圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 19)

Two weeks later, I felt a strong impulse to make one more trip to my trysting place with the Master Saint Germain. I started at four in the morning, and reached the edge of the dense timber about nine.


The plaintive cry of my panther friend came to my ears before I had gone twenty paces into the woods. I answered quickly. In a moment he came bounding to my side with all the welcome of an old time friend, and we proceeded onward to our meeting-place.


I noticed the panther was very restless, and acted as if laboring under some inner agitation. This was most unusual for he had always been very quiet, when in my presence. I patted and stroked the beautiful head but it made no difference. I sat down and we ate lunch.


“Come on old boy,” I said as we finished, “let’s go for a walk.” He gave me a long steady look, the most pathetic expression I have ever seen. I could not understand it.


We had gone some distance, when we came to a cliff about fifteen feet high at the top of which hung a projecting rock. Something caused me to look at the panther. The expression in his eyes was wild and fierce. I sensed a sort of tension in the atmosphere but did not realize what it was. I walked on a few paces farther, and felt a chill pass over me. Looking up suddenly, I saw a mountain lion crouched ready to spring. The next instant it leaped toward me. I threw myself against the cliff and the lion landed beyond where I had stood. Like a flash of lightning the panther sprang and the two locked in mortal combat.

我们走了一段距离,来到一个大约十五英尺高的悬崖边那里有一块突出的岩石。发生了一些事情,让我看向了豹子。他眼中的表情狂野而凶猛。我感觉到空气中有一种紧张的氛围,但是没有意识到那是什么。我又向前走了几步,感到一阵寒意掠过我的全身。我猛然抬头,看到一只山狮蹲伏着准备跳起来。下一个瞬间它扑向了我。我跌倒在悬崖边狮子落地在我刚刚站立的地方。如同一道闪电 豹子纵身一跃,它们展开了殊死搏斗。

No words can describe the terror of the struggle that followed. They screamed, rolled, tore, and clawed each other. The lion was considerably heavier, and it seemed for a time, as if it would gain the advantage. However, the panther was the faster moving of the two, and finally broke away. There was just an instant’s pause until it saw a chance, and then with one spring landed on the lion’s back, and fastened its teeth just behind the ears.

没有任何言语可以描述随后发生的斗争的凶残。它们嚎叫着、翻滚着、撕扯着、抓着对方。狮子明显体重更重,一时间似乎占了上风。不过豹子的速度更快,最终还是挣脱了。只有一瞬间的停顿,豹子看到了机会,然后跳跃着落到狮子的背部,它紧闭牙齿 狠狠地咬住狮子耳朵后方。

The panther’s grip was like steel, and after a few seconds of rolling and twisting, the lion’s struggles grew weaker. Finally they ceased altogether. The panther came reeling toward me his side terribly torn. He looked up at me all the fierceness gone from his eyes and his energy ebbing fast. There passed an expression of contentment over the face, and suddenly giving a plaintive cry he fell over dead at my feet.

豹子的咬合力像钢铁一样,在翻滚扭动了几秒钟后,狮子的挣扎也弱了下来。最后它们完全停止了争斗。豹子摇摇晃晃地朝我走来 它的肋骨部位被狠狠撕开。他抬头看着我,眼中所有的凶狠都消失了 他的能量也在迅速消退。他脸上掠过一丝满足的表情,突然 他发出一声哀嚎 他倒在我的脚下死去了。

I stood motionless, and wept silently at the loss of my friend for I had become almost as attached to him as to a human companion. The next instant, I looked up, and beside me stood Saint Germain.

我站着一动不动,为失去我的朋友默默哭泣因为我对他的情感就像对一位人类伙伴一样。下一刻,我抬起头,看到我身边站着 圣哲曼。

“My Beloved Brother, be not sad or dismayed,” he said, “your contact with the panther had so quickened its consciousness that it could no longer remain in that present body, and the Great Cosmic Law demanded from it some service to you. This it gave in love by saving your life. All is truly well.” He touched the thumb of his right hand to my forehead.

