity of the mind are permitted to run riot and interfere with the Divine Life Plan of the individual, disaster and failure are the result. The True Student of Light never, never uses his powers for the amusement and gratification of the senses, for exploitation of anyone’s personality or to make money by producing phenomena.


“The Ascended Masters’ Way of Life is to give, give, give! First, Love and Adoration to His own ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ and then expand Love and Perfection by pouring It out to everybody and everything. To send out Divine Love without limit, all the time, is the whole of the Law applied. If mankind could only understand this, the individual would realize that he must pour out this Flame of Divine Love before the Perfection which he desires can flow into his world and release things into his use.


“Divine Love is a Feeling, an actual Ray of Light which flows out from the Flame within the Heart. It can be sent forth so powerfully that this Ray of Light Substance is both visible and tangible. It is the most Invincible Power of the Universe. Use It, Beloved Ones, without limit, and nothing is impossible to you.”


By temperament and training, Leto was a calm, sweet, marvelously poised teacher; but we we’re amazed at the Power She could release when She wished to impress a certain Understanding of the Law upon our consciousness. She was not accustomed to the boyish pranks of Bob and Rex, but She soon made it unmistakably plain to us all that no boyish pranks played any part in the operation of these Great Cosmic Laws.


“The Cosmic Law acts,” She continued, “wherever the thoughts and feelings direct and qualify the energy; and It is no respecter of persons, places, conditions, things, motives, ignorance, or knowledge, anymore than is a current of electricity running through a motor or dynamo. If you turn on the Power, it acts, according to the direction given it. This is a point that many students do not seem to comprehend, or for which they do not wish to take the responsibility; but the Truth of the Law is the only thing with which We are concerned.


“Our Work is to put the exact Truth of the Law before individuals. If they refuse to understand and obey it, then their suffering must increase until the human side breaks its shell of obstinacy and selfishness and lets the ‘Mighty Presence of the I AM’ control all, according to the Perfection of Life. “Therefore, never joke in thought, feeling or the spoken word about the Powers of the Godhead; for to do so without exception draws heartbreaking experiences into your world. Therefore, govern your outer moods with an Inflexible Will whenever you use the Powers of the ‘MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE.’

“我们的工作是把法则的确切真理摆放在人们面前。如果他们拒绝去理解和遵守,那么他们的痛苦必定会增加  一直到人类打破其固执和自私的外壳,让‘伟大的我是临在’根据生命的完美法则来掌控一切。因此,永远不要在思想、情感和言语上拿神性的力量开玩笑,因为这样做  无一例外  会给你的世界带来令人心碎的体验。因此,每当你使用‘伟大我是临在’的力量时,都要用坚定的意志来管理你的外在情绪。”

“In order to manifest the greater Expressions of the ‘I AM Presence,’ the individual must become aware of and feel that ‘Presence’ within himself, and know that the very Life Energy which beats his Heart and breathes through his lungs is constantly flowing into his physical body from his Electronic Body. His Electronic Body is projected into space from the very Heart Center of the Cosmic Life of the Universe, which you have heard us refer to as the Great Central Sun.


“This Pure Life Energy flowing ceaselessly into the mind and body of the individual is the Triune Activity of the Supreme acting everywhere throughout Infinity. It is Intelligence, Substance and Energy the One Universal Light out of which comes all manifestation.

“这种纯净的生命能量持续不断地流入到一个人的心智和身体中,这是至高无上者贯穿无限、无所不在的三重活动的表达。它是智能、材质和能量  所有的显化都来自这合一的宇宙圣光。”

“It is subject at all times to the conscious direction and use of the individual with Self-conscious, individualized Free Will. The minerals, plants and animals do not have the control of this activity; for only the Flame of the Godhead is endowed with Self-directing Free Will.


“The more attention one gives the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the more he will learn of the Vast Realms of Wisdom that stretch before him. The more he realizes the immense responsibility and limitless opportunity that are his, the more should he ask the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within his own Heart to teach him all things.


“If one wants Wisdom, he must turn his attention to the only Source of Wisdom the ‘Mighty I AM Presence.’ Only by acknowledging the ‘I AM,’ can the first impulse be given which releases Its Wisdom into the outer use of the individual. It is by Acknowledgment, that the first wave flows forth to release It into the physical activity. Otherwise It remains forever quiescent within the Consciousness of the ‘I AM.’ The Release of It can come only at the Command of the Self-Directing Will of the Flame of God.

