圣哲曼系列 01《奥秘揭示》 UNVEILED MYSTERIES (part 6)


Thus ended our observation of those very ancient scenes. I could hardly believe my senses I was so astonished at the way the experiences of the past were revivified the pictures projected in all three dimensions and the activity of the people in that remote age portrayed.


Realizing how surprised and unaccustomed to such activities I was Saint Germain promised to take me to the physical records of that period and its people and give me physical proof that it was not a vision conjured up by him.

意识到我对这样体验的惊讶之情与不熟悉之感圣哲曼承诺要带我去看那个时期以及那时人们的实物记录证明给我看这一切 并不是由他凭空捏造出来的场景。

Glancing around from the log upon which we were seated, we saw the panther lying nearby fast asleep. Saint Germain took up the explanation of several important phases on the application of higher laws, for the manifesting of one’s own inherent dominion over the things of the sense world. This led to how he was able to express such youth and Perfection in a body so old according to the way human beings count time.


“Eternal Youth,” he explained, “is the Flame of God abiding in the body of man the Father’s gift of Himself to His Creation. Youth and beauty of both mind and body can only be kept permanently by those individuals who are strong enough to shut out discord, and whoever does that can and will express Perfection and maintain it.

“永恒的青春,”他解释说,“是居住在人体中的神之火焰这是来自父神的,赠予他造物的礼物。心智和身体的年轻与美丽只能由那些 强大到不受不和谐影响的个体保持,不论是谁,如果做到这一点,就可以表达出完美并维持这种状态。”

“Where Peace, Love, and Light do not abide within the thoughts and feelings of a human being no amount of physical effort can possibly keep the outer self expressing youth and beauty. These exist Eternally within the God Flame which is the Divine Self of every individual. Whatever discord the outer self allows to flash through the thought and feeling is that instant stamped upon the flesh of the physical body. Eternal Youth and Beauty are Self-Created and forever Self-Existent within the Flame of God’s Life in every human being. This is God’s Plan for manifesting His Perfection into the world of form and maintaining it forever.


“Youth, Beauty, and Perfection are attributes of Love which the God Principle is continually pouring forth into Its Creation. Within each individual is placed the power and means for maintaining and increasing that perfect ever-expanding activity of creation.

“青春、美丽和完美是爱的属性,神之法则不断地倾注到它的创造之中。每个个体都被放置了保持和增加 这种不断拓展的完美创造活动的力量和方法”

“The power of accomplishment is the energy of the God Self in each human being born into the world. It is always active every moment in your mind, body, and world. There is no instant in which this mighty energy is not flowing through all individuals. You are privileged to qualify it as you please at the command of your own free will through consciously directed thought and feeling.


“Thought is the only thing in the universe that can create vibration and through vibration you qualify this ever-flowing energy with whatever you desire to have manifest in your life and world. This limitless, intelligent, radiant energy is flowing ceaselessly through your nervous system and is the Eternal Life and vitality in the blood stream coursing through your veins. It is an all-powerful, omnipresent, intelligent activity given you by the Father the God Principle of Life to be consciously directed according to your freewill. Real Intelligence which uses everything constructively comes only from Within the God Principle the Flame of Life and is not merely the activity of the intellect. Real Intelligence is Wisdom or God knowledge and this does not and cannot think wrong thoughts. Wrong thoughts come only from impressions made upon the intellect by the world outside of the individual. If individuals would discriminate between their own thoughts that is thoughts from within their own God Flame and the suggestions, thrown off by other people’s intellects and the evidence of the senses which consider appearances only they would be able to avoid all discordant activities and conditions in the world of experience.

“思想是宇宙之中唯一可以产生振动的东西通过振动你赋予这种永远流动的能量以你想要的特质,从而显化在你的生活和你所在的世界中。这种无限的、智能的、闪耀的能量一直在流动永不停歇地流过你的神经系统它是你血管中流淌血液的永恒生命和活力。它是一种全能的、无所不在的智能活动 由父神生命的神之原则赋予你的它可以根据你的自由意志有意识地引导。来自神之道生命的火焰的真正智能建设性地使用所有一切,不仅仅是智力的活动。真正的智能是智慧、或者神之知识它不能也不会思考错误的想法。错误的想法仅仅是由个人外在自我在世界上对智力施加的烙印。如果人们可以分辨出他们自己的想法也就是来自他们自己神之火焰的想法以及由其他人的智力抛出的建议和仅仅考虑表相的迷惑感官证据之间的区别那么他们就可以在体验的世界中避免所有不和谐的活动和状况。”

“The Light from within one’s own God Flame is the criterion the standard of Perfection by which all thoughts and feelings that reach us through the five senses should be tested. No one can keep his thoughts and feelings qualified with Perfection unless he goes to the ’Source of Perfection’ for that quality and Perfection only abides within the God Flame.