“我亲爱的兄弟,不要悲伤或者沮丧,”他说,“你与这只豹子的接触加速了它的意识成长它无法继续留在现在的身体中,伟大的宇宙法则 要求它为你做一些服务。就是通过拯救你的生命给予爱。一切真的都很好。”他用右手的拇指抚摸着我的额头。

“Be at peace,” he continued, as the feeling of grief left me, and I felt completely relieved. “The Great Cosmic Law is unerring. We cannot receive without giving, and we cannot give without receiving. Thus, the Great Balance of Life is maintained.


“I congratulate you sincerely on the service rendered at the mine, and your serenity during the occurrence. All concerned with that transaction will become great helpers to humanity.


“Soon, you will be called upon to render a far greater service than any you have given so far. In it, remember always it is God’s Power and Intelligence acting, and your mind and body only the channel. Until you meet with this experience, meditate constantly upon the ‘Limitless Power of God’ which can express through you at any time.”


I asked him what the Ascended Master’s attitude is in regard to the many channels through whom partial Truth is given forth, and he replied:


“There are many sincere channels. Some have more understanding than others. All are God’s children serving to the best of their ability with the understanding they have at present. We may not judge anyone but we must know and see only God expressing in all. Our endeavor is to bless all activity wherever it is. We see the ‘Inner-Light’ radiating through such activities, and this makes it impossible for us to be mistaken as to whether they are or are not giving forth Truth.


“It is the same with individuals. Those who offer their service in the Name of the Ascended Jesus Christ will always receive more than ordinary sustaining power.” We had walked some distance, when he said:


“Come, I will accompany you home. Place your arm about my shoulder.” I did so and felt my body lifted from the ground. In a few moments more, I was in my room at the lodge with Saint Germain standing beside me smiling at my surprise.


“Meet me in seven days,” he said, “at our appointed place for then we will finish our work in this part of the country.” He smiled, bowed graciously, and slowly faded from sight. The last thing that remained visible as he gradually disappeared were his marvelous, beautiful eyes smiling back at me.


As I meditated each day upon the “Great God-Presence Within,” for my coming service, I realized more and more how important it is to keep the attention focused upon “That Presence Only” no matter what appearances seem to indicate in order to keep any outer condition from affecting me. In one of Saint Germain’s conversations, he had stressed particularly the all importance of keeping my outer self harmonious, and in regard to this had said:


“My Son, you cannot realize how very great is the necessity for harmony in the outer self if the Fulness of the Inner Perfection and Power is to be expressed in your outer life. The importance of keeping a Feeling of peace, love, and serenity in the personal self cannot be emphasized too strongly for when this is done the “Mighty God-Presence Within” can act without limit in an instant.

“我的孩子,你无法意识到 如果要让内在的完美和力量在你外在的生命中进行全然地表达,保持外在自我和谐的必要性有多大。在个人自我当中持续地感受到安宁、爱与宁静的感觉,怎么强调都不为过 因为当做到这一点时,‘伟大内在的神之自我’就可以在瞬间不受限地行动。”

“The continual Outpouring of a Feeling of Peace and Divine Love to every person and everything unconditionally no matter whether you think it be deserved or not is the Magic Key that unlocks the door and releases instantly this ‘Tremendous Inner God-Power.’ Fortunate indeed is he who has learned this ‘Law’ for he then seeks to BE All Peace and Love. Without It humanity has nothing good, and with It they have all things ‘Perfect.’ Harmony is the Keynote the ‘One Great Law of Life.’ Upon It rests All Perfect Manifestation and without It all form disintegrates and returns into the Great Sea of Universal Light.”

“无条件地向每一个人、每一件事持续不断地倾注安宁的感觉和神圣之爱不论你认为它是否值得是打开大门的魔法钥匙这会即刻释放出这种‘伟大的内在神之力量’。幸运的是,一个学习了这个‘法则’的人,他会开始寻求处于全然的和平与爱之中。没有它 人类一无是处,有了它人类会拥有所有的‘完美’。和谐是‘合一伟大生命法则’的基调。在它之上,所有的完美可以显化出来,没有它,所有的形态都会瓦解,并返回至宇宙圣光的浩瀚海洋之中。 ”

The following seven days, I spent much time in meditation. I felt a greater and greater peace growing within me until by the sixth day, it seemed as if my entire consciousness were like a great calm sea.
