圣哲曼系列 03《“我是”开示 》THE“I AM” DISCOURSES (part 10)

                 DISCOURSE 开示 IX



INVOCATION: Thou Mighty, All-Powerful, Active Presence—God! We ever grow in deeper praise, thanks and gratitude to Thee for Thy Life, Thy Light, and Thy Intelligent Power manifest everywhere in the Universe; for Thy Active Presence manifest in the mind, body, home, world and affairs of everyone.

祈请:你那伟大、全能的活跃临在 — 神!我们对你显化在宇宙中那无所不在的生命、圣光和智能力量,给予不断增加的赞美、感谢和感激;因为你那活跃的临在表达在每个人的心智、身体、家庭、世界和事务中。

Enable us to understand and feel Thy Radiant Power, always active in our world, affairs, and business—knowing no single activity can go wrong; for Thou dost govern all action in Thy Love and Justice, guiding and regulating all.

让我们可以理解并感受到,你那闪耀的力量,始终活跃在我们的世界、事务和商业活动中 —— 知晓任何一项活动都不会出错;因为你以你的慈悲和正义,掌管着一切行动,指导和规范一切。

Thou Mighty Supreme Ruler of the Universe! whose Law is Justice, whose Power is Invincible! protect America in Thy Great, Blazing, Loving Presence. Reveal to the authorities of the United States of America any wrong activities.


“I AM” the Mighty Channel of Justice, claiming all now and for all time, that they serve only the cause of America and the Light of God. No human thought shall enter in. No human hand shall be raised against her, for she is sealed within the Love of the “Great Ascended Host of Light” forever.


Mighty God of the Universe! Thy Love, Light, Wisdom, Intelligence and Justice shall fill every office in the land; all political graft shall be wiped out forever, and Thou shalt reign through Thy Creation, through Thy Children, in Perfect Justice to all.


I bring you Greetings from the Great Host, ever watching over and ministering through Their Divine Radiation—to heal, bless, enlighten and prosper all who will accept.

我给你们带来伟大上主的问候,通过他们的神圣照耀,一直进行着守护和服务 — 为所有向他们保持开放的人带来疗愈、祝福、启发和富足。

                                 THE DISCOURSE


One of the great needs of individuals, and even of sincere students today, is to feel the necessity of giving time morning and evening to sincere meditation: to the stilling of the outer activity that the Inner Presence may come forth unobstructed.


Meditation really means — feeling—the Active Presence of God. Therefore, when one attempts to enter meditation, he cannot drag all the disturbance that has beset him during the day along with him. Therefore, consciously remove from the feeling and attention every disturbing thing, enter into your meditation to feel the “Presence of God,” and do not revolve your troubles. When the Statement was given: “Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free, ” it meant the recognition, acceptance and Activity of the “Mighty I AM Presence. “

冥想实际上意味着 — 感受神的活跃临在。因此,当一个人进入冥想时,他不能把白天困扰他的所有那些干扰带入冥想。因此,要有意识地从感觉和注意力中移除所有扰乱你的事情,进入冥想中,感受“神之临在”,不要在你的烦恼中打转。有这样一句话:“去知晓真理,真理会让你获得自由。”这句话意味着对“伟大我是临在”活动的认可和接受。

First, know: “I AM” is the First Principle and absolute certainty of Freedom now. Second, know: “I AM” the active Presence, governing all manifestation in my Life and world perfectly. Then I have entered into the Truth which shall bring all Freedom. I must relate a thing that would be most laughable, if it were not really serious. You would chastise it and rebel considerably if your little pet dog continued to carry bones from the alley into your living room. You would think he were doing that which is very much out of place.


Do you know, Beloved Students of Truth, that when you allow your minds to dwell upon disturbing things or experiences, you are doing a great deal worse than bringing bones into the living room? The unfortunate thing with students and individuals which seems so difficult for them to understand is: never under any circumstances try to hold the water that has gone over the wheel.


