圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 14)

We entered the capital, an enormous structure of great beauty. The interior was finished in cream colored marble veined in green, and the floor, made of a dark moss green stone resembling jade in its texture, had been laid so perfectly as to seem almost like one piece. There were large tables in the rotunda of the same kind of green stone as the floor but lighter in shade. These had heavy bronze pedestals placed about three feet from each end. Here, Saint Germain again held out his hand and we were among living people moving through the buildings and grounds.


I held my breath astonished for I saw an entire race of golden haired people with beautiful pink and white complexions. The men stood fully six feet two to six feet four inches in height and the women averaged about five feet ten. Their eyes were a most beautiful violet blue, very clear and brilliant, expressing great, calm Intelligence. We passed through a door at our right, and entered the throne-room of the emperor. It was evidently his audience day for he was receiving foreign and local guests.


“This was the emperor, Casimir Poseidon,” said Saint Germain, in explanation. “He was truly God Incarnate. Note the kindly nobility of his face and yet the tremendous power within him. He was and is an Ascended Master Blessed and greatly beloved. For many centuries in myth and fable his memory was kept alive and the perfection of his kingdom described in epic poems, but as time passes into eternity the memory of such great accomplishments fades, and is often forgotten by succeeding generations.”

“这位是帝王,卡西米尔·波塞冬,”圣哲曼解释道。“他是真正神的化身。注意他脸上慈祥的高贵 他的内心也拥有着巨大的力量。他 曾经是,现在也是受到祝福和爱戴的 扬升大师。许多世纪以来,在神话和寓言中,有关他的记忆一直很鲜活,他的王国在史诗描述中是完美的存在,但是随着时间的流逝,人们对这些伟大成就的记忆逐渐模糊,在随后时代常被遗忘。”

Casimir Poseidon was every inch a Magnificent Ruler. He was fully six feet four inches in height, well built and straight as an arrow. When he stood, he towered above those around him and the very atmosphere seemed charged with Mastery. His golden hair was heavy and hung full to the shoulders. The royal robe was made of a material that looked like violet colored silk velvet trimmed in gold and under it he wore a close fitting garment of soft golden fabric. His crown was a simple band of gold with an immense diamond in the center of the forehead.


“These people,” said Saint Germain, “were in direct contact with all parts of the world through marvelous aerial navigation that had been brought forth for their use. All light, heat and power were taken directly from the atmosphere. Atlantis during this period was in a wonderful state of progress because she had been governed and shown the way to Perfection by various Ascended Masters appearing from time to time and ruling for the spiritual uplift of the people.

“这些人,”圣哲曼说,“通过专供他们使用的神奇空中导航科技,可以与世界各地直接接触。所有的光能、热能和电能都是从大气中直接获取的。亚特兰蒂斯在这个时期 还处于一个美妙的进步状态因为她受很多扬升大师管理,并展示了通往完美的道路扬升大师们时不时地出现为人们的灵性提升而统治。”

“Again and again all the way down the ages, whenever a great civilization has arisen it has been founded on Spiritual Principles in the beginning and maintained obedience to those Laws of Life during the time of its ascendency. However, the moment any government or the people themselves begin to drift into lax ways, so that injustice and the unclean use of Life become habits either of officials or the people disintegration begins and continues until they either return to the Fundamental Laws of Balance and Purity or are wiped out by their own discord, that the Balance may be re-established and a new start given.


“Casimir Poseidon was a direct descendant of the Mighty Ascended Master Rulers of Atlantis. In fact, the civilization over which he ruled was a child of the Atlantean culture and attainment. His capital city was famous throughout the world for its magnificence and beauty.


“As the rural districts are shown, watch the method by which objects are transported for the power these people used was generated in an instrument-like box two feet square and three feet long attached to the mechanism of the implement in use. The water supply from the streams was placed under control and its power also utilized. There was no need for police or military organization of any kind because of the method by which the people were reminded of ’The Law’ and the wonderful sustaining power that was radiated enabling them to give obedience unto It.”