“来自一个人自己神之火焰的圣光是衡量所有通过我们五感来到我们思想和情感中一切的完美标准。没有人可以赋予他的想法和情感以完美特质除非他到达‘完美的源头’ 因为那种特质和完美仅仅存在于神之火焰中。”

“This is the individual’s need for meditation upon and communion with the Light of God within himself. Pure Life Essence will not only give and sustain Eternal youth and beauty in the body but will enable you to maintain Perfect Balance between your God-Self and the outer or personal self. In fact this Pure Life Energy is the power which the outer self uses to hold its connection with its Divine Source the God Self. In reality these two are One except, when the intellect or outer activity of the mind the sense consciousness accepts imperfection, inharmony, incompleteness or thinks itself a creation apart from the All-Pervading One ‘Presence’ of Life. If the sense consciousness thinks itself something separate from God Perfection then that condition is established unto it for what the sense consciousness thinks into its world the world returns to it.

“这个人需要与他自己内在的神之光 进行冥想和交流。纯粹的生命精华不仅会给予和维系身体永远的年轻和美丽也会让你保持你的神之自我和外在个人自我之间的完美平衡。事实上这种纯粹的生命能量是外在自我用来与它的神圣源头神之自我保持连接的能量。实际上,这两者其实是一体的除非当智力或者心智的外在活动感官意识接受不完美、不和谐、不完整,并认为自己不是来自全能合一生命‘临在’的创造。如果感官意识认为它自己是与神完美分离的,那么这样的状况就会建立在它身上因为不论感官意识在它所在的世界思考什么这世界都会返回给它。”

“When one lets an idea of imperfection or separation from God occupy his attention, and therefore his mind a condition corresponding to that begins to express itself in his body and world. This causes the person to feel himself an entity apart from his Source. The moment he thinks himself separated from God he thinks his Life, Intelligence, and Power has beginning and end.

“当一个人让一个不完美的、或者与神分离的想法占据了他的注意力,因此他的心智 一种与那个想法相对应的状况就开始表达在他的身体和世界中。这会导致这个人 感觉 他是与他的源头分离的实体。就在他认为自己与神分离的那一刻他也认为他的生命、智能和力量便有了开始和终结。”

“Life always has been, is now, and always will be. No one can really destroy Life. Through various activities in the mental and physical world form can be disintegrated or temporarily demolished but the consciousness of the individual is Eternal; and can control all substance everywhere in manifestation when the God Life within is acknowledged as the ’Knower, Giver, and Doer’ of all good in creation.


“I tell you Truth when I say there is only one Source of all Good God. The conscious recognition and acceptance of this Fact acknowledged by the outer activity of the mind, not two or three times a day but every few moments all day long no matter what the outer self is doing, and this maintained will enable anyone to express his perfect freedom and dominion over all things human.

“我是在告诉你真相 当我说只存在一个所有良善的源头神 的时候。心智的外在活动有意识地承认和接受这个事实,不是每天两到三次 而是一天之中每隔几分钟就去这样做 不论外在的自我在做什么,并且一直保持下去 这么做会让人在人类事物中都表达出他的完美自由和统领。”

“To most people the above sounds difficult for they have lived so many centuries in the belief that they are beings apart from God while every instant of every day, they are using God Life God Energy God Substance and God Activity in everything they think and do without realizing it. However, it requires the conscious admitting of this fact in the outer activity of the mind, and constructive direction, to release Its Full Power through the personal self.

“对大多数人来说,以上这些听起来很困难因为他们很多世纪以来都拥有这样的信念:他们是与神分离的存有然而于此同时,在每一天之中、在他们所想的每一件事中,他们都使用着神的生命神的能量神的物质和神的活动,他们没有意识到这一点。不过,需要在心智的外在活动中有意识地承认这一事实,并进行建设性地引导,才会通过 个人自我释放它全部的能量。”

“Recognition, conscious direction, and constructive use of the God Energy maintained within one’s self at all times is the way of Perfection, Mastery, and Dominion over all things on earth including the conscious control of all natural forces. The instruction I have been giving you will erase completely all false beliefs if maintained. The rapidity with which it is accomplished depends upon how continuously, persistently, and deeply you feel and associate with your God Self.


“In the attainment of Mastery or Adeptship the conscious control of all force and manipulation of substance are dependent first upon the acknowledgment of your own individual God Self; second, upon perfect calmness of feeling under all circumstances; and third, one must be passed all temptation of misusing power. The stilling of all emotions at the command of the conscious will is imperative and the demand for it in the Adept is unconditional if Dominion is to be attained.