“如果一个人想要智慧,他必须把自己的注意力转向智慧的唯一源头 — ‘伟大的我是临在’。只有通过承认‘我是’,才能给出让智慧释放到个人外在使用中的第一个脉动。只有通过去承认,第一波能量才能流动释放到身体活动中。否则,它会永远静止在‘我是’的意识中。只有在神之火焰自我引导的意志的命令下,才能释放出来。”

“Learn to call forth these God Attributes and Activities from the very Heart of the Universe, and then use them in Love to bless all Life. If you will do this, there is no height you cannot attain and no gift you can ask of Life that Life will not release to you when you understand what part of you says ‘I AM’ and you are willing to use all to bless Life everywhere with Love.

“学会从宇宙的核心来呼请这些神的属性和活动,然后在爱中使用它们,用来祝福所有的生命。如果你愿意这样去做的话,就没有你无法到达的高度,也没有你想要的但是生命无法给予的礼物 只要你理解,你的哪部分在说‘我是’,同时你也愿意使用一切,用爱祝福无所不在的生命。”

“Use, use, use, use the Understanding of the ‘I AM Presence’ that you now have, and persist in loving, in blessing Life everywhere; and you will open wide the Floodgates to Freedom the Realm and Activities of the Limitless the Natural World and Life of the Ascended Masters. Use the Wisdom you now have, and more will come as surely as your Heart beats and your mind thinks.”

“去使用、使用、使用、使用你现在所拥有的对‘我是临在’的理解,并坚持用爱去祝福地球上所有的生命;你就会打开通往自由的闸门 无限的领域与无限的活动 属于扬升大师的自然世界和生活。使用你现在拥有的智慧,随着你们内心的跳动和心智的思考,更多智慧会到来。”

 At dinner on the evening of the seventh day of the voyage, our Host announced that we were to reach Bombay late the next evening, but we were to remain aboard until the following morning. Bombay is one of the most beautiful harbors in the world; and as our yacht came alongside the pier, we were greeted by the Indian Master Chananda, to whom we were presented by our Host. We drove to the railroad station where we were conducted to a private car every convenience being provided for us so very graciously until we reached our destination.

在航行的第七天晚上用晚餐时,我们的东道主宣告我们将于第二天晚上抵达孟买,但是我们要留在船上直至早晨。孟买是世界上最美丽的港口之一,当我们的游艇靠近码头时,我们受到了印度上师迦南达(Chananda)的欢迎,我们的东道主把他介绍给了我们。我们开车到火车站,然后转移到一辆私家车上 他们非常慷慨地给我们提供了一切便利,直至我们到达目的地。

It was here only that the outline of our stay in India was given. First we were to go to Calcutta and remain there two days while certain Work would be given. The trip to Calcutta was delightful, and although the days were very warm outside, we were not aware of it in the train. We passed many places of great scenic beauty, and shortly after leaving Bombay, we missed Bob. We started a search for him and, as we entered his compartment, realized he had left his body. Leto warned us immediately:


“Do not touch his body,” She said, “for he has gone with the Master Chananda.” For a few moments Nada had a hard struggle to command herself and keep at peace, for this was the first time Bob had gone forth from his body without previous preparation. However, she soon controlled her feelings and became at ease. In about two hours Bob came walking into the observation car in which we had all gathered. He was as serene as could be, but the rest of us immediately asked concerning his experiences and of course wanted to know where he had been. We could get him to reveal nothing, and finally he said:


“Each of us is to keep his experience strictly within his own consciousness until the end of our destination, and then we are to compare notes.” That afternoon Nada and Pearl were gone about two hours. The next morning Rex and I left our bodies. Each of us had experienced practically the same things, for we were being trained in accurate observation.


Shri Singh, the Brother who had taken Chananda’s place, was delighted in every way, but very silent; yet when He did talk, it was always for some very definite purpose. The day we arrived in Calcutta, Chananda reappeared to us, and when we had become seated at dinner, with His magic, radiant smile, remarked:


“I congratulate each of you on the fearless way in which you are able to leave your bodies and go forth strong and free. It means great enlightenment for all, as well as the entering into a tremendous field of Service. Leto, My Sister, You are a most efficient Instructor, and Your Work with these students is remarkably well done. It is only in this Freedom, My Friends, that you are permitted to know, feel, and experience the Full Use of the Cosmic Rays. You are now in a position to receive the Full Benefit of your training with Us.”

