圣哲曼系列 02《神奇的临在》THE MAGIC PRESENCE (part 18)

“There have been thousands of platitudes written about Divine Love, but only when the individual knows Divine Love as something more than an abstract principle does he realize that he can generate It at will and direct It consciously to accomplish whatever he decrees. The Ascended Master knows Divine Love as a ‘Presence,’ an Intelligence, a Principle, a Light, a Power, an Activity, and a Substance. Therein lies the Secret to Their Supreme Authority and Power, for there is nothing to obstruct the approach of Divine Love anywhere in the Universe. When the student understands how to draw forth the Flame of Divine Love from within his own ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ at his own Decree, he knows it is but a very short time until his constant use of It raises him into the Ascension. Only enough Love can accomplish that for anyone, but It must be first projected forth before It can release the Blessings within Its Heart unto the sender.


“Divine Love, being the Eternal, is the Unquenchable, Invincible, Unconquerable ‘Presence of the I AM,’ and therefore Master of all, now and forever!


“All the joys and pleasures of the outer world are as but dust compared to the limitless, ever-increasing Wonders of Creation in Cosmic Space which the Ascended Master may observe and enjoy consciously and at will. One of the tremendous Blessings of the Ascended State is the entire absence of any criticism or condemnation of human frailties or mistakes. If the student of Light will train himself to forget everything that is useless or that is in any way undesirable, he will not only make rapid progress, but it is imperative if he is to free himself from human limitation. For the student to drag after him unpleasant memories is but one of the many ways by which he creates over and over again the same experiences of misery from which he is really seeking to be Free.


“The Light does not receive inharmony into Itself. As the student enters the Light, he becomes all Light, hence all Perfection. To have inharmony drop away from the body or affairs, the personality must let go of all thought, feeling, and words about imperfection. An Activity that will always bring complete Freedom is for the student to pour out Unconditional and Eternal Forgiveness to everybody and everything. This does what nothing else can do to free everyone, as well as the person who sends it out. Forgiveness fills all with Light’s Perfection.


“When Forgiveness is sincere, the individual will find his world reordered as if by magic and filled with every good thing; but remember that unless a discord is forgotten, it is not forgiven, because you cannot loose it or release yourself from it until it is out of your consciousness. So long as you remember an injustice or a disturbed feeling, you have not forgiven either the person or the condition.


“When the forgiveness is complete, the feeling nature or emotional body is serene, kind, happy, comfortable, and like a Mountain of Light. It is so powerful that one abides within it as impregnable as in a fortress. Even though he stands amidst the wreck of worlds, yet will he remain untouched by anything but Perfection in the Light.


“Remember, what your consciousness is held firmly upon, you bring into existence in yourself. It is impossible for your Life to contain anything that is not your present or past accumulation of consciousness. Whatever you are conscious of in thought and feeling stamps itself upon the Universal substance in and around you and brings forth after its kind—always. This is a Mighty Cosmic Law from which there is no variation or escape.


“Truly, it is the very greatest joy to be with those you love, so tonight My Joy is great indeed. The time is near at hand when you will understand that all human relationship is but a creation of the physical world. In the Ascended State, all are truly Brothers and Sisters, Sons and Daughters of the Most High Living God. In that phase of Life, the True Meaning of Friendship is understood and lived, and when rightly understood, it is the most beautiful relationship in the Universe.


“Now I must leave you until tomorrow night at eight, for I have work to do. Hold yourselves steady within the Mighty Glow of the Cosmic Light, the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ of the Universe, that your pathway may be illumined by Its Wondrous Radiance.” As She spoke the last few Words, Her Body gradually grew dim until it completely disappeared.

“现在我必须离开你们,明天晚上八点我会回来,因为我还有工作要做。让自己稳固地位于宇宙之光的伟大照耀中,也就是宇宙的‘伟大我是临在’的圣光中,这样你们的道路就会被它奇妙的光辉照亮。” 随着最后几个字的说出,她的身体逐渐变得黯淡,直至完全消失。

“Beloved Students,” said Saint Germain, smiling lovingly, “tonight I have shown you the higher ideal of entertainment. It is not only very enjoyable, but tremendously uplifting because of the ‘Magic Presence’ whose Limitless Power it releases. You see, when the proper channel is opened, there is no limit to the Blessings an audience may receive wherever the condition is made possible.