In other words, the unpleasant experiences, losses, or any imperfection that has passed over your wheel of experience to the present time should never be held close to you. They have gone over the wheel—forgive and forget them. To give and forgive is Godlike indeed. For illustration: if an individual or group of individuals has gone into a business undertaking, and through lack of understanding, it has failed or gone to pieces, it is always because of inharmony in the mental attitude and feelings.

换而言之,那些不愉快的体验、损失或者不完美的经历,那些从你的体验之轮中已经滚动过去的所有事情,都不要一直把它们放在你的注意力中。它们已经滚动过去了 — 原谅并释放它们。去给予和去宽恕的确是神一般的行为。举个例子:若是某个个体或团体承担起一项事业,由于缺乏理解,这项事业失败或溃散,这是因为心智的态度和情感存在着不和谐。

If every individual in such an association would take his stand—and hold it —that there was only God in Action, only the most perfect success would come out of it. Since the individual has free will, if he will not control his own thought and feeling, he will wreck things for himself and others. Such is the Great Law, unless every individual corrects his own thought and feeling, and keeps it so.

若是这样团体中的每一个个体都坚持自己的立场 — 坚守这一点 — 只有神在运作,其结果只有最完美的成功。因为个体拥有自我意志,若是他不去控制自己的想法和情感,他就会毁掉自己和他人的事业。这就是伟大的法则,除非每个人去纠正自己的想法和情感,而且要保持这种状态,否则就会失败。

Everyone who manifests in the physical form today has made plenty of mistakes—sometime, somewhere—so let no one take the attitude, ” ‘I AM’ more holy than thou” but each one’s first attitude should be to call on the Law of Forgiveness; and if he be feeling or sending criticism, condemnation, or hate to another of God’s children, a brother or sister, he can never have enlightenment or success until he calls on the Law of Forgiveness. Further than this, he must say to that person to whom he was feeling disturbed in any way—silently: “I send to you the fullness of the Divine Love of my Being to bless and prosper you.” This attitude is the only release and Freedom from the seeming failures of the outer activity.

现今,显化在肉身形态之中的人都犯了很多错误 — 某个时间、某个地点 — 所以任何人都不应该有这样的态度:“‘我是’要比你更加神圣”。每个人应该端正的首要态度就是转向宽恕法则,若是一个人对另一位神之子、他的兄弟姐妹散发出评判、谴责或者仇恨,除非他呼请宽恕法则,否则他永远不可能获得开悟或者成功。更进一步地,他还必须要对那位让他感到不安的人默默地说:“我向你发送我存在的全部神圣之爱,来祝福你,并给你带来成功。”这种态度是从外在活动的看似失败中解脱出来,重获自由的唯一方法。

For individuals to continually revolve in their minds and discussion a business or project that has disintegrated will surely in the end destroy themselves—if they do not face about, and through calling on the Law of Forgiveness find complete conscious release from the entire situation.


For an individual to hold an attitude of revenge for any seeming wrong, imaginary or otherwise, can only bring upon himself incapacity of mind and body. The old, yet wondrous Statement brought down to us through the ages: “Unless you are willing to forgive, how can you be forgiven,” is one of the Mightiest Laws for use in human experience. Oh that individuals and many students could only see how they hold to themselves the things they do not want by allowing the mind to revolve upon the discordant things which have passed and cannot be helped through the outer senses!


The greatest thing that all mankind is seeking in reality is Peace and Freedom, which is always the doorway to happiness. There is only one possible way to receive this, which is to know God—the “I AM Presence” —and that this Presence is the only acting Intelligence in your Life and world at all times. Then stand by this and live it.

全人类在现实生活中追求的最伟大的事情就是和平与自由,它们是通往幸福的途径。只有一种方法到达那里,那就是认识神 — 也就是“我是临在”。这位临在是你生命和世界中唯一的行动智能。坚持这一点,并活出这一点。

One of the most amazing things that it has been My experience to witness—since coming into the Ascended State—is the distorted idea of Freedom, financially and otherwise. There is but one sure, certain rock upon which to build your eternal financial freedom, and that is to know and feel with every fiber of your Being: ” ‘I AM, the wealth, the opulence, the substance, already perfected in my world, of every constructive thing that I can possibly conceive of or desire. ” This is true financial freedom and will bring it as surely as it is maintained—and it will not get away, I assure you.