“正如在乡村地区所展示,观察那些物品运输的方法这些人使用的动力是在一个仪器状的盒子里产生的两英尺见方,三英尺长连接到所使用工具的机械装置上。来自溪流的水源供应也在控制之中,水流的能量得到利用。不需要任何形式的警察或者军事机构,因为通过提醒人们“法则”运作的方法以及散发出的美妙加持能量 让人们能够去遵从法则。”

To the east in the park, stood a magnificent building. We approached it. Over the entrance were placed the words ”God’s Living Temple To Man.” We entered, and found it much larger within than seemed apparent from the outside. There must have been seating capacity for at least ten thousand people.

庭院的东面,矗立着一座宏伟的建筑。我们走向它。入口上方放置着这样的字 “神赐予人类的生命殿堂。”我们走了进去,发现从里面看要比外面看上去大得多。这里有至少可以容纳一万人的座位。

In the center of this immense temple stood a pedestal about two feet square and twenty high made of a Self-luminous milk-white Substance that gave off a White Light with a breath of pink in it. Upon it stood a crystal globe two feet in diameter made of some kind of Substance holding a soft Self-luminous White Light within. It was very soft, and yet so Intensely Luminous that the entire building was brilliantly lighted.

在这座巨大殿堂的中央矗立着一个大约两英尺见方、二十英尺高的底座它是由自发光的乳白物质构成 发出白色的光带着粉红色的气息。它的上方立着一个水晶球直径两英尺,由某种内部持有柔和的白色光芒物质构成。它非常柔和,但是同时发出的光又如此明亮整栋建筑都被照亮了。

“That sphere,” remarked Saint Germain, “was made of a Precipitated Material enclosing an Intense Focus of ‘Light.’ It was drawn and placed in the temple at that period, by one of the Great Cosmic Masters as a sustaining and Life-giving activity for the People. It continually sent forth not only the ’Light’ but an Energy and Power which stabilized their activities and the empire.

“那个球体,”圣哲曼评论说,“是由沉降的材料制成,是包裹着强烈‘圣光’的聚焦点。它是在那个时期由一位伟大的宇宙大师显化出的用于人们的加持以及赋予生命的活动。它不仅仅持续地发出 ‘圣光’而且发出可以稳定人们活动和帝国的能量与力量。”

“The sphere of ‘Light’ was focused by the Great Being and the building erected around it afterward. It was really a Precipitated Focus and Concentrated Activity of the Supreme God ‘Presence.’ The Great Cosmic Master who established It appeared once a month beside the ‘Light’ and proclaimed ‘The Law of God’ .’The Law of Government’ and The Law of Man.’ Thus, he decreed the Divine Way of Life and was the Focus of the Christ Activity for the people of that Age.”

“球体的‘圣光’被伟大的存有所聚焦,随后在它的周围建立起了这座建筑。它真的是至高神之‘临在’沉降下来的聚焦点和集中活动中心。打造它的伟大的宇宙大师每月一次出现在‘圣光’旁边,并宣告‘神之法则’.‘政府法则’ 还有‘人类法则’。因此,他为那个时代的人们颁布了神圣的生活方式,并成为了基督活动的聚焦点。”

Here, Saint Germain stretched forth his hand again, and living, talking pictures of this Great Being passed before us. It is absolutely impossible to describe in words the Glory of that “Presence.” I can only say he was truly the Son of God in Perfect Expression. In a moment, I heard the Great Cosmic Master proclaiming ”The Law” to the people.


The Record and Majesty of his “Presence” and “Decree” are burned into my memory for eternity so clearly do they remain in my consciousness. I give His Decree to you just as it still stands before me.


“Beloved Children of the One Mighty God knowest thou not the Life thou art using is from the ‘One Supreme Presence’ Eternally Pure, Holy, and Perfect? If thou dost aught to mar the Beauty and Perfection of that One Life thou cuttest thyself off from the Gifts of Thy God. Thy Life is the Sacred Jewel of Thy God’s Love the ‘Source’ of the Secrets of the Universe.