“You have realized that with sufficient understanding it is possible to cause your body to respond instantly to the higher and unlimited use of the ‘I AM Presence’ within you. Your body is the instrument upon and through which you can let the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ play Its Great Song of Life knowing no limitation nor defeat in anything. Or you can let the thoughts and feelings of limitation and discord sent out by other personalities play upon it and reap accordingly. Your body is your radio; your thought, feeling and spoken word are the ways by which you can tune into or out of any condition or activity you do or do not want. The only real difference is that your body is capable of being tuned to a very much greater height, inconceivably greater than any radio now in existence.

“你们已经意识到,只要有足够的理解,就可以让你的身体立刻对你内在‘我是临在’的更高和无限的使用做出回应。你的身体就像是乐器,通过它,你可以让‘伟大的我是临在’在你的身体上演奏它伟大的生命之歌 在任何事情上都不受限制,也不知道失败。否则,你会让其他人发出的限制性与不和谐的想法和感受在你身上发挥作用,并进行收割。你的身体就是你的收音机,你的想法、情感和说出的话语都是管道,你可以调频进入你想要的状况和活动,或是退出你不想要的状况和活动。唯一真正的区别是,你的身体能够调频到更伟大的高度,比现存任何收音机都高得难以置信。”

“You are the director of your own radio through your consciousness. You have the programs of the Universe from which to choose. Your world today reveals what you have chosen in the past. If you do not like that program, choose a new and better one from your ‘I AM Presence.'”


Our Gratitude and Love were greater than ever for Saint Germain, and we realized as never before that in the Presence and Wisdom of the Ascended Masters, there truly is Heaven on Earth. We bade each other good-night and went to our rooms. We breakfasted the next morning at eleven and spent the afternoon showing Nada, Pearl, Rex, and Bob many places of interest in Washington. In the Raised Consciousness we were in during this time, the appreciation and intensity of our enjoyment were keener than usual, and it seemed we saw beauty everywhere.


We returned to the hotel at four o’clock, as Beloved Saint Germain had invited us to dine with Him later in the suite of rooms occupied by Nada and Pearl, saying the time had arrived for the Instruction of the Livingstons to begin. At six o’clock we were ready, the Livingstons had come, and all were awaiting Saint Germain’s arrival when a most delicate bell sounded through the rooms.


“Saint Germain is approaching,” said Pearl immediately.


“Who is He?” asked Zara Livingston.

“他是谁?” 扎拉·利文斯顿问道。

“The Wonderful Man who healed you,” Pearl replied, “and saved your mother from such a terrible fate. If my feeling is correct, you will soon see Manifestations of His Transcendent Wisdom and Power besides what you have already experienced.” At this moment He was announced in the same way as any other guest arriving at the hotel. He greeted us all graciously and then explained:


“It is my wish that these good friends, the Livingstons, become accustomed to the Higher Use of the Law of Light. We shall now begin by realizing first that everywhere about us is a Universal Substance which We call ‘Cosmic Light,’ and which the Bible refers to as Spirit. This is the One Pure, Primal Essence out of which comes all Creation. It is the Pure Life Substance of the First Cause God. This is Infinite, and we may draw upon It at any time for anything we can ever require. This Pure Electronic Light is the Great Limitless Storehouse of the Universe. In It is all Perfection, and out of It comes all that is.


“Now if you will gather about the table, we shall dine so you may see, feel, taste and know this Wondrous Omnipresent Substance so often talked about, but so little understood.”

“现在,若是大家都乐意聚在餐桌旁,那么我们就准备吃饭吧 这样你们就可以看到、感受到、品尝到、并了解这种奇妙的无所不在的材质,人们常常谈论它,却了解非常少。”

Saint Germain went to the head of the table, seating Zara, Bob, Nada, and myself on His left, Mrs. Livingston, Arthur, Pearl and Rex on His right, and asked us to bow our heads in silence before the “Mighty Presence of God in Action.”


