圣哲曼系列 03《“我是”开示 》THE“I AM” DISCOURSES (part 5)

                 DISCOURSE 开示 IV



INVOCATION: Thou Mighty Consuming Flame of God! We bow before Thy Mighty Majestic Power! We rejoice in Thy Directing Wisdom! We rejoice in Thy Presence in the heart of every one of God’s Messengers that go forth to direct His Service and Energy to the blessing of mankind. We give praise and thanks that Thy Presence has changed the tide of things, and that Thou art as always, the Mighty Governing Intelligence.


We give praise and thanks that Thy Consuming Fire and Thy Creative Activity dwelling in the heart of every one of us are ready to be loosed by the conscious desire into action. We give praise and thanks that Thou art the Consuming Presence everywhere; that ‘‘ ‘I AM’ there and ‘I AM’ here, and ‘I AM’ the Power that makes all things clear.”


“I AM” the Majestic Presence, “I AM” the Conquering Power, “I AM” Thy Mighty Energy, Thy Consuming Flame each hour.


I bring Greetings to you all from the Heart of the Creative Fire.


                                    THE DISCOURSE


The Creative Fire that “I AM” is the Flame of God, His Master Presence, anchored in the heart of every one of God’s children. While in some It is but a spark, yet with the right touch, that spark can be fanned into a Creative Fire and Consuming Flame.


This Mighty Presence, God, in Its myriad activities, is the Omnipresent Activity that all may use without limit if they only will dismiss from their recognition the outer appearance, which is but an appearance, and take their attention away from that which has bound them through endless years.


Today, the Scepter of Power and Authority stands in the atmosphere before the Single Eye of every advancing student. At first they may reach up mentally and take the Scepter of Authority, using It in this way, until before they are scarcely aware of it they will find It tangible and visible in their use at times.


It is no idle promise that those seeking the Light may again receive this Dominion. When we go through a footpath in the forest, we know we may return the same way if we wish, but we must make the decision. So after hundreds of years of search in the outer for power and authority, we find that anything that seems to be so is but shifting sand, and tomorrow it may be gone.


By the rejoicing acceptance of your God Dominion, you may step firmly upon the sure foundation of the Rock of Truth, which is God, and from which no outer disturbance can ever shake you—once you know from actual experience.


Students of Truth wonder why they cannot hold a firm anchor in their decision to hold fast to the God Presence, which is their Dominion. They do not analyze their outer expression to see what is lurking there to cause disturbance, question and doubt; but for those who will take the authority which is theirs and probe deep into their motives, it will be so easy to pluck out the tares from the Golden Grain and soon be free from the disturbance that causes them to doubt themselves and the very Presence of God which beats their hearts.


When students will be honest enough with themselves and their God, the “I AM Presence,’’ to pluck out by the roots anything that is causing disturbance within them and be able to feel the Mighty Light and Radiance of the Great God Self, they will require little effort in loosing the “Great I AM Presence’’ in Love and Intelligence—which is an eversustaining Power in strength, assurance, or whatever they may need—in order to hold their feet firm upon the Rock of Truth, which is one of the Great Jewels in God’s Kingdom. Its Dazzling Radiance will enfold them upon the slightest invitation.

当学生们对自己和对他们的神之自我、“我是临在”足够真诚时,就可以从根本上拔除任何在他们内在导致干扰的东西,并可以感受到伟大神之自我的强大圣光和照耀,他们不需要付出什么努力,就可以在爱和智慧中释放“伟大的我是临在” — 这是一种持久存在的确保性力量,或者说,为了让他们的脚坚定地站在真理的磐石上,会让他们获得他们可能需要的任何东西,真理磐石是神之国度的伟大宝石。只要稍有邀请,它耀眼的光芒就会把他们笼罩在其中。

O Students of today!Hold fast to this Mighty Presence which beats your hearts, whose Life flows through your veins, whose Energy flows through your mind! You have free will and can qualify and bless it to your Perfection or imperfection. Always remember that through your failure to turn to this Mighty Presence—by which you find you have created inharmony and disorden—you must give yourselves ample time to gain the full recognition of this Mighty Power and give It full activity in your Life.