自从进入扬升状态以来,我所经历的最令人惊奇的事情之一,就是目睹对自由这个词的扭曲,不论是财务上的,还是其他的。只有一块确切的、确定的基石,让你可以建立自己的永恒财务自由,那就是用你存在的每一条神经去感受:“‘我是’我想到的、或者想要去做的每一件建设性事情的财富、丰盛和材质,这在我的世界已经完美。”这是真正的财务自由,并且它一定会带来它所保持的 — 而且它不会消失,我向你保证。

On the other hand, man may use—knowingly or unknowingly—enough of this “God I AM Presence’, or God-Energy to accumulate through the outer activity millions of dollars; but wherein is his certainty of keeping it? I assure you, it is impossible for any Being in the physical world to keep wealth that is accumulated without his being aware that God is the Power producing and sustaining it. You see before you constant illustrations of great wealth taking wings overnight, as it were. Thousands within the past four years have met this experience. Even after the seeming loss had occurred, had they been able to take their firm, conscious stand: ” ‘I AM’ the wealth—God in Action—now manifest in my Life, my world,” the way, the door, would have immediately opened for them to have again received abundance.

另一方面,人类可能 — 有意或无意地 — 使用了足够多的“神之我是临在”,或是,神的能量通过外部活动积累了数百万美元;但是他确保这百万美元一直存在的确定性在哪里?我向你保证,若是意识不到神才是产生并维系财富存在的力量,那么物质世界的任何人都不可能保留下这积累的财富。你会看到不断出现的实例,巨额财富仿佛在一夜之间蒸发完。过去四年中,有数千人有过这种经历。但是,即便经历了表面上的损失,一个人仍然可以采取坚定的有意识的立场:“‘我是’财富 — 运作中的神 — 现在就显化在我的生命和我的世界中。” 然后,道路、大门就会立即开放,让他们再次获得丰盛。

Why do I say, “Again to have received abundance”? Because they had built the momentum and had attained great confidence. Therefore all requirements were at hand ready for further use; but in most instances, they allowed great discouragement—often hatred and condemnation—to enter in, which shut and locked the door to further progress.

为什么我会说“会让他们再次获得丰盛呢?”因为他们已经积攒了势头,获得了极大的信心。因此,所有的要求已经具备,可供进一步使用;但是在大多数情况下,人们会让极大的沮丧 — 通常来说是仇恨和谴责 — 进入,从而关闭和锁上更进一步的大门。

Now let me assure you, Beloved Children of God, there is no outer condition ever existed in this world so bad, so disastrous, but that there is the “I AM, ” the Active Presence of God with the Eternal Strength and Courage of the Universe, to again rebuild you into Freedom and independence, financially and every way.


I especially want the students who come under this Radiation to understand this, because in this day of falling thrones and governments, individual fortunes and otherwise, they need to know and understand if their wealth has flown away through ignorance of understanding, then the “I AM Presence” in them, God in Action, is the sure Rebuilder of their faith, confidence, wealth, or to whatever they wish to direct their conscious attention. Thus they allow this Mighty Inner Energy to flow into their desire—which is the only Power that ever accomplished anything.

我特别希望在这种照耀之下的学生能够理解这一点,因为在这个王位、政府、个人财富等等纷纷垮台的世代,他们需要知道并理解,如果他们的财富因为自己的无知而飞走了,那么他们内在的“我是临在”,运作中的神,定然是可以重新建立他们的信念、信心和财富,不论他们希望把他们的注意力导向哪里,“我是临在”都是重新建设者。因此,他们允许这种伟大的内在能量流入他们的意愿之中 — 这是可以完成任何事情的唯一力量。

Every individual who has seemingly expressed a loss of wealth to any degree should immediately use the marvelous Statement of Jesus: ” ‘I AM’ the Resurrection and the Life of my business, my understanding, or whatever thing I wish to focus my attention on. “


I tell you frankly, Beloved Students and individuals, there is not the slightest hope for you in heaven or earth so long as you persist in holding within your consciousness thoughts and feelings of criticism, condemnation, or hate of any description, and that includes mild dislike.


