圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 4)


        II. THE SAHARA DESERT 撒哈拉沙漠

“INSTEAD of going forth from the body as in your recent experience, today we will use the Projected Consciousness,” he remarked, as he placed the thumb of his right hand between my eyes and the rest of his fingers over the top of my head. A feeling like a powerful electric current passed over my entire body. Removing his hand, he continued:

“今天我们会使用 意识的投射,而不是像上次体验那样从身体离开,”他说道,同时他把右手的拇指放在我的双眼之间,其余的手指放在我的头顶。一股强大的电流般感觉从我全身流过,他松开手,继续说:

“I wish you to fix firmly in mind, and recall frequently for contemplation the fact that the Laws I explain, and teach you to use, are to bring you into a condition of Conscious Mastery over all forces and things on earth. This means that no matter what is being experienced you are always at every instant in complete, conscious control of your own mind and body, and able to use your own free will at all times.

“我希望你牢牢地记住,并经常沉思 这个事实 就是我给你解释过的法则,我教导你如何使用这些法则,它们会把你带入一种状态让你可以有意识地掌握地球上所有的事物和力量。这意味着 不论你正在经历什么 你总是可以在每时每刻去完全地、有意识地掌控你的心智和身体,并且可以 随时  去使用自己的自由意志。”

“In this state of Projected Consciousness you are completely conscious and have full mastery overall your faculties every instant. There is nothing whatsoever about any of this instruction and its use that is either of the trance or hypnotic condition at any time, for in both trance and hypnosis the experiencing individual’s Conscious Will is not functioning which is a most dangerous and disastrous activity to anyone who permits it to take place in his mind and body.

“在这种投射的意识之中你处于完全有意识的状态,并可以在每时每刻完全掌握你所拥有的能力。有关这个指令及其方法与昏睡或催眠的状态毫无关联,因为在那两种状态中,一个人的意识和意志都不发挥作用 对于允许这一切发生在他们心智和身体中的人来说这是最危险并最具有灾难性的状况。”

“There is no Conscious Mastery or Dominion in trance or hypnotic practices, and they are most uncertain and dangerous to the Soul Growth of the one who permits such practice. Please understand thoroughly that the Conscious Control, Mastery, and use—of the forces and things on this earth, should at all times be under the direction of your Inner or God Self through the perfect co-operation and obedience of all outer faculties in both mind and body, to that Inner Guidance.

“在昏睡或者催眠的练习中,不受意志的掌控或者统领 对于允许这种习练发生的人来说对他们灵魂的成长带来最大的不确定性和危险。请务必完全理解 有意识地控制、掌控和使用 地球上的事物和力量,这些应该时时刻刻都处于你 内在 或者神之自我的 指导之中,通过让你心智和身体的所有外在功能处于内在指引的  完美合作和服从之中。”

“There is no such thing as Mastery without this, and those known as the Ascended Masters never never intrude any activity upon the God-Given prerogative of the individual’s free will.


“A student may be given the experience of Projection if an Ascended Master chooses to expand his consciousness temporarily so that he experiences things happening in two or more places at the same time. In such a condition the student’s faculties are completely under the control and direction of his own free will at every moment. He is fully conscious and active wherever his body may be and also at the place to which the Ascended Master chooses to direct his attention for the instruction.

“学生会被给予这种投射的体验如果一位扬升大师选择暂时性地去拓展他的意识以便他可以同步体验在两个或者更多地方发生的事情。在这种状况下 每时每刻学生的各种功能完全在他自己自由意志的控制和指导之下。不论他的身体在哪里他处于完全有意识的活跃状态在扬升大师的指引下他意识的投射之处也是如此。”

“The reason an Ascended Master temporarily raises the consciousness of the student is to show him how he may do this same thing for himself by his own effort consciously, and at will.

“扬升大师之所以会暂时性地提升学生的意识是想展示给他看,他通过自己的有意识的努力在自己自由意志的引导下 自己也可以达成相同的事情。”

“Projected Consciousness is but increasing the rate of vibration of the atomic structure in both the mind and body of the student. This is done by the Radiation from an Ascended Master and is an activity of the ’Light’ which increases the vibratory rate up to the keynote he sets for the experience. In the higher rate, one uses his faculties of sight and hearing exactly as he does in daily life except that they are expanded into the next octave or zone above the human.