学生们啊!牢牢地依附于这位大的临在,它让你的心脏跳动,它的生命流经你的血管,它的能量流过你的心智!你拥有自由意志,可以去限定这种能量,让它的祝福给你带来完美,或是不完美。永远记住,若是你未能把注意力放在这位伟大的临在上 — 你就会发现你创造了不和谐和混乱 — 你必须要给予自己充足的时间来获得对这伟大力量的全然认知,并让它在你的生命中充分发挥作用。

Do not become impatient because things do not work out as rapidly as you would like them to. They can only work according to the speed of your acceptance and the intensity of your feeling.


The Mighty Energy that surges through your mind into your body is the Pure Electronic Energy of God, the “Mighty I AM Presence.” If your thought is joyously held upon your God Self as the Source of your Being and Life, that Pure Electronic Energy continues to act unabated, uncontaminated by human, discordant qualification; but knowingly or unknowingly, if you let your thought begin to gather from the discord by which it is so often surrounded, you change the color and quality of this Radiant Pure Energy.


It must act, and you are the one who shall choose how it shall act to you. Don’t ever think you can get away from this simple fact. It is an Immutable Law of God, and no human being can ever change It. Students must understand and maintain this attitude if they wish to make steady progress.


I tell you beloved students, you may rage and doubt and fear and rebel all you please at Self-correction; but it is the open door to your Mighty Illumination and Freedom from all limitation in the outer world of activity.


There are a great many students, when they come to a certain point of understanding—where all the results of their activity are revealed to them and they look upon the many mistakes that have been made which must be corrected—become despondent, critical, and condemnatory to themselves and God. This is a great mistake again. Everything that is revealed to them in which they find they have been making a mistake should make them rejoice exceedingly—that the things are revealed which need correcting. Knowing that God is the Power to think, then they know they have the Power to correct this and should joyfully set to work to do so.

有很多学生,当他们到达某种理解程度时 — 他们活动的所有结果都会揭示给他们,他们会看到他们已经犯下许多必须纠正的错误 — 变得沮丧、挑剔、对自己和对神进行谴责。这又是一个巨大的错误。凡是向他们揭示的、他们发现自己犯了错误的事情,都应该让他们非常高兴 — 因为那些需要纠正的事情都被揭示了出来。知晓神是思考的力量,那么他们就知道自己有能力去纠正这个问题,而且应该开心的努力去这么做。

The Power of God’s Life which beats their hearts is absolute proof that they have the Intelligence and Power of God within them by which they may dissolve and consume all the mistakes and discordant creation they have consciously or unconsciously drawn about them. They may say to this undesirable creation: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Consuming Flame that now and forever consumes all past and present mistakes, their cause and effect, and all undesirable creation for which my outer is responsible. “


It seems so strange that students seem to have such difficulty in fixing the anchorage and recognition of the Limitless Power they are wielding when they say “I AM.” When the intellect, which is the outer activity, knows this, then the students should intensify it with all their power by the intense feeling of the Truth of this. Then they would find greatly added speed and Power in their active use. I tell you, Dear Students, you have come to a time when you can use this Power with great authority to free yourselves from the chains of limitation that have bound you so long.


Set about it with joyous determination to put your house in order. If you were going to have a distinguished guest, I doubt not that you would spend days working earnestly—cleaning, washing, polishing, and preparing for this guest. How much more important it is to prepare for this Great Prince of Love and Peace—the Prince of Consuming Fire that dwells within you and controls the element of fire.

就好像是你带着喜悦的决心开始要把房子整理好。若是你要接待一位尊贵的客人,我相信你会花几天时间认真工作 — 清理、清晰、粉刷,为这位客人的到来做准备。为这位伟大的爱与和平的王子进行准备是多么重要 — 他是居住在你之中,控制着火元素的吞噬火焰王子。

When one thinks of Oromasis, Prince of the Fiery Element, it is the Flame of Creative Fire within that is calling to Him for Assistance in the quickening of this Creative Power—and brings results unimaginable.

当一个人想到奥拉马西斯(Oromasis),也就是火元素王子时,内在的创造性火焰就会呼请他的帮助,来加速这种创造力量的表达 — 带来难以置信的结果。

There has been no time in My Memory when there was so much natural assistance at hand for the student of Light for his use as there is at this time, and the students should take advantage of this with joyous intensity.