Each felt the powerful Current of Divine Energy ”Liquid Light” surge through his mind and body and fill him with a feeling of Infinite Love and Peace. As we raised our heads, a beautiful snowwhite, rose-patterned cloth covered the table, made of a fabric none of us had ever seen. It most nearly resembled silk with frost upon it, both in quality and appearance.

每个人都感受到了强大的神圣能量流 “液态圣光”  涌过他的心智和身体,让他充满无限的爱与和平。当我们抬起头时,桌子上铺着一块美丽的雪白玫瑰图案的布,它是用我们从未见过的布料制成的。无论是质地还是外观,就像是丝绸上撒过一层白霜。

Arthur Livingston turned white with surprise, as the moment before he had seen only the polished top of a walnut table. Now this exquisitely beautiful cloth covered it with napkins to match at each place. There followed the rapid appearance of an entire service for the meal. The dishes were milk-white and made of substance that was like satin in appearance, but very hard and unbreakable. Upon each individual piece were strange mystic designs embossed in gold. None of us understood them, but they were extremely beautiful. The knives, forks and spoons were made of a metal that looked like frosted silver, with wonderfully carved jade handles. Goblets of jade with beautifully carved stems appeared at the right hand of each guest, filled with a sparkling crystalline Liquid that was the very Essence of Life ”Condensed Light.”

阿瑟·利文斯顿惊讶地脸色煞白,因为刚才他只看到了胡桃木桌子的抛光桌面。现在,这桌面上覆盖着这块精致美丽的布料,还有餐巾,有序地摆放在每人面前。随后整顿饭菜很快出现。那些盘子是乳白色的,材质看上去就像是缎布,但却非常坚硬,不会破碎。每一件餐具上都刻有金色浮雕的奇怪神秘图案。我们都不理解它们,不过它们非常精美。刀子、叉子和勺子都是由看起来像磨砂银的金属制成的,带有精美雕刻的玉柄。每个客人的右手边都出现了一个杯柄精美的玉杯,杯中盛满了晶莹剔透的液体,那正是生命的本质 “浓缩的圣光”。

“Do not be alarmed,” Saint Germain said, “when you drink this Liquid. It quickens the vibratory action of your atomic structure tremendously, and if you should feel faint, it will only last a few moments.” Then raising His own goblet, He proposed a toast.


“To the Peace and Illumination of all present, and to all mankind!”


We raised our glasses and drained them. It was with difficulty that we refrained from a gasp of astonishment at the effect of this Liquid as the Electronic Essence charged through our bodies. We felt as if we were being raised from our chairs.


A seven course dinner followed, the empty dishes of each course disappearing as soon as it was finished. The food was most delicious and extremely vitalizing to the body. Our dessert was similar to what we had for dinner at the Cave of Symbols.


“You see,” said Saint Germain, as we finished the meal, “it is not difficult to produce what you desire direct from the Pure Universal Substance so long as no element of selfishness enters in. We have dined here tonight on delicious food. It has all come from a supply that is ever at hand. Yet it is but a fragment of what can be produced.”


He extended His hand and a disc of gold formed in it which He passed around for all to examine. He held out His other hand and a beautiful blue-white diamond formed within it, a truly Perfect Jewel, so dazzling was its refractive power. He held them both in His closed right hand a few moments, and when He opened it, a beautiful necklace lay within, exquisite in design, with the gorgeous stone as a pendant. He handed it to Zara and said:


“Will you accept This as your Talisman of Light? The stone is not an ordinary one. It is really ‘Condensed Light’; hence, it is a Real Talisman of ‘The Light.’ It will bless you greatly. Now let us go further. The service which has been used tonight, the Ascended Host present to Nada and Bob.”


As He spoke these words, the service began to reappear on the table until all was complete. Suddenly a goblet fell to the floor, and when it was replaced was found to be uninjured in any way.


“This service,” He went on to explain, “is unbreakable, as you see. Care for it yourselves always, and may it ever bring you great happiness.


“Now, about this good brother,” He continued, indicating Mr. Livingston. “He is a very efficient mining engineer. In about six months he will be needed in Bob’s place at the mine. May I suggest that We take the matter up tomorrow and make the necessary arrangements in detail. It will do his loved ones a world of good to spend two years in the West.