“意识的投射是这名学生心智和身体原子结构振动频率增加的结果。这是在扬升大师的 照耀 之下完成的,这是‘圣光’的活动增加了振动频率 到一个关键的基调从而可以完成这种体验。在更高的频率之中,他可以像在日常生活中那样 使用他的视力和听觉感官 唯一不同之处是它们的功能被拓展至超越人类的更高领域/范围。”

“Such use of our senses is the same as we experience every moment of the waking state because we can become aware of that which is near and that which is distant at exactly the same instant. The expansion or contraction of our consciousness is dependent entirely upon what the individual desires. This is always subject to the free will and conscious direction of the student.

“我们对感官的使用是相同的就像我们在清醒意识中体验的每一刻那样我们在同一时刻可以感知哪些距离我们近,哪些遥远。我们意识的拓展或者收缩 完全取决于 我们个人的意愿。它总是服从于学生的自由意志以及学生对它进行的有意识的指引。”

“One can of his own choice be conscious of a certain tree in his garden or of the entire garden. He uses the same faculty of sight to observe both, and uses it in exactly the same way. When he wants to see all of the garden he makes his sight enlarge its activity until it takes in all he desires. The larger expansion still includes the smaller—so you see you must be conscious of the full control of all your faculties in both places at the same time. The activity that takes place is really an enlargement of the force-field in which the sight acts.

“一个人可以 根据他自己的选择  对他花园中 或者整个花园中的 棵树产生觉知。他使用 同样的视觉感官能力  可以观察到这两者,并以完全相同的方式观察。当他想看到整个花园的时候 他扩大自己的视线范围直至看到了他想看的。在这种拓展的视野中,包含了小的视野所以你看你必须同时 在两个地点对自己感官的运用 拥有完全的觉知。实际上发生的其实是视觉作用力场的拓展。”

“The use of your faculty of sight in this projection or expansion of consciousness is accomplished by the raising of the vibratory rate in the optic nerve. The whole process corresponds to the thing that takes place when one uses a field or marine glass.


“In ordinary experience human consciousness has been accustomed to use its faculties only within certain zones or force-fields and the proof of this is that one can listen to the sound of a person’s voice who is physically present in the room speaking to him and he can also hear the bell of a telephone ring somewhere else in the house at identically the same instant. All the faculties of the outer activity are elastic. They may be used as either a microscope or a telescope depending entirely upon the desire and will of the individual.

“在通常的体验中人类的意识已经习惯于它常常使用的功能只在某些特定的区域或者场域之中有关这一点的证据是一个人可以听到另一个人的声音当这个人在另一间屋子里跟他说话时他在同一时间也能听到房子里某处的电话铃响声。所有这些外在活动的功能是有弹性的。它们可以被用作显微镜或者望远镜,完全取决于 这个人的意愿和意志。”

“If he can be conscious of sound in the room in which his physical body stands, and also be aware of sound two or three rooms distant by exactly the same process in a still farther expansion of this faculty he can hear at a more distant place. To do this one must increase the vibratory rate until it reaches into the more distant zone.

“如果他可以对他肉身所在房间的声音产生觉知,也通过相同的过程 他可以听到两三个房间之外的声音,进一步地拓展这种能力他可以听到更远距离的声音。为了实现这一点一个人需要提高振动频率直至这频率可以触及更远的范围。

“When you contemplate this Great Inner God Activity do you not see how perfectly and readily the outer senses merge into the Inner and what has been two becomes One.

“当你思考这个伟大的内在神之自我的活动你难道没有看到 外在的感官 如何完美而轻松地与内在感官融合在一起曾经的两者合二为一。”

“This activity of consciousness can be applied to all the other senses as well as those of sight and hearing. Such a raising process is natural, normal, and harmonious as simple as the tuning of your radios to any desired wave-length. Radio wavelengths and those of sight and hearing are parts of the same activity. Sound contains color and color contains sound. In ordinary daily experience human beings can hear color and see sound whenever they become still enough.