This leads us to the very vital point that you are concerned only with your own activity and your world. It is not your province to judge another, for you do not know the forces playing upon another or the conditions. You know only the angle that you see of it, and I tell you that if an individual should be entirely innocent of any intent to wrong another, the individuals who send criticism, condemnation or hate to such an one are doing worse than committing physical murder. Why is this so? Because thought and feeling are the only Creative Power; and while such thoughts and feelings may not touch or harm their objective, they must return and bring with them the conditions sent out by the individual who sent them forth—and always with accumulated energy.

这把我们带向非常重要的一点:你只需要去关心自己的活动和自己的世界。评判他人不是你的职责,因为你不知道影响其他人或状况的因素是什么。你只知道你看上去事情的角度,我来告诉你,若是一个人完全没有任何伤害他人的意图,那么其他向这个人发送评判、谴责或仇恨的人,比实施人身谋杀更加糟糕。为什么如此,因为想法和情感是唯一创造的力量,虽然这些想法和情感可能不会触动或伤害他们投射的目标,但是它们一定会返回,并携带着发送这些能量出去的个体所限定的状况 — 而且总是伴随着积累的能量。

So after all, the one who holds vicious thoughts to another is in reality but destroying himself, his business and his affairs. There is no possible way of averting it, except for the individual to awaken and consciously reverse the currents.


Let us go one step further. Throughout all ages, there have been business associations in which there were one or possibly two with the deliberate intent to do wrong, and through this association, a number of individuals absolutely innocent of any wrong intent have been imprisoned. I now tell you, as an Unfailing Law that cannot be changed, that the individual or individuals who cause innocent persons to be incarcerated—thus depriving them of their of action as God intended—will bring that exact experience which they have desired for another into their own experience, even unto the third and fourth embodiment following.

让我们更进一步。古往今来,总是有一些商业协会,其中会有那么一两个持有做错事的意图。通过这样的协会,就会有一些绝对无辜的、没有任何负面意图的个人被关押起来。我来告诉您,作为一则永远不会被改变的永恒法则,那些导致无辜之人被监禁的个体 — 他们这么做剥夺了那些个体本应按照神去运作的权利 — 因此会把他们让其他人遭受的这些确切体验带入到他们自己的经历之中,甚至可以携带到接下来的第三、第四次转世。

For Myself, I would rather a thousand times be deliberately shot down than to be the instrument of depriving any of God’s Children of their liberty. There is no greater crime reigning in human experience today than the prevailing use of circumstantial evidence, for in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it is afterwards found to be entirely wrong. Sometimes the Truth is never known to the outer senses.


So Beloved Students, let no one seeking the “Light” ever set himself up in judgment on another of God’s Children.


Again, supposing someone we love very much seems to be going all awry. What is the first thing the outer would do? As a rule, to begin sitting in judgment and criticism. The most powerful thing that can and should be done for such an individual by everyone who knows anything of the circumstances is to pour out all their Love and to silently know: ” ‘I AM’, God in Action, is the only controlling Intelligence and Activity within this brother or sister.” To keep silently speaking to that one’s consciousness is the greatest help possible to be given.


Many times to remonstrate verbally with an individual sets up a condition of antagonism, intensifying rather than erasing the activity which the silent work would be absolutely certain to accomplish.


No one in the outer consciousness can possibly know what the “I AM God Presence” in the other individual wishes to do. These are vital Truths that, if maintained, would bring very great peace into the lives of individuals. Many lives with their attendant business efforts are ruined because there is lurking within the consciousness of the individual judgment, condemnation, or a feeling of some degree of hatred toward another.


The student or individual who wants to leap ahead in the progress of the Light should never enter sleep until he has consciously sent Love to every individual whom he feels has harmed him at any time. This thought of Love will go straight as an arrow into the consciousness of the other individual—because it cannot be stopped—there generating its Quality and Power which will as surely come back to you as you send it out.