“合一伟大神的爱子你们难道不知道你们正在使用的生命是来自‘合一至高的临在’永恒的纯洁、圣洁和完美吗?如果你们做了任何破坏 合一生命美丽和完美的事情,你们就是在切断自己与神的恩赐之间的连结。你的生命是神之爱的神圣宝石神之爱是宇宙奥秘的‘源头’。”

“Thy God dost trust thee with His Own Heart’s ‘Light.’ Cherish It Adore It and let It ever expand unto greater Light and greater Glory. Thy Life is the Pearl of Great Price. Thou art the Keeper of God’s wealth. See thou use It for Him only and know thou hast received the ‘Light of Life’ for whose use thou shalt give an accounting.

“你的神把他自己内心的‘圣光’托付给了你。珍惜它尊崇它让它一直拓展至更伟大的圣光和荣耀之中。你的生命是无价之宝。你是神之财富的守护者。确保你只为他使用 知道你已经接受了‘生命之光’你要肩负起使用它的责任。”

“Life is a continuous Circle the Principle upon which thy city is builded. If thou dost create That which is like unto Thy ‘Source’ and knowest His Love and Peace within thee, if thou dost use Thy Powers of Creation to bless only then as thou dost move around thy circle of existence thou wilt know the Joy of Life and unto It shall be added Greater Joy. If thou createst not like thy ‘Source’, thine evil shall return unto thee with more of its kind.

“生命是一个连续的循环这座城市就是建立在这个法则之上。如果你的确创造了与那‘源头’相似的事物,并知道他的爱与安宁在你内在,如果你使用创造的力量仅仅用于祝福 那么当你绕着存在范围走一圈时你就会知道生命的喜悦并会为它增加更大的喜悦。如果你创造的事物与你的‘源头’不相像,那么邪恶就会带着更多它的同类,返回到你身上。”

“Thou alone dost choose thy destiny and thou alone answerest to Thy God for the use thou dost make of ‘Life’ Thy Being. The Great Law no one can escape. Long, have I proclaimed this ‘Law of Life.’ The Law of ‘Thyself Thou are unto thyself, because thou canst always come unto Thy God if thou desirest the Perfection of Life.


“I come not always as now to hold thy straying feet upon the Pathway of Truth nor to remind thee of Thy Eternal ‘Light’ set upon a mountain top for thy guidance. In a far distant day I will speak within the Heart of man, and if thou dost Love Life thou wilt call unto Me abiding in many selves. Let this not confound thee, my children. If thou wouldst know Me The Light’ thou wilt have to seek Me find Me and having found, abide within Me always.

“我并不总是像现在这样 在真理的道路上抓住你迷路的双脚 也不是来提醒你在山顶处存在着永恒‘圣光’为你提供指引。在将来的某天 我会在人们的内心讲话,如果你热爱生命 你就会呼唤我 我居住在每个人的自我之中。不要让这困惑住你,我的孩子。如果你想认识我 ‘圣光’,你必须要去寻找我 找到我,找到之后,永远居住在我里面。”

“In that day, the ‘Father Mother Son’ will be ‘One’ in the Heart of man. The Son is forever the Door the Way unto God. In thy mind and in thy heart is ‘My Light’ ever reminding thee of ‘My Presence’ for in the time to come, I will be present only in That Light.’


“Then, will I Be Wisdom in thy Mind to govern the Love in thy heart that thou mayest be filled with the Peace of The One Life God. Thy body is but the instrument of thy Soul, and into thy Soul must stream ’My Light’ or thou wilt perish.

“那时,我将会成为你心智的智慧,来主宰你心中的爱让你充满合一生命神的安宁。你的身体只是灵魂的载具,你的灵魂必须流入 ‘我的圣光’ 否则你将衰败。”

“My Light in thy mind is ‘The Way’ into the Heart of All Light. Only by My Light in thee canst thou expand the Light in every cell of thy Being into greater and greater Being. In thy throat is My Light which is Thy Power to speak My Words. Through these I always illumine, protect, and perfect my children. Words that do not this three-fold mission are not My Words and can only bring misery when spoken.


“Meditate upon My Light in thy mind in thy heart, and thou shalt See within all things know all things and do all things. Then that which is not of Me can never confound thee.