“这种意识活动可以应用于所有其他的感官以及视觉和听觉。这样一个提升的过程是自然、正常、和谐的 就像你把收音机调频至你想要收听的波长。无线电波长、以及视觉和听觉的波长 是相同活动的一部分。声音之中包含着颜色,颜色中有声音。在日常的经验中,人类可以听到颜色,并看到声音 如果他们变得足够静止的话。”

“Within certain octaves or zones, vibration registers upon the nerves of the eyes and the result is what we call sight. Others register upon the nerves of the ears and the result is what we call hearing. The average person’s eyes only see objects whose vibratory rate comes within these certain octaves for they do not see below the infra red, or above the ultra violet ray or zone. Through the Radiation of an Ascended Master the atomic structure of the brain and eye vibrates fast enough to expand into the next octave above the human.

“在特定的范围或者区域内,振动频率会记录在视神经上,其结果是产生了 视觉。其他的振动频率记录在耳朵神经上,其结果是产生了听觉。普通人的眼睛只能看到某个特定范围内的振动频率 比如看不到红外线之下和紫外线以上的区域。通过扬升大师的 照耀大脑和眼睛的原子结构振动频率会足够快从而拓展至下一个区域高于人类感知的频率范围。”

“This same activity can be expanded several octaves farther either by the Master’s Radiation or at the command of the Inner or God-Self of the individual. Many persons do have such experiences involuntarily but rarely understand what they mean or how they come about. In cases, where individuals have had moments of Transcendent Consciousness or been highly inspired this is what has occurred although they seldom recognize the assistance they have been given.

“同样的活动可以拓展至更更广的范围或者来自扬升大师的照耀或者在这个人 内在神之自我的 要求之下。大多数人偶然间会有这样的体验 但是很少去理解 这样体验的涵义以及它们的原理。在某些情况下,一个人可能有一些超然意识的状态,或者在高度启发之中 就会发生这样的事情尽管他们很少意识到 他们得到的帮助。”

“Projected Consciousness or Vision has nothing whatsoever to do with mental pictures produced by suggestions that exist only in the minds of other human beings. Such thoughts and pictures are but flashed directly into the mind of another person by the one sending the suggestion. It is the same activity that takes place when one reflects the image of the sun into a mirror and then deflects it upon the wall.

“投射的意识或者视野与由别人的建议产生的 仅仅存在于其他人的心智中头脑中的场景毫无关联。这样的想法和图像只是直接闪现 到另一个人的心智中通过提出建议的那个人。这跟人们把太阳的图像反射到镜子上然后再把这图像映射到墙上活动过程是相同的。”

“Suggestion is as different from Projected Consciousness as thinking about a place is different from being physically present. Projection is vivid Living Real as when your physical body is going through an experience, for it is the action of your Inner God-Self with whom the Ascended Master is ONE The Supreme.”

“意识的投射与提出建议不同是因为你心智中想着某个地方 与身体真正地在那里是不同的场景。投射是活生生的生动具体的 真实发生的 就像你的物质身体在进行体验一样,因为这是你内在神之自我的行动扬升大师与你的神之自我是合一的 是至高无上的存在。”

Saint Germain and I then became observers and actors in a scene of long ago. Again, I was outwardly conscious of going through experiences shown me in thought, feeling, and action. The entire operation was as natural and normal as breathing, and the only unusual sensation about it was the feeling of greater freedom and a sense of dominion. We both became very still for a few moments, as he revivified the Etheric Records and my instruction began.


“This is the Sahara Desert,” he said, “when it was fertile country having a semi-tropical climate.”


There were many streams of water carrying abundant moisture everywhere in the land. In the midst of this empire lay the capital, famous throughout the world for its splendor. The executive buildings were placed in the center upon a slight elevation, and from these, the city itself extended equally in every direction.


“This civilization,” he went on, “rose to its apex seventy thousand years ago.”


We entered the city, and felt an unusual rhythmic activity that gave one a strange sensation of lightness while walking. The people all moved about with great ease and grace. I asked Saint Germain the reason for this, and he replied:


“These people remembered their Source and knew themselves as Sons of God hence, were the possessors and operators of power and wisdom that to you may seem miraculous and super-human. Truthfully speaking there are no such things as miracles for all is according to Law and that, which seems miraculous to the present concept of humanity, is but the result of the application of laws to which mankind’s present consciousness is unaccustomed and so seems strange and unusual.