When you speak in the Name, Power, and Authority of the “Mighty I AM,” you are releasing limitless energy to do your bidding to fulfill your desire. Why longer allow doubt and fear to beset you when “ ‘I AM’ the Open Door which no man can shut into the great Opulence of God—waiting, surging to press forward to heal, to bless, and to prosper you abundantly. “ Dare to be, to feel, to use this Mighty Authority—God in you!

当你以“伟大我是”的圣名、力量和权威来说话时,你就释放了无限的能量服从你的命令来实现你的心愿。当你知晓“‘我是’一扇无人可以关闭的敞开的大门,通往神的巨大丰裕时,为什么还要让怀疑和恐惧来困扰你?神的巨大富足在等待着、涌动着,向前推动来疗愈、祝福并让你丰盛繁荣。”敢于去成为、去感受、去使用这伟大的权威 — 你内在的神!

Beloved Students, do you not realize that you can express Perfection by taking your determined stand with sufficient intensity that: “ ‘I AM’ the Mighty Electronic Energy flowing through, filling and renewing every cell of my mind and body—right now.’’ Do you not see, with sufficient intensity of this, in a few minutes or hours you could dispel any disturbing condition in the mind or body and allow that Mighty, Pure Energy to do its work, uncolored, unaffected by any discordant element in your own thought?

亲爱的学生们,难道你们没有意识到,你们可以通过以足够的强度来坚定立场,表达出完美:“‘我是’伟大的电子能量,流经、填满并更新我心智和身体的每个细胞 — 就在此时此刻。”难道你没有看到,只要有足够的强度,在几分钟或几个小时内,你就可以驱散心智或身体中任何不安的状况,从而让伟大纯粹的能量来发挥作用,不受任何你自己想法中不和谐元素的影响和污染?

You can renew any nerve, any organ, and build any member of the body into its Perfection almost immediately. Oh why not feel this, apply It, and as you begin to experience the remarkable results, your confidence will leap into its Perfect Activity, and your mind will have all confidence in this Mighty Presence and Power and Its omnipresent limitless use.


When there is a seeming lack of energy, take your determined, joyous stand: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Presence of this Alert, Radiant Energy, surging through my mind and body, dismissing everything unlike Itself. I take my stand in this Alert, Radiant Energy and Joy for all time.” You can pass this Pure Energy through your mind and body as I would pass My Hand down before you.


At first, because you do not seem to feel any great magnetic electronic force pass over you, does not in any way indicate that you have not received this Mighty Energy which you have commanded with authority to flow through your mind and body.


One may say the same thing to his affairs that may not be according to his desire for Perfect Expression. The student can stand and call forth the Mighty Presence of the ”I AM”; send It forth into his business and world; command It to consume everything unlike Itself, and replace all with the Mighty Perfection of God—which “I AM”;command It to be Self sustained, and cause that Perfection to manifest his unceasing authority and power, and cleanse his world of every discordant thing, for ‘‘ ‘I AM’ the Supreme Authority, God in Action.”

一个人可以对那些没有符合自己心愿表达出完美的事物说同样的话,学生可以站起来,呼请“我是”伟大临在,把它发送到自己的事务和世界中,命令它消灭所有不与它校准的,用神之伟大的完美 — 也就是“我是”来替代一切;命令它自我维系,并完美地表达出他持续不断的权威和力量,清除他世界中一切不和谐的事物,因为“‘我是’至高无上的权威,行动中的神。”

One does not need to do this with any tension, or to the extent that he creates tension in the action of the body, but he can rise in the Supremacy and Dignity of the Authority of God, and cleanse everything needing it. In doing this, one need not speak in a loud voice, but in a very low, masterful tone.


Stand in the room by yourself and declare: “ ‘I AM’ Master of my world. ‘I AM’ the Victorious, Intelligence governing it. I send forth into my world this Mighty, Radiant, Intelligent Energy of God. I command It to create all Perfection—to draw to me the Opulence of God made visible in my hands and use. ‘I AM’ no longer the Babe of Christ, but the Master Presence grown to Full Stature, and I speak and command with authority. ”

独自站在房间中宣告:“‘我是’我世界的主人,‘我是’战胜者,‘我是’统治着我世界的智能。我把神的这伟大、闪耀、智能的能量发送到我的世界。我命令它创造一切完美 — 把神的富足吸引到我身边,让这富足在我的手中和使用中可见。‘我是’不再是基督的婴孩,而是长成的全然主宰临在,我带着权威来讲话和命令。”

Thus one may consume the mistakes and imperfection he may have created, and in the authority of the “I AM,” recreate—immediately—the Perfection he desires. Know that it is constantly Self-sustained, so long as you do not intrude upon it the discordant activity of your thought and feeling.