“在你的心智和你的内心中对我的圣光进行深思,你就会看到万物的内在理解万物 成为万物。然后那些不属于我的东西永远不会让你困惑。”

“I speak these words now and they shall be engraved upon the tablets of earth and the memory of its children. In the far off day of which I speak one of God’s children shall receive these my words and shall give them forth to bless the world.


“In that time, when thou hast fully received ‘My Presence’ and art letting It always act in thy Life and thy world thou wilt find the cells of the body thou dost then occupy becoming bright with ‘My Light’ and thou wilt realize thou canst continue on into that ‘Eternal Body of Light’ the Seamless Robe of Christ. Then and then only, wilt thou be free from the wheel of re-birth. Having traveled thy long journey through human experience, and fulfilled the Law of Cause and Effect thou shalt transcend all conditions governed by Law and shalt Thyself have become ‘The Law’ All Love-‘The One.'”

“那时,当你完全接受‘我的临在’并让它一直在你的生活和你的世界中发挥作用你会发现你占据的那具身体的细胞会因‘我的圣光’变得明亮,你会意识到你可以继续进入那个‘圣光的永恒身体’中,即基督的无缝长袍。只有那时,你才能从转世之轮中解脱出来。在经历了人类体验的漫长旅途,履行了因果法则之后,你将超越所有受限于这一法则的状况 你将会成为‘法则’ 全然的爱 ‘合一’。”

“Such is the Eternal Ascended Body of Christ,” said Saint Germain turning to me, “in which one is able to wield the Scepter of Dominion and be Free. My son, even now you can ascend into ’The Light of the One’ for The Light is in your mind The Light is in your heart, and if you will stand in It firmly, you can and will raise your physical body of limitation into your ‘Pure Eternal Body of Light’ forever youthful and free, transcending time, place, and space.


“Your Glorious Self stands ever waiting for you. Come into Its Light and receive Eternal Peace and rest in action. It needs no preparation. It has All-Power. Come fully into the embrace of your ‘Light-Self’ and that moment even today your present body can become Ascended.”


As he finished speaking, the pictures ceased. We went a short distance further on, and stopped at a place where a large flat stone lay on the ground. As Saint Germain focused his power upon it the stone raised from the earth and moved aside disclosing an opening with steps leading downward. We descended about forty feet, and came to a sealed door. He passed his hand quickly over the door, unsealing it, and revealing certain hieroglyphics. “Center your attention on this writing,” he instructed.

话刚落音,画面就停止了。我们又向前走了不远,停在了放在地面上的一块平整的大石头旁。当圣哲曼把注意力集中在它上面时,石头从地面上升起移动到一边露出一个通往地下的台阶。我们下降了大约四十英尺,来到一扇密闭的门面前。他用手快速地扫过门,门就打开了,露出了某些象形文字 。“把你的注意力集中在这些文字上。”他指示说。

I did so, and saw the words ”God’s Living Temple To Man,” stand out clearly on the door before me. There in front of me stood the physical door we had just seen a short while previously in the living pictures.


The door opened, and we entered a room under one of the small domes built at each corner. In this, were a great number of metal boxes about two feet long, fourteen inches wide and six inches deep. Saint Germain opened one, and I saw they contained sheets of gold on which the records of that civilization had been written with a stylus.


I realized there must be rooms which had been sealed and preserved under each of the four small domes, and that the large central dome had been built over the “Sphere of Light.” We found a secret passage connecting the four small rooms, passed on to the second of these and saw the containers filled with jewels belonging to the temple.


The third room contained golden and jeweled ornaments, the throne chair, and other chairs of gold. The throne chair was a striking example of the goldsmith’s magnificent workmanship. The back formed into a shell making a canopy over the head of the ruler, and from its sides, hung golden drapes made of tiny golden links each forming a figure eight. These were looped back against the chair making a delicate and extremely graceful effect.