想要在圣光中取得进步的学生或个人,在他有意识地把爱发送给他认为曾经伤害过的个体之前,不要入睡。这种爱的思想会像一只箭头一样,射入到另一个人的意识中,因为它无法被阻止 — 在那里产生爱的特质和力量,正如你发出它时那样,它也一定会回到你身边。

There is perhaps no single element responsible for so many diseased conditions of body and mind as the feeling of hate sent out to another individual. There is no telling how this will react upon the mind and body of the sender. In one, it will produce one effect; in another, still a different effect. Let it be here understood that resentment is but another form of hate, only of a milder degree.


A very wonderful thought to live in always is: ” ‘I AM’ the Perfect Creative Thought and Feeling everywhere present in the minds and hearts of individuals. ” It is a most marvelous thing. It not only brings rest and peace to yourself, but releases limitless Gifts from the “Presence. “


Another is: ” ‘I AM’ the Mighty Law of Divine Justice and Protection acting in the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere. ” You can apply and use this with enormous force and power in every way. Another is: ” ‘I AM’ Divine Love, filling the minds and hearts of individuals everywhere.”


As you think on this, you will understand what was done when this home was made a Radiating Center of the “Active Presence of God.” You will suddenly come into a realization of the gigantic application of this. Everything in the Life experience of humanity can be governed by the “I AM Presence”. The use of the “I AM Presence ” is the Highest Activity that can be given.


When you say “I AM,” you set God into action; but there is a lot more to it which you will come to realize—when you feel and know the enormity of the use of this Expression. Realize the Enormous Power of the “I AM” to act in things of this kind. ” ‘I AM’ the God Power Almighty.” There is no other power that can act. When you say and feel this, then you liberate and loose the Full Activity of God.


Another Statement: ” ‘I AM’ the conscious memory of these things.” Also: ” ‘I AM’ the conscious memory, use and understanding in the use of these things.”


When you say: “The Presence that ‘I AM’ clothes me in my Eternal Transcendent Garment of Light,” it actually does take place that moment,


“The Secret Place of the Most High” is this “I AM Presence”. The Sacred Things that are revealed to you are not to be cast forth, for they are as pearls. Know always: ” ‘I AM’ the perfect poise of speech and action at all times. ” Then the guard is always up, for: ” ‘I AM’ the Protecting Presence.”


God’s Energy is always waiting to be directed. Inherent within the expression of the “I AM” is the Self-sustaining Activity. Then you know there is no time. This brings you to the instantaneous action, and your precipitation will soon take place. Always preceding a manifestation you will feel that absolute stillness.


BENEDICTION: We give thanks, “O Mighty I AM Presence,” for having entered into Thy Secret Place. Let Thy Wisdom govern at all times the dispensation of Thy Light. Let Thy Wisdom guard and direct our minds and bodies at all times, that they always act in perfect accord with Thee. As Thou art called forth into action—”O Mighty I AM Presence”—we know we are always charged at all times with Thy Mighty Energy, and that It accomplishes all perfectly wherever it is sent.

祝福: “噢,伟大的我是临在” ,我们感谢进入了你那奥秘之地。让你那智慧时刻主宰着你那圣光的分配。让你那智慧时刻守护并指导我们的心智和身体,让它们总是同你处于完美的校准状态。当你被呼请着进行行动 — “噢,伟大的我是临在” — 我们知道我们始终被你那伟大的能量充满着,不论它被发送到哪里,它都能完美地完成一切。



Legal affirmations: For the one not in the midst of the case, take this Statement:


” ‘I AM’ the Law. “

” ‘I AM’ the Justice.”

” I AM’ the Judge. “

” ‘I AM’ the Jury. “





Knowing that: ” ‘I AM’ ALL-Powerful” then I know that only Divine Justice can be done here.

知晓:“ ‘我是’无所不能的,然后就会知晓,在这里实现的只有神圣正义。”