“我祝贺你们每个人无所畏惧地离开自己的身体,坚强而自由地前行。这对所有人来说意味着伟大的启蒙,以及进入一个伟大服务的领域。莱托,我的姐妹,你是一位最高效的指导者,你对这些学生的工作做得很棒。我的朋友们,只有在这种自由中,你们才能被允许了解、感受和体验宇宙光射线的充分使用。你们现在可以从我们给你们的训练中接收到全部好处了。”                                                                                             Electra and our Host of the yacht were silent but very careful observers of all that had taken place, and were no doubt being trained in the same way. We felt keenly the intensity and power of the Instruction, for everything we did had a definite objective and purpose. We arrived in Calcutta and drove rapidly for about half an hour, finally coming to a stop in front of a beautiful building situated upon a prominence in what was evidently the best residential section of the city.


Chananda led the way into the building which He told us was secretly owned and maintained by the Great White Brotherhood. The interior was a perfect dream of beauty, typical of many of the marvels in India. It breathed the Wisdom, Light, and Purity of ages of Perfection. We went immediately to the Council Chamber on the second floor where we found the Brotherhood already assembled. We noticed seats had been left vacant at the head of the table of honor. Chananda led the way to these seats and took the head Himself. It was only then we learned that He was the Head of the Indian Council.

迦南达带路进入了这座建筑 他告诉我们,这座建筑是由伟大的白色兄弟会秘密拥有和维护的。内部有着梦想中那般完美的美丽,是印度许多建筑奇迹的典型特征。它呼吸着完美时代的智慧、光明和纯洁。我们立即前往二楼的会议厅,发现兄弟会的成员已经聚集在那里。 我们注意到主桌前排的座位是空的。迦南达带路来到这些座位前,他坐在了首座的位置。直到那时我们才知道他是印度议会的首领。

As soon as all had assembled, the business part of the meeting was called, and some of the Ascended Masters were asked to give Their Protection to certain Englishmen in India who were sincere in their desire to bring about greater good. They also arranged for Protection to be given a group of lesser Brothers whose desire to do right was sincere and who were giving good service but who did not always use the greatest discrimination in the outer activity because their zeal exceeded their wisdom.

当所有的人聚齐,会议的正式部分就开始了,一些扬升大师被要求向在印度的某些英国人提供保护,因为那些英国人真诚地希望带来更伟大的良善。他们也安排了给予一群资历尚浅的兄弟们提供保护,这些资质尚浅的兄弟们真诚地渴望做正确的事情,也提供了良善的服务 但是他们在外部活动中没有发挥出最大的辨别力,因为他们的热情超过了他们的智慧。

After the meeting we were presented to all the Members and spent a delightful social hour. We motored back to our private car and found it had been run out on a spur of track into surroundings that looked like a flower garden with a beautiful fountain playing just outside the windows where we dined. We commented on the ability of Chananda to have the beautiful always expressed to us, and with one of His smiles that ever gave one the sense of sunshine, He replied:

会议结束后,我们被介绍给在场的所有成员,度过了愉快的社交时光。我们坐车返回我们的私用车,发现它已经停到了一条小道上,那周围的环境看起来就像是一个花园 在我们用餐的窗外有一个美丽的喷泉。我们跟迦南达评价说,他总是有能力让我们看到美丽的表达,带着他一贯阳光般的微笑,他回答说:

“It is really much easier to express the beautiful, because it is natural and the true expression of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within everyone. When anyone truly accepts this Glorious ‘Presence’ and feels It as the Godhead doing all things through and for him, the rest of his activity must conform to Its marvelous Beauty and Perfection. The Full Acceptance of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ by the individual always commands and governs all outer experience harmoniously. It is only when one truly and fully accepts this Glorious ‘God Presence’ within himself that he becomes a True Messenger for Divine Service.


“Then as the Perfection of the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ begins to be released in a greater degree through the outer activity, all the courage and assurance comes through; for at last the personal self sees and feels the ‘Mighty Inner Presence,’ knowing Its Full Power, Majesty, and Mastery.”