“I suggest they go out to the ranch about the middle of April. Zara will find her Twin Ray awaiting her there. When she sees him, she will recognize him instantly. The drawing together of these sets of Twin Rays is one of the most remarkable things it has ever been my privilege to accomplish.


“My Dear Livingston, as you take up the study of these Mighty Laws, you will understand everything clearly. What today seems strange and perhaps unreal will become more real than anything else in your Life because there is no doubt within you. That condition makes it possible to give you definite Instruction, with your permission.”


“Great Master,” said Zara, “I cannot begin to express my gratitude to You for my Healing and for the opportunity to have this Instruction. The wonderful manifestation You have shown us tonight has awakened a dim memory within me, as though I had somewhere, sometime known about these Laws.”


“My Dear Child,” He replied, “you have known a great deal about them, and the complete memory of what you have known shall return to you.” Then suddenly we became aware of other persons in the room, and a soft, sweet laugh reached our ears. The mother of Nada and Rex stepped in from the adjoining room in marvelously beautiful Garments Her very Presence radiating Peace and Blessings to all. She held out Her hand to Rayborn. He bowed low and kissed it.

“我亲爱的孩子,”他回答说,“你对这些法则了解非常多,你将会恢复对你所知道的一切的完整记忆。” 然后突然我们意识到房间里还有其他人,一阵轻柔、甜美的笑声传入我们的耳中。 娜达和雷克斯的母亲穿着极其美丽的服装从隔壁房间走了进来  她的临在向所有人散发出和平与祝福。她向雷伯恩伸出了手。他低下头吻了它。

She greeted all graciously, and the Livingstons were presented, their admiration being frank and sincere. Saint Germain explained Her Ascension to them in detail, the training She had been receiving since Her Ascension, and the Service She was constantly giving to humanity. It was the most divinely happy Christmas night I had ever experienced, for it was filled with marvelous Radiance and deep Instruction.


At twelve o’clock, the Mother Nada bade us good-by until we should all meet again in the Cave of Symbols in July. She and Saint Germain had Work to do together, and as They disappeared, His last Words were a request to Livingston that he meet with us at two o’clock the next day.


As soon as They had gone, the Livingstons plied us with questions concerning Beloved Saint Germain and His wonderful Work. They were the happiest people I have ever seen when they found He was ready to give them Instruction. They were so intensely interested that it was four o’clock in the morning before we knew it. It was truly the happiest Christmas of our lives.


The next day at one forty-five Saint Germain appeared and greeted us as usual. “I see you have all entered into the plan beautifully,” He remarked, “and do you realize how all experiences are truly in Divine Order? Each person is a link in the Great Cosmic Chain of Perfection. I often marvel at the Perfection with which the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ works.


“In the recent activity, our good brother Gaylord’s experience led us to the Livingstons in order to give them protection, and through that We have found another set of Twin Rays—Zara and the one she is to meet. This will bring the Livingstons and another friend into the Everlasting Light. Is My Plan for this good brother Livingston agreeable to you all?”

“在最近的活动中,我们的好兄弟盖洛德的经历,引导我们找到了利文斯顿一家,从而为他们提供保护,通过这些事情,我发现了另一组双生光 —— 扎拉和她即将遇到的那位。这会把利文斯顿一家还有另一位朋友带入永恒的圣光中。我为这位好兄弟利文斯顿制定的计划,你们大家同意吗?”

“I am more than delighted with the arrangement, as it is a blessing to all concerned,” Rayborn replied.


“Well then, with your cooperation, we shall enter into very intensive Training during the next three months. I am requested to do this by Those who are greater than I. We shall leave Washington on the seventh of April for the ranch. Bob, Nada, Pearl and Rex are to remain here until the tenth of January. They will return to school by the twelfth.”


These glorious days passed all too quickly. Bob accompanied the others as far as the university, and from there went on alone to the mine. The rest of us settled down to intensive Training, and one of our greatest joys was to see the enthusiasm with which the Livingstons entered into Beloved Saint Germain’s Instruction. To all of us, He truly is “The Light of God that never fails.”