“这些人记得他们的源头知道他们自己是神的孩子因此,他们是权力和智慧的拥有者和执行者在你看来这就像是奇迹 他们就像是超人。说实话 没有所谓奇迹的事情  因为所有的一切都是根据 法则来运作的,这些对当前人类的认知来说是不可思议的 但是它们只是法则运用的结果人类的意识还不习惯这些所以看起来奇怪与不同寻常。”

“When the Reality of Life is correctly understood all manifestation that seems miraculous to your present consciousness is found to be just as natural and normal an experience as the forming of words are to one who has learned the use of the alphabet. It is all but the action of an ever-expanding, ever-progressing manifestation of Life in form and that comes about at all times through an orderly process of Law in love and peace.

“当生命的实相得到正确的理解那么所有的显化 对你现在的意识状态来说是奇迹的那些会被发现是一种自然而然的寻常体验就像是已经学习了使用字母表的人识别起单词一样得心应手。所有的这一切只不过是一种不断拓展、不断进步的生命在物质层面的显化任何时候都有序地在爱与和平中遵循着生命法则的过程。”

“No matter how strange, unusual, and impossible an experience seems to humanity’s present mental state it is no proof that there is not a Greater Law and a Wiser Intelligence acting to produce greater wonders of creation and surrounding us all the time.

“就人类当前心智状态而言 不论一种体验看上去 多么奇怪、不同寻常和不可能发生  这些都不能成为更伟大的法则、更智慧的智能不存在的证据,这些法则和智能在运作中创造更伟大的奇迹,并时时刻刻包围着我们。”

“The knowledge of the greatest minds of humanity in the outer world today is to this Great Inner Wisdom and Power as the understanding of a small child is to the study of calculus.”

“当今外部世界中人类最伟大心智掌握的知识与这种伟大的内在智慧和力量相比 就像是一个小孩子对微积分的理解那般。”

In one building of the central group, we found the attendants attired in most gorgeous fabrics of soft, radiant colors, that harmonized with the interior decoration. One of these acted as guide taking us to the central building, and there he presented us to the king of this great people. The king proved to be Saint Germain.

在位于中央的那座建筑中,我们发现那里的侍者穿着最华丽的面料,散发着柔和的色彩,与建筑物中的装饰相得益彰。他们中的一位担任向导,把我们带到建筑物中央,在那里他给我们介绍这位伟大的国王。而国王就是 圣哲曼。

Beside him stood a young girl, very beautiful. She had hair like spun gold that hung almost to the floor and eyes of a piercing violet-blue. Her entire bearing was one of loving command. I looked inquiringly at Saint Germain, wondering who she could be, and he answered:



Beside her stood a young man about twenty years of age and a lad perhaps fourteen. The young man was he, whom we had seen as the High Priest in the temple at Luxor, and the lad was the lesser priest. These were the children of the king. Again, we four were working together.

站在她旁边的是一位二十岁左右的年轻人,以及一位十四岁左右的少年。那位年轻人就是我们在卢克索神庙中看到的 大祭司,那位少年就是位阶稍低的那位祭司。他们都是国王的孩子。再一次,我们四个人一起工作。

“With this glimpse of former lives,” he said, “let us enter into the activity of that blessed people. I say blessed advisedly, and you shall soon see why. The majority of them still retained the full conscious use of all their wisdom and power as Sons of God—and this—they wielded almost without limit knowing full well from Whence they sprang, and to What they were heirs.

“一睹前世的生活后,”他说,“让我们进入那些受到祝福的人们的活动之中。我说他们收到祝福,你很快就知道其原因了。他们中的大多数人仍然保持着 作为神之子拥有的全部智慧和力量的全然有意识地使用,他们对神圣力量的使用几乎没有限制 他们也完全清楚自己从哪里来自己要到哪里去 以及他们是谁的传承”

“The outer was but the instrument of the Divine Self, as it should be, and was only permitted to do that for which it was created. Naturally the Great Inner Self could act unfettered and, of course the perfection and activity of that period, was one of magnificent accomplishment.”


At the time of this former civilization, the whole empire was filled with great peace, happiness and prosperity. The King-emperor was a ”Master of the Ancient Wisdom” and a ”Real Cupbearer of the Light.” He ruled by that “Light” and his empire was the living example of Perfection.

在之前的这个文明时期,整个帝国都充满了和平、幸福与繁荣。国王 是一位“远古的智慧大师”  他是一名“真正的光之承载者”。他通过那“圣光”来统治 他统治下的帝国就是 完美的最好见证。