In the center of the room, was a table about fourteen feet long and four feet wide made of real jade resting upon a golden bronze pedestal. Near it stood fourteen jade chairs whose feet were tipped with gold, the seats curved and the backs beautifully carved. On top of the back of each chair, as though standing guard rested a beautiful phoenix made of gold the eyes set with yellow diamonds. This design symbolized the immortality of the Soul, and the Perfected Divine Being each individual becomes, as he rises through the fire of suffering from the ashes of his human creation.


The fourth room contained seven different types of power boxes as I called them that received and transmitted the force drawn from the Universal, for lighting, heating, and propelling power. The records showed these people were in contact with all parts of the world through wonderful airships. Following this civilization came one known as the Pirua and after that the Incas both stretching over a period of thousands of years.


Shortly before the city, just described was buried, it reached the height of its glory and the Great Cosmic Master, who had drawn the Light by which it was developed and sustained appeared for the last time to that empire. He came to warn of impending disaster, and would have saved its inhabitants had they heeded him.


He foretold the cataclysm that swept the empire into oblivion before five years had passed and announced, it was his last appearance among them. Those who wished to save themselves were instructed to leave that part of the country and were directed where to go with the warning that the final activity would be sudden and complete.


As he finished the prophecy his body faded rapidly from sight and to the consternation of the people the pedestal and the crystal globe holding the Eternal Light disappeared with him. For a time the populace were disturbed by the forecast of events affecting their empire but after a year passed and nothing occurred, the memory of His Presence became dulled, and doubt began to creep in as to the fulfillment of his decree.

当他说完预言后 身体就迅速地从视野中消失了令人们惊愕的是承载着永恒之光的水晶球以及它的基座也跟他一同消失了。有那么一段时间,人们对他们帝国毁灭的预言感到不安但是一年过去了,什么都没有发生,人们对这位临在的记忆变得模糊,人们开始怀疑他的寓言是否会实现。

The emperor and those more advanced in spiritual growth left the kingdom and came to a certain place in the western part of the United States where they remained in safety until the change had taken place.


The great mass of the people who remained became more and more skeptical, and after two years one among them more aggressive than the rest attempted to set himself up as emperor. When the real emperor had left the kingdom he sealed both the palace and the temple in which the “Light” had been maintained. The would-be-emperor attempted to force an entrance to the sealed temple and fell lifeless at its door.


Near the end of the fifth year at noon on the fateful day the sun was darkened and an awful terror filled the very atmosphere. At sundown, terrible quakes shook the earth and demolished the buildings into unbelievable chaos.


The land which is now South America lost its equilibrium and rolled to the east submerging the entire eastern coast one hundred and sixty feet. It remained so for several years and then gradually righted itself to within sixty feet of the original position where it remains today.

那片土地就是现在南美洲的位置失去了它的平衡,向东翻滚淹没了整个东海岸160英尺的距离。这样保持了好几年 然后逐渐地恢复到原来位置的六十英尺以内的距离 至今仍然如此。

That activity caused the widening of the Amazon. Previously the river was eighteen miles wide, deeper than it is today, and navigable from end to end. It flowed from what is now Lake Titicaca in Peru to the Atlantic Ocean. In a former time, there had been a canal built from the Pacific to Lake Titicaca, and this connecting with the Amazon formed an entire waterway between the two oceans.


The name of the continent at that time was Meru, it having been given the name of a Great Cosmic Master whose principle focus of activity was at Lake Titicaca. The meaning of the name Amazon, is ”boat destroyer” which has come down the centuries from the cataclysmic period referred to above.

当时那片大陆的名字叫梅鲁,它被赋予了一个伟大宇宙导师的名字他的主要活动重点就是在的的喀喀湖。亚马逊这个名字的意思是 “驱逐舰” 这个名字从上面提到的灾难时期一直流传了几个世纪。

The rolling of the entire continent of South America explains many conditions on its western coast that geologists and men of science have been unable to explain from the scientific data they have discovered up to the present time.


Thus, do the great cataclysms of Nature draw the cosmic veil over civilizations of splendid achievement, and only fragments of these come to light as time passes into eternity. This Truth may be doubted by the outer world but the records, of that civilization now reposing in the Royal Teton will one day be its proof reveal its existence, and the accomplishment of that former age.