I want so much to have you feel that you are the Only Authority in this world or any other, so far as your world is concerned. Do not ever fear that the perfecting of your world is going to disfigure anyone else’s world, so long as your intent is not to harm anyone. It does not matter what the world about you says, or how much they try to intrude upon you their doubts, fears and limitations. You are the Supreme Authority in your world, and all you have to do is to say, when you are beset by those conditions: “ ‘I AM’ the Mighty, Magic Circle of Protection about me that is Invincible and repels from me every discordant thought and element which seeks to find entrance or intrude itself. ‘I AM’ the Perfection of my world, and it is Self-sustained. ”


O Beloved Ones! It is no longer necessary to wonder, waver, and question: “ ‘I AM’ the Authority.’’ Go on—dare to be—and use this Authority of God which is expressing in the “I AM” of everything. Why not be fearless? You have been wanting the Presence of the Great Ascended Ones: “ ‘I AM’ the Visible Presence of those greatly beloved Ascended Masters whom I wish to have appear here to me, and whose Assistance I desire. ”

噢,亲爱的学生们!不再需要疑惑、动摇和质疑:“‘我是’权威。”继续这么做 — 敢于这么做 — 使用神的这种权威,通过万物的“我是”表达出来。为什么不能无所畏惧呢?你一直想要伟大扬升者的临在出现:“‘我是’那些深受爱戴的扬升大师的可见临在,我希望他们出现在我的面前,我也渴望他们的帮助。”

You have come to the point where you can dismiss all discord from your minds. Fill your minds with this Pure Electronic Essence, and no discord can enter so long as you keep it filled with this “Presence”. I tell you again, you are the Authority in your world, and if your thought is filled with this Essence, then no discord will touch it. We are going to take this Authority and use it, clear away all discord, and declare with no uncertainty: ” ‘I AM’ the Supremacy of man, everywhere I go! ‘I AM’ God in Action”.


BENEDICTION: Mighty Creative Fire, we give praise and thanks for Thy Great Omnipresence today, to heal, to bless, and to prosper everywhere. Enter into the hearts of mankind with Thy Creative Presence and Genius, and let the Full Divine Justice of Thy Supremacy reign throughout the land in all official places. See that all authority is in the hands of Thy trained and trusted Messengers; that they may govern fully all governmental offices in America, and be ever divinely sustained; that America be healed, blessed, and forever prosper; that all sinister influence be consumed and forever repelled from within the borders of America.




The Host of Angels rejoice at the return of the wanderer who has come back home—who has sought authority so long in the outer, and found only husks. After his energy is wasted, he comes back home, and there is the Fountain to recharge, rebuild him against all the discrepancies called old age. Thus you can stand forth renewed again in the fullness of Youth and Power, for such is The Way of Life—God’s Life.

天使之主为流浪者的归来感到高兴 — 他们已经在外在寻找权威那么久,最终找到的只是空壳。当他的能量被浪费掉后,他回到家中,在那里有喷泉可以让他回复,让他重建,从而对抗所有称之为老年的不协调。这样,你们就可以再次在全然的青春和力量之中站立起来,因为这就是生命之道 — 神的生命。

It keeps the most marvelous vibratory action expressing for each one to speak gently. It is perfectly wonderful if you could see the Inner action of it.


Let each one enter into the Happiness and Love of Perfect Obedience, and liberate the Great Power of God. If one just lets go of the outer and enters into the Inner, every discord lets go at once.


ETHERIC CITIES: Over the principal deserts there are Etheric Cities. Over the Arizona desert is the Etheric City in America. There is one over the Sahara and one over the Gobi.


The one over Brazil is the Etheric City for South America. Humanity should know and be made to realize that again, again, and again, the inhabitants of cities pass out through so-called death and re-embody in that same place, because attachments have been formed that draw them back into the same environment again. The student who has to re-embody should take the command that: “The next time I will be born into a family of Great Light” .This would open the door to great speed in his progress.