“It does not mean a repression of discord within one’s self at any time but is a stilling and harmonizing of the feelings no matter what the circumstances are which surround the mind or body of the student. Such control is not an easy thing for humanity in the Western World because the temperament of most people in the Occident is sensitive, emotional, and impulsive. This characteristic is energy of tremendous power. It must be controlled held in reserve and released only through conscious direction for the accomplishment of something constructive. Until the waste of energy is checked and completely governed the individual cannot, and never will, make permanent progress.

“它并不意味着总是去压制一个人内心的不和谐而是在所有的情况中让包围着学生心智和身体的情感处于平静和和谐的状态。这种控制对西方人来说并不是一件容易的事情 因为大多数西方人的性情是敏感的、情绪化和冲动的。这种特性拥有巨大的能量。它必须受控处于保留状态只有在有意识的引导下才可以释放从而完成一些建设性的事情。在能量的浪费得到控制和完全掌控之前一个人不能、也永远不会取得永久的进步。”

“The student often asks, if one reaches a point while still on the path of attainment where he rises above the use of affirmation? When an individual sincerely uses affirmation he brings about a full acceptance of the Truth of whatever he affirms for its use is but to focus the attention of the outer mind so steadily upon the Truth that he accepts it fully in his feelings because feeling is the actual- God Energy released which manifests the Truth affirmed.


“The continued use of affirmation brings one to the point where he has such a deep realization of the Truth in anything he affirms that he is no longer conscious of it as an affirmation. One uses an affirmation, mantram, or prayer because he desires something made manifest. Right desire is the deepest form of prayer. Thus by the use of affirmation the student raises his outer self into the full acceptance of its Truth and generates the feeling by which it becomes a thing manifest. In this deep acceptance comes the manifestation for through concentration the spoken word begins to cause instantaneous activity.”


My gratitude to Saint Germain for all I had received was too deep for words. He read my thoughts and feelings as one reads a book, and so we both sat silent for some few moments in perfect attunement. He roused me from my reverie to watch the gorgeous colors in the western sky the sunset’s afterglow.


I wanted to remain on the mountain all night and return home in the morning, enjoying the sunrise. I had no sooner felt the desire than a beautiful sleeping bag lay at my feet. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. I reached down to examine the unusual fabric of which it was made, and to my astonishment found it glowing and warm. I looked up, and Saint Germain smilingly extended to me a crystal cup filled with golden liquid about the consistency of honey. Obedient to his slightest wish I drank it, and instantly, a radiant glow passed through my body. When I had finished, the cup disappeared in my hand.


“O why could I not keep this lovely creation?” I asked in surprise. “Patience my Son,” he answered, “are not your desires being fulfilled one by one? Your sleeping bag will remain until daybreak, and your friend, the panther, will guard you during the night.”


Bowing slightly, and with a smile that was graciousness itself, his body became gradually indistinct and then disappeared entirely. I lay down in the lovely bag and was soon fast asleep. As the rosy tints of dawn touched the eastern horizon, I awoke, and the first thought in my mind was concerning the bag, which I had so much enjoyed. With that thought it vanished back into the universal substance—from which it had come.


The panther came toward me, and together we turned our footsteps homeward. After walking for some distance, the sound of men’s voices caught our ears. The animal sniffed the air, suddenly stopped directly in front of me, and looked up. I reached down and patting him, said:


“Now you may go.” He bounded away into the thickly wooded section of the mountain to the right of the trail. I continued on my way without further incident, and at last reached my lodgings shortly after noon, in a state of mind hard to find words to describe.


I wanted to think contemplate digest and become adjusted to an entirely new set of ideas. The unusual yet very real experiences through which I had passed within the forty-eight hours just preceding, were causing me to reorder my entire world. I was happy in the extreme and yet, it seemed as if another universe had manifested itself around me.


There was the same old prosaic world on the outside that I had always known to be sure, and yet was it? Within it all the time had been these wonderful experiences this tremendous power these marvelous revelations of freedom and dominion over all manifestation of which I had been so totally unaware.


I had been surrounded all my life by these seeming miracles to which in my previous years I was as oblivious as if no such thing existed in creation. I thought and thought, deeper and deeper than I had ever contemplated anything before in my whole existence.


The dinner hour arrived but I was not hungry. However, to begin the evening meal, I ordered a glass of milk. It was served and a few moments later, as I tasted it imagine my astonishment to find that it had become the same creamy liquid Saint Germain had first given me.


I finished the meal returned home, and was preparing my bath before retiring, when suddenly the familiar electrical signal thrilled me from head to foot. Involuntarily I held out my hand and in a few seconds a small cake of crystal-like substance formed in the palm. I somehow knew this was to be put in my bath, and had no more than dropped the substance into the water than it immediately bubbled and sparkled as though alive.


I stepped in, and a tingling sensation thrilled every cell in my body. I felt charged with a high powered electrical current that illumined and strengthened my whole being. My bath finished, I lay down, and soon dropped into a dreamless sleep